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What are human rights?

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Presentation on theme: "What are human rights?"— Presentation transcript:

1 What are human rights?

2 Civil Rights vs. Human Rights Civil rights are rights that an individual enjoys by virtue of citizenship. Civil rights have the protection of the constitution. Civil rights are related to the constitution of each country, whereas human rights are considered a universal right. While human rights are basic rights inherent with birth, civil rights are the creation of society.

3 Universal Declaration of Human Rights A document written, declaring the rights that everyone in the entire world should have Written in 1948 by committee headed by Eleanor Roosevelt, wife of FRD Adopted by the United Nations General Assembly Arose from the experience of WWII Consists of 30 articles Today there are 192 member states of the United Nations, all of whom have signed on in agreement

4 Articles in Universal Declaration of Human Rights 1.We are all born free & equal 2.Don’t discriminate 3.The right to life 4.No slavery 5.No torture 6.You have rights no matter where you go 7.We’re all equal before the law 8.Your human rights are protected by the law 9.No unfair detainment 10.The right to trial 11.We’re always innocent until proven guilty 12.The right to privacy 13.Freedom to move 14.The right to seek a safe place to live 15.Right to nationality 16.Marriage and family 17.The right to your own things 18.Freedom of thought 19.Freedom of expression 20.The right to public assembly 21.The right to Democracy 22.Social Security 23.Workers’ rights 24.The right to play 25.Food and shelter for all 26.The right to education 27.Copyright 28.A fair and free world 29.Responsibility 30.No one can take away your human rights

5 GROUPS Guillermo & Francisco Hannah & Lupita Molly & Gino Charlie & Liz Miracle & Matt Michael & James Tasneem & Wendy Abby & Daniela Bella & Limairi Ritchy & Alexis Mario & Juan Luis & Vanessa Adam & Celeste ARTICLES IN UNIVERSAL DECL. OF HUMAN RIGHTS ASSIGNED Article 2 -- Don’t Discriminate Article 3 -- The Right to Life Article 4 -- No Slavery Article 9 -- No Unfair Detainment Article 10 -- The Right to Trial Article 11 -- We’re Always Innocent Till Proven Guilty Article 12 -- The Right to Privacy Article 14 -- The Right to Seek a Safe Place to Live Article 16 -- Marriage and Family Article 18 -- Freedom of Thought Article 19 -- Freedom of Expression Article 25 -- Food and Shelter for All Article 26 -- The Right to Education

6 Directions Create a visual representation of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights article that you and your partner have been assigned. This visual representation should be an original work of art and visually represent YOUR interpretation of the article. Make sure that you include the article number and some of the text of the article itself on your illustration/visual representation. After you are finished with your visual representation/interpretation of your assigned article, you and your partner must discuss whether or not you believe that the human right in your article is followed/respected/etc. universally.

7 Examples: 008/oct/17/amnesty-declaration-human- rights- children#/?picture=338702837&index=0

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