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DPI Updates School Improvement Division Meeting March 19, 2013.

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1 DPI Updates School Improvement Division Meeting March 19, 2013

2 Statewide Early Warning System for Dropouts and Late Graduates

3 Early Warning System A data-based report done early enough to effectively intervene Identifies students who may be at risk for dropout or late graduation Used, along with other data, in local educational decisions re support services and interventions

4 Early Warning System in WI DPI will identify 7 th students who may be at risk for dropout or late graduation DPI will provide annual report to schools School leaders will compare to more current data to determine if additional supports needed Part of a Response to Intervention system

5 DPI’s Early Warning System is in development Will identify by the start of 7 th grade more than 60% of students who eventually will likely not graduate in 4 years of high school Will identify “false positives”: students who will eventually graduate on time System built to continually improve with better data, better mathematical models, and more real time results

6 Early Warning System What EWS IS: A tool to identify struggling students early enough to intervene A way to target interventions based on data Like a “service engine soon” light in cars What EWS is NOT: Part of an accountability system 100% accurate The solution to student problems

7 How the Early Warning System Works Uses data already collected by DPI to identify student risk for dropout and late graduation –attendance, WKCE, discipline, enrollment, demographic data combined –Analyzed previous cohorts: 7 th to 12 th Annually will report student names/ids, risk scores & risk reasons to school districts via secure annual WISEdash.

8 Student Overview

9 Early Warning System in WI Will provide examples of effective strategies to prevent dropout –Assign skilled adult advocates –Academic supports & enrichment –Student-driven personal Academic and Career Plans –Attendance monitoring, interventions –Rigorous & relevant instruction –What would you suggest and why?

10 Early Warning System in WI Pilot in March – May 2013 Reports to schools with 7 th graders statewide in fall 2013 Ongoing refinement

11 Biennial State Budget

12 Timeframe Thursday, DPI Testimony End of May—to the legislature Final form—July 1

13 General Aid 1% increase each year--$128M each biennium No increase in revenue cap This will reduce taxes only—schools will not see more money

14 Categorical Aid Pupil transportation increase to $275/pupil transported more than 12 miles School Performance Grants –Formula Grant: $24M for high performing schools –Formula Grant: $30M for schools that have improved 3+ points (based on enrollment and level of improvement) –Competitive Grant: $10M for schools in need of assistance; must submit plan

15 Accountability

16 2011-12 School Report Cards: Release Summary Secure Release September 24 th – initiated 30-day inquiry period Preliminary Public Release October 22 nd Final Public Release December 10 th

17 Inquiry Process 174 schools were processed based on Inquiry Forms or related communications. 141 schools requested a data change. –107 schools had data changes as a result of the inquiry process. 73 data changes resulted in a new overall accountability score. –15 changes that resulted in a new score also resulted in a new rating category. 8 increased by one category. 7 decreased by one category.

18 Lessons Learned Improved technology will be necessary for the continued development of the School Report Cards. It currently takes several hours to run the code for the calculations and an additional 20 hours to build all of the Report Cards. The Inquiry Process was effective and should continue, but with some clarifications. If possible, data should be run and schools notified of potential deductions prior to the preliminary release to allow for potential resolution before the report cards are run. Data files for the Report Card Detail should be provided to schools via SAFE, and possibly provided in a statewide file on the DPI website.

19 Areas for Improvement Several areas of the new accountability system warrant further review. These include, but are not limited to: 1.Adjusting the Closing Gaps calculation to better capture gap closure and to include more subgroups; this may include comparing target subgroups to a statewide average rather than within-school comparisons. 2.Including more, and varied, measures of postsecondary readiness (e.g., SAT scores, AP information, other college entrance exam data, postsecondary enrollment) 3.Adjusting the Absenteeism Student Engagement Indicator so it better measures absenteeism instead of mobility, possibly including more years of data.

20 District Accountability District Report Cards will be produced for 2012-13 Aggregate all students –Treats the district like one big school –Different from NCLB, which looked at school level (elementary, middle, high) Similar to School Report Cards –Same Priority Areas –Similar look and feel –More data

21 Timeline Predictions Accountability reporting will no longer be in the spring –Think end-of-year testing Will still do a secure release and a public release with an inquiry process –May start inquiry process earlier Timeline for 2012-13 has not been finalized Would like a secure release prior to 2013- 14 school year

22 Science Standards

23 Date Moved Back Mid-April release Statewide roll-out to follow CESA 3: April 23

24 SLD Rule

25 General Education Classroom teachers, Title I Teachers and Reading Specialist to be doing interventions prior to an SLD referral –Why aren’t these people at the table? Two types of interventions RtI System should clearly identify when weekly progress monitoring should begin

26 Wisconsin Intensive Intervention Selection Tool NOT an approved list!!! Includes interventions with strong positive results and those with negative results Intervention selection a district decision

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