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Siting Considerations for Utility Scale Photovoltaic Power Generation Systems. Tim Green, Brookhaven National Laboratory NE FWS Biologists Conference February.

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Presentation on theme: "Siting Considerations for Utility Scale Photovoltaic Power Generation Systems. Tim Green, Brookhaven National Laboratory NE FWS Biologists Conference February."— Presentation transcript:

1 Siting Considerations for Utility Scale Photovoltaic Power Generation Systems. Tim Green, Brookhaven National Laboratory NE FWS Biologists Conference February 16, 2011

2 On the Agenda  Introduction to Solar  Siting considerations Industry view Ecosystem view  Long Island Solar Farm 2

3 Why worry about Solar Development?  EO 13514 – Sec. 2 Goals for Agencies (a)(ii) increasing agency use of renewable energy and implementing renewable generation projects on agency property;  One of the fastest growing energy sectors in the country  Requires a lot of land, 5-10 acres/MW  Much of NE is either built up, in farmland, or forest.  NE is a good location for Solar PV 3

4 4

5 Photovoltaics in the Northeast Completed Projects 5

6 Photovoltaics in the Northeast Planned Projects 6

7 Solar Energy Development 7

8 8 Info from:

9 9 Utility Scale Photovoltaic Systems Siting  Siting Considerations – all projects Proximity to Grid – shortest distance to grid tie point preferred Land costs – requires 6-10 acres/MW (One large block of land preferred). Clearing – minimize Construction – want clear ground, must fence facility Operations – minimize maintenance efforts (cleaning, mowing, repair)

10 Utility Scale Photovoltaic Systems Siting  Siting – Ecological Concerns (Our Concerns) Proximity to Grid Clearing - Finding suitable cleared land (brownfields, farms, etc.) - Minimize forest clearing - Contiguous properties preferred (one large block better than many small blocks?) Avoid Wetlands Avoid Endangered Species Avoid Migratory Birds or alter habitat Site preparation Fencing Vegetation 10

11 Long Island Solar Farm  The Project  Siting  Solar Arrays  Designing in Sustainability and Ecological Benefits  Ecological Research  End of Life Considerations 11

12 12 Location

13 13 The Project – Aerial Extent

14 14 Long Island Solar Farm  Size: ~32MW (AC)  Location: Brookhaven National Laboratory  Technology: Crystalline solar photovoltaic modules  Land use: ~200 acres  Construction schedule: Fall 2010 – Fall 2011  Project is one of 147 demonstration sites chosen for the Sustainable Sites Initiative – see

15 15 Site Considerations - BNL  Proximity to electric substation – grid tie point  Limit impacts to site operations and future science  Scientific study of array and PV technologies  Improve the environment; reducing carbon footprint  Strengthen the local economy  Encourage economic development  Transform the solar photovoltaic marketplace

16 16

17 17 Current Configuration

18 Sustainability  Forest Removal – reduction of carbon sequestration ability ~12,000 Metric tons over 20 years.  Carbon Avoidance - ~619,000 metric tons over 20 years.  Understory retained – will continue to sequester carbon and add to soil. (This isn’t happening as planned)  Minimal impact to soils  Little or no water usage  Commitments for recycling and pollution prevention  Habitat Improvements (This may take longer)  Vegetation Management – IPM for invasives 18

19 19 Reducing Potential Impacts  Requires minimal grading resulting in less disturbance of understory vegetation (grasses will be planted)  Tree removal – timing and process  Wildlife friendly fencing  Native vegetation planted or left under arrays  Invasive species management - removal

20 20 Positive Ecological Impacts  200 acres of deer free area  Removal of invasive plants protects surrounding area  Maintenance of native vegetation – wide variability in make-up and density (Because grasses are being planted everything below may take longer to achieve.) Improved habitat for migratory birds Improved habitat for small mammals Improved habitat for reptiles and amphibians Improved habitat for insects?

21 21 Ecological Research  Impacts to vegetation make up and health Shading effects Precipitation effects Heat island effects  Impacts to soils (concentration of acid rain, mercury deposition)  Impacts of fencing on wildlife populations  Impacts of arrays on bird populations  Impacts to surrounding ecosystem

22 22 Solar Arrays Winter Sun Summer Sun

23 23 Precipitation Precipitation Concentrates Rain Shadow

24 24 Fencing

25 25 Heat Island? ~164,300 panels

26 26 Decommissioning & Restoration  Array life estimated at 40 yrs., energy contract set for 20 yrs. End of life – likely would result in newer technology being deployed for energy production. Decommissioning – would require removal and disposal of all arrays, inverters, transformers, and fencing Restoration – a restoration plan would be required prior to decommissioning - Natural restoration since understory would be present - Tree planting within understory - Invasive species management

27 Current Status  70% cleared  5 of 25 inverters set.  10% of pilings installed  2% of panels installed. 27

28 Current Status Photos 28

29 Current Status Photos 29

30 Current Status Photos 30

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