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Putting CBT in a Strategic Context: Development, Conservation, and Investment TNRF/KTF Community-based Tourism Info-Fair Fred Nelson.

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Presentation on theme: "Putting CBT in a Strategic Context: Development, Conservation, and Investment TNRF/KTF Community-based Tourism Info-Fair Fred Nelson."— Presentation transcript:

1 Putting CBT in a Strategic Context: Development, Conservation, and Investment TNRF/KTF Community-based Tourism Info-Fair Fred Nelson

2 Tourism’ Triple Bottom Line Community- based Tourism

3 The Macro-economic picture Per capita GDP Growth upwards of 7% in recent years MKUKUTA calls for 6-8% annually But limited impact on rural poverty MKUKUTA: ‘Need for much stronger macro-micro linkages’ Growth without Poverty Reduction? THEMATIC PICTURE Source: IMF, World Economic Outlook Source: 2003 Tanzania Poverty and Human Development Report

4 Tourism is a major ‘growth engine’ nationally Goal is to keep growing: official target of 1 million visitors by 2010 Objective is also to broaden the benefits- ‘macro-micro linkages’ Tourism: More and Better Growth THEMATIC PICTURE Tanzania Tourism Arrivals and Receipts, 1995-2004 Data: Ministry of Natural Resources and Tourism

5 Tourism growth 1990- present relatively concentrated National Parks: Northern Circuit Southern Circuit New growth opportunities increasingly limited inside parks in core circuits Tourism and National Parks THEMATIC PICTURE

6 CBT and Conservation THEMATIC PICTURE The Case of Tarangire Park dependent on land outside its boundaries for sustainable wildlife conservation  If wildlife is not valuable to local landholders, it is likely to disappear Source: Tarangire Elephant Project

7 CBT and Conservation CBT is the longest-running model in Tanzania for voluntary local land use decisions supporting wildlife conservation and protected area management CBT has a major strategic importance in the context of national conservation policy 135,000 acres set aside by Lolkisale village Source: Tarangire Elephant Project

8 The Case of Ololosokwan Village CBT- Conservation and Development THEMATIC PICTURE Source: Nelson and Ole Makko (2005), Turning Natural Resources into Assets

9 CBT: The Triple Bottom Line Tourism sector growth needs to diversify and be able to expand its products outside core areas Communities need alternative sources of income in rural areas Wildlife depends on village lands Conservation Tourism Investment Rural Development

10 Looking Ahead… Can Tourism’s Growth be Community-based?  Legal and Institutional Barriers  Informational Barriers  Cultural and Communication Barriers Ultimately, Growth Must be Community-based

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