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P 3 =Plagiarism, Publications, and Professional Service Mark S. Daskin Dept. of IE/MS, Northwestern University Evanston, IL 60208 Spring, 2006.

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Presentation on theme: "P 3 =Plagiarism, Publications, and Professional Service Mark S. Daskin Dept. of IE/MS, Northwestern University Evanston, IL 60208 Spring, 2006."— Presentation transcript:

1 P 3 =Plagiarism, Publications, and Professional Service Mark S. Daskin Dept. of IE/MS, Northwestern University Evanston, IL 60208 Spring, 2006

2 May 2006M. S. Daskin, IE/MS, Northwestern U.2 Why me in bio-ethics?  “You don’t know anything about bio- ethics!” – Babette R. Levy, 5/10/06  “She’s right!”  Editor-in-chief of 2 major journals (8 years)  VP publications, INFORMS (4 years)  President, INFORMS Know something about publications overall. Want to learn about pubs in your field. Plagiarism, Publications, Professional Service

3 May 2006M. S. Daskin, IE/MS, Northwestern U.3 What is plagiarism?  “If you steal from one author, it’s plagiarism; if you steal from many, it’s research.” Wilson Mizner (1876–1933), U.S. dramatist, wit. Quoted in The Legendary Mizners, ch. 4, Alva Johnson (1953).  Plagiarism, Publications, Professional Service

4 May 2006M. S. Daskin, IE/MS, Northwestern U.4 Two forms of plagiarism Avoid both Plagiarism, Publications, Professional Service

5 May 2006M. S. Daskin, IE/MS, Northwestern U.5 What is plagiarism?  Northwestern University Principles Regarding Academic Integrity  “submitting material that in part or whole is not entirely one's own work without attributing those same portions to their correct source.” uacc/uniprin.html  Material to be cited Quoted Material and Unusual Opinion or Knowledge Interpretation Paraphrased Material Using Other Authors' Examples Using Other Authors' Charts and Graphs Using Class Notes Debatable Facts Unusual Facts Plagiarism, Publications, Professional Service

6 May 2006M. S. Daskin, IE/MS, Northwestern U.6 What is plagiarism?  “Plagiarism is passing off a source's information, ideas, or words as your own by omitting to cite them  Plagiarism usually takes one of these forms An uncited idea An uncited structure or organizing strategy Uncited information or data from a source A verbatim phrase or passage that isn't quoted”  Plagiarism, Publications, Professional Service

7 May 2006M. S. Daskin, IE/MS, Northwestern U.7 Publishing and Reviewing – AVOID Plagiarism  Plagiarizing others Avoid at all costs Reference heavily – always better to cite someone than not  Self plagiarism Failure to adequately cite related work Copying sections, figures, tables from other papers Citing your thesis for multiple publications is NOT adequate You WILL get caught Small world You CAN be banned from publishing in journals Plagiarism, Publications, Professional Service

8 May 2006M. S. Daskin, IE/MS, Northwestern U.8 What is self-plagiarism  “Publication of what is essentially the same paper in more than one journal, but without any indication that the paper has been published elsewhere  Partitioning of a large study which should have been reported in a single paper into smaller published studies  Copyright infringement  Practice of text recycling.” Plagiarism, Publications, Professional Service

9 May 2006M. S. Daskin, IE/MS, Northwestern U.9 Impact of self-plagiarism  From letter from MSD to a junior faculty member who submitted very similar papers to IIE Transactions and EJOR. Neither paper cited the other, but both cited his dissertation. “The editorial board of IIE Transactions has determined that your submission of a substantially similar paper and your failure to reference the earlier EJOR paper constitute a serious breach of editorial standards. … As a result of this editorial breach, we are prohibiting you from submitting any publications to IIE Transactions for a period of four years beginning August 1, 2003.” Even self-plagiarism is a great way to ruin your career. Plagiarism, Publications, Professional Service

10 May 2006M. S. Daskin, IE/MS, Northwestern U.10 Q: What is this? You WILL get caught Small world You CAN be banned from publishing in journals A: Someone who submitted the same paper to two journals (parallel submission or dual submission) Plagiarism, Publications, Professional Service

11 May 2006M. S. Daskin, IE/MS, Northwestern U.11 Dual or parallel submissions and self-plagiarism  “I certify that the manuscript I am submitting for review and publication is not under review at any other journal, will not be submitted for review at another journal until IIE Transactions makes an editorial decision regarding the paper, and has not been published in any other journal.” You must click that you have read this to submit a paper to IIE Transactions Plagiarism, Publications, Professional Service

12 May 2006M. S. Daskin, IE/MS, Northwestern U.12 Bottom line  Attribute everything whenever you are in doubt  Avoid self plagiarism  Thou shalt not dual submit  Cultural differences are not an excuse and do not matter!!  You will get caught!! Plagiarism, Publications, Professional Service

13 May 2006M. S. Daskin, IE/MS, Northwestern U.13 If in doubt? Reference and cite original sources!! Plagiarism, Publications, Professional Service

14 May 2006M. S. Daskin, IE/MS, Northwestern U.14 Sources – thanks to Wally Hopp!     oiding_plagiarism.html   Plagiarism, Publications, Professional Service

15 May 2006M. S. Daskin, IE/MS, Northwestern U.15 Another Issue – Refereeing  Everyone has a role Editor Department Editor Referee Author  Author in writing the paper This paper makes the following N contributions: Contribution should not be 1/15 th of your tenure case Plagiarism, Publications, Professional Service

16 May 2006M. S. Daskin, IE/MS, Northwestern U.16 Refereeing  Editor Does the paper conform to the editorial mission of the journal adequately? Reject inappropriate papers quickly When communicating back to the author, clearly identify comments that must be responded to Take (prudent) risks  Department editor Is the claimed contribution important for the field? If not, reject quickly Plagiarism, Publications, Professional Service

17 May 2006M. S. Daskin, IE/MS, Northwestern U.17 Refereeing  Referee Does the paper make the claimed contribution? How can the paper be improved? Find what is good in the paper – be constructive Not to reject everything Not to decide if the paper is appropriate for the journal It is not your paper.  Author Respond to comments Identify changes in the text (highlight) Be timely in your response If you submit and expect 3 reviews, you owe the system 3 reviews (divided by number of authors in your paper) Plagiarism, Publications, Professional Service

18 May 2006M. S. Daskin, IE/MS, Northwestern U.18 Refereeing  All in the process Never use material from a paper that you referee Don’t drag out refereeing process Plagiarism, Publications, Professional Service

19 May 2006M. S. Daskin, IE/MS, Northwestern U.19 Peer Review  Under attack in this country.  I don’t know what a good publication is, but I think I know it when I see it. “I shall not today attempt further to define the kinds of material but I know it when I see it.” Justice Potter Stewart (referring to pornography)  Worst of all systems until you consider the alternatives “It has been said that democracy is the worst form of government except all the others that have been tried.” – Winston Churchill Plagiarism, Publications, Professional Service

20 May 2006M. S. Daskin, IE/MS, Northwestern U.20 Service to profession and society  You have been given much Owe something in return to  Profession  Society  Country  Crisis in science and math education in US Find some way  To give back  To ensure that others can follow you Plagiarism, Publications, Professional Service You will get more back than you put in!

21 May 2006M. S. Daskin, IE/MS, Northwestern U.21 Questions – for me? for discussion?  Who should be an author? First author? Corresponding author? Last author? Order of authors?  What is enough for a paper?  How long should a paper be under review? How many times should it be cycled?  Do you think peer review will persist?  What can you do to avert the national shortage in math and science students – national crisis?

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