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Published byJames Greene Modified over 9 years ago
1 Basic SQL SMSU Computer Services Short Course
2 Contact Information Greg Snider – MIS Database Analyst Ext. 6-4397 Email – SGS345B Don’t hesitate to email or call if you have any questions after you start using QM and SQL.
Confidentiality “The confidentiality of student information is protected by the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA). Do not release confidential information obtained through QM reports to anyone except SMSU faculty or staff who have a need for the information and be sure to properly dispose of reports when you no longer have need for them.”
4 Contents Concepts –What is SQL? –Terminology SQL Language –Its parts SELECT Statement Query Manager
5 What is SQL? S(trucured) Q(uery) L(anguage) A standard language for accessing data Designed to be portable Used by most database vendors It’s how you access data stored in a …
6 Terminology Table –A set of rows with columns containing data –Think of a table as a large spreadsheet SOC_SECNAMESTU_ CLASSGPAHRS 495867475Joe BlowJR3.1110 547574395Sue SmithSR2.75120 647567364Jane DoeFR0.00 775847587Joe CoolSO2.2575
Terminology Hot and Cold Running Tables Cold or Query Table is refreshed nightly or as predetermined. Hot or Live Table can be updated as you write and run your queries. At this point, all the tables you use in your queries are cold tables.
8 Terminology View –Another way of accessing the data in a table –May or may not contain all the columns in a table –Can be a join of two or more tables –Transparent to the user
9 SQL Language Language elements Statements Functions Joins Unions Subselects
10 Language Elements Data types Constants Expressions Predicates
11 Data Types Character strings Datetime –Date –Time Numeric –Integer –Decimal –Numeric
12 Character Strings Fixed length –1 – 254 positions
13 Date –Format MM/DD/YYYY –10 positions When using a date, it must be enclosed in single quotes, ’09/16/2004’
14 Numeric Integer –Small 32768 - +32767 –Large -2147483648 - +2147483647 –Decimal 15 digits max (Precision, Scale) Precision – how many digits total Scale – how many digits to the right of the decimal point –Numeric 31 digits max
15 Constants Integer constants –456, -789 Decimal constants –978.34, 9584.2746 String (character) constants –‘ABCE’, ‘Computers for Learning’
16 Expressions Operators –|| or CONCAT, /, *, +, - –|| only for strings –Standard rules apply for arithmetic operations
17 Date Arithmetic Admit_date + 2 months + 2 days is valid Grad_date – Admit_date is valid
18 Predicates =, <>,, = Between: expression (NOT) BETWEEN 123 and 999 Null: expression IS (NOT) NULL Like: expression (NOT) LIKE pattern –Pattern % represents 0 or more characters _ represents only 1 character Exists discussed when we talk about subselects In expression IN (value1, value2, value3, …) AND and OR may be used
19 Statements Select
20 Select Select clause From clause Where clause Group by clause Having clause Order by clause
21 Select Clause SELECT columns, expressions Tells what you want to see
22 From Clause FROM datacoll.view-name Datacoll is the owner of all our views
23 Where Clause WHERE search-condition
24 Group By Clause GROUP BY column1, column2, …
25 Having Clause HAVING search-condition Each column used in the search must: –Unambiguously identify a grouping column or –Be specified with a column function
26 Examples Example 1: Show all rows and columns of the table datacoll.classes Example 2: Show the job code, maximum salary and minimum salary for each group of rows in EMP with the same job code, but only for groups with more than 1 row and with a maximum salary greater than 50000
28 How would you use SQL in your job?
29 Column Functions AVG COUNT MAX MIN SUM On all column functions, you can use DISTINCT to remove duplicates On COUNT, DISTINCT also removes null values
30 Scalar Functions 1 CHAR(expression) or CHAR(expression,USA) –The first form returns the character representation of a number –The second returns the character represention of a date or time DATE(expression) –If the expression is a number <= 3652059, the result is the date that is n-1 days after 01/01/0001 –If the expression is a character string with length 7 in yyyyddd format, the result is the date represented by the string –If the expression is any other character string, it must be in valid date format (’01/01/2005’)
31 Scalar Functions 2 DAY(expression) –if the expression is a date, the result is the day part of the value DAYS(expression) –The expression must be a date or a valid string of a date –The result is 1 more that the number of days from 01/01/0001 to the expression
32 Scalar Functions 3 DECIMAL(expression, integer, integer) –2 nd and 3 rd arguments are for precision and scale –If 3 rd is omitted, default is 0 –If 2 nd is omitted, precision is 15
33 Scalar Functions 4 HOUR(expression) INTEGER(expression) MINUTE(expression) MONTH(expression) SECOND(expression
34 Scalar Functions 5 SUBSTR(string,start,length) –Lentgh may be omitted. If it is, the default is the length of the string – start + 1 TIME(expression)
35 Joins 1 Joins are the combined data from 2 or more tables Specify more than 1 table in the FROM clause, seperated by a comma Specify a search condition for the join in the WHERE clause; otherwise, you get all possible combinations of rows for the tables in the FROM clause In this case, the number of rows return is the product of the number of rows in each table
36 Joins 2 -- Intersections or Differences Intersections Difference
37 Joins 3 - Intersection Identify the juniors who have a foreign language major and the classes they are taking this fall Student Table Classes Classes Table
38 Joins 4 -Intersection Example Select Name, Course_Code, Course_No, Section_No, Credit_Hours From Tstudent S, Tclasses C Where First_major_curr like ‘FL%’ –and Sem = ‘4’ –and Year = ‘93’ –and S.Soc_Sec = C.Soc_Sec Correlation names –Defined in the FROM clause –Used to designate table names
39 Joins 4 Example: –Select name, stu_class, crs_cd, crs_num from datacoll.students s, datacoll.classes c where s.soc_sec = c.soc_sec
40 Unions 1 n Merging results from 2 or more queries n Identify Sr and JR in FL Student Table Classes Table
41 Union 2 - Example Select Name, Adviser_Curr, Course_code, Comb_Grade_Pts, Course_no, Section_no, ’1’ From Tstudent S, Tclasses C Where S.Soc_Sec = C.Soc_Sec and Sem = ‘4’ and Year = ‘93’ and First_major_curr like ‘FL%’ and class_curr = ‘SR’ Union
42 Union 3 - Example cont Select Name, Adviser_curr, Course_code, Comb_Grade_Pts, Course_no, Section_no, ‘2’ From Tstudent S, Tclasses C Where S. Soc_sec = C.Soc_sec and Sem = ‘4’ and Year = ‘93’ and Class_curr = ‘JR’ and First_major_curr like ‘FL%’ Order by 7,1
43 Union 4 - Example 2 List the names of all students who are either advised by advisor E333 or are juniors. Advised by E333 Juniors Final Report
44 Union and Union All - 5 Union All--In the previous example, if students were both Juniors and advised by E333, they would be on the final report two times. Union -- Sorts and removes duplicates Union All -- does not eliminate duplicate rows from the report
45 Unions 6 - Rules Select -- any number of columns can be selected Each Select must produce similar results –same number of columns –by position, same general type, ie... –Char--char--dec Dec--char-char --NO –Char--char--dec Char--char--dec -- Yes
46 Unions 6 - Rules continued You may use any combination of Union and Union All Efficient to use union all on all but the last UNION statement (Sort only once) ORDER BY statement must follow all SELECTs and reference only column positions, not names
47 Combining Union and Union All Query 2 Query 3 Query 4 Union All Union Query 1 InternalareaInternalarea Final Report SortSort
48 Unions 1 SELECT stmt UNION (ALL) SELECT stmt UNION (ALL) … UNION without the ALL option causes duplicate rows to be eliminated UNION ALL causes all rows from all SELECT stmts to be returned Same number of columns must be returned by all SELECT stmts The corresponding columns in all SELECT stmts must have the same compatable data types
49 Subselects select empno, actno, emstdate, emendate from empprojact where empno in (select empno from emp where workdept = ‘E11’ select workdept, max(salary) from emp group by workdept having max(salary) > (select avg(salary) from emp select workdept, max(salary) grom emp q group by workdept having max(salary) < (select avg(salary) from emp where not workdept = q.workdept)
50 Lunch Break Class resumes at 1:00
51 Getting to Query Manager From the SMSU Main Menu, select option 20
52 Getting to Query Manager From the SMSU Query Menu, select option 5
53 Writing, Running, Modifying Queries Choose option 1 to work with queries. Queries can be written in either prompted or native SQL. For both there are many prompts available. From the next screen queries can be created, modified, executed or deleted.
54 Working with Queries When you enter the work with query manager screen, the library will be on the top line and query creation mode on the second. Library can be changed by overtyping the value. Rarely, if ever, will you use this function. Query creation mode can be changed by pressing F19 (shift-F7)
55 Example 1 Find all current students in a specific department having a GPA over 3.0 whose age is over 30
56 Creating a New Query Type 1 under Opt column Type name under “Query” column. Press Enter
57 Developing a Prompted Query Select the functions desired by placing a 1 in the Opt column. All queries will need to specify the desired tables and columns.
58 Select Table Collection = Library University tables are stored in DATACOLL Press F4 to list tables or type in desired table name. Type “+” on line for second table
59 Select Table Type 1 beside desired table and press enter.
60 Select Next Criteria All desired options can be picked individually or at one time.
61 Define Expression For example: Age = Year(current date – Birth_date) Pressing F11 displays the column’s data type and length. Pressing F11 again displays the description of the column.
62 Select and Sequence Columns Select columns Press enter Change order and/or pick additional ones or delete ones Pressing F11 displays the column’s data type and length. Pressing F11 again displays the description of the column.
63 Verify Selection and Order After pressing enter, QM puts the selected columns in order at the top of the list with the sequence numbers as multiples of 10. This allows you to easily add columns between others by selecting a number between the other numbers.
64 Select Rows Each line can be prompted by pressing F4 to get a list of available values, columns. F4 gives ability to specify multiple values
65 Select a Row Comparison for Change Place the cursor on any line of the previous comparison tests to change that test and press enter.
66 Change a Row Comparison The selected test is copied to the top and is available for change.
67 Columns to Sort On This screen allows you to specify the order of the output. The selected columns and expressions can be ordered and ascending/ descending specified.
68 Select Summary Functions This screen allows you to specify summary functions for any columns in the selected tables. Any selections made here will be added to the columns previously selected.
69 Keep Duplicate Row One row is a duplicate of another row if ALL column values in that row are equal to the corresponding column values in another row. Normally you want to know about the duplicates.
70 Select Form Here you can type in the name of the form that the query will use. The form can be the same name as the query, but like the query name, can only be 10 characters long.
71 Build Form These are the options you have in building your form. Enter a 1 in the Opt column for Edit column formatting.
72 Edit Column Format Press F11 to change the Headings. This allows you to change all of the headings at once. Use *NONE to suppress a heading for a column. Press F11 again to return to this screen. Putting the cursor in the Usage and Edit columns and pressing F4 lists valid values.
73 Page Heading
74 Page Footing
75 Final Text This is text that is placed at the very end of the report.
76 Break Text If a Break usage was defined for a column, this is where you would enter any text you wanted to appear either before or after the break column value changed.
77 Report Format Options
78 Function Keys F13 to Edit query F5 Run Report F18 Display SQL
79 Save Query and Form You can change the names you assigned to the query and form before they are saved. Since the names can only be 10 positions, a description is vital to help you know what the query and form are for when a list of queries or forms is displayed.
80 Adds Query to list Option 9 to Run. Option 2 to Modify/Change Option 3 to Copy to a new name. Option 7 to Rename Option 10 to Convert to SQL
81 Converted Query If you plan to use variables in your query, you must convert it to SQL and then add the variables. Prompted query under QM does not allow variables.
82 Create Native Query Shift + F7 to change Query Creation Mode from Prompted to SQL
83 Blank Screen This screen is just like the query screen in QMF. You just key in the select statement as you did before. If you’re not sure of the table or column names, key in SELECT and then press F4. If you know the table name, but not the columns, place the cursor on the QM line, key in DRAW DATACOLL.table and press enter.
84 More Prompting Possible The cursor is automatically placed on the FROM tables line. Press F4 to bring up a list of tables.
85 Choose Library/Collection DATACOLL is where the production data is stored.
86 Select Table/File You will only see the tables that you have authority to use. More that 1 table can be selected if you want to do a join.
87 Or Type If you know what table you want, simply enter it on the FROM tables line.
88 Choose Columns From List This screen functions just like the similar screen under Prompted query. Pressing F11 will show you the description of the columns. Press F11 twice to return to this screen.
89 Specify SELECT Statement Once you have the columns you want, press F3 to return to the edit query screen. If you want, you can enter the rest of the select statement from here as well. Prompting is available for each clause.
90 Result of Prompting in SQL Mode The result of prompting in SQL mode provides no spacing. The various clauses are built as one continuous string. You can go back and forth from this screen to the prompting screen. Any spacing you add is removed.
91 Running Query Place a 9 by the query you want to run and press enter.
92 Run Query Options This screen allows you to specify the form to use when you run your query. Use *SYSDFT if no form is required. Place the cursor on the Form line and press F4 to bring up a list of forms in your library
93 List of Forms Place a 1 by the form you want to use and press enter.
94 Press Enter to Run Press enter to submit the query for execution. You’ll have to get out of QM to the SMSU Query Menu and use option 10 to check if the report has executed and option 11 to see the output of the report.
95 Submission Message Notice that there is a submission message placed at the bottom of the screen.
96 Example 2 Find a count of all current students in all departments in a specific college having a GPA over 3.0 whose age is over 30
97 Copying a Query We’re going to use the previous example to build upon. Copy the query from example 1 by placing a 3 in the Opt column and pressing enter.
98 Copying a Query Tab to the “To Query” field, and type in the new name. Press enter and the new query is copied from the existing query.
99 Changing an Existing Query Place a 2 next to the query you want to change and press enter. Notice the confirmation message of the copy at the bottom of the screen.
100 Changing an Existing Query Notice the > next to some of the selections. This indicates that those items have been specified. We need to add a column and change the row selection criteria for this example, so tab to “Select and sequence columns”, key 1 and press enter.
101 Adding a column We want to add a column at the end of the list, so page down to find COLL_CODE, put a number greater than 50, press enter and the column will be added at the end.
102 Changing Row Selection Criteria Bring the clause to change up to the top. Change the column to COLL_CODE. Tab to the value and change it to the correct value and press enter.
103 Changing the Form Place a 1 to specify report formatting and press enter.
104 Changing the Form We want to change the form that we previously set up, so enter that name and press enter.
105 Changing the Form Enter a 1 next to column formatting and press enter so we can add the column we added to the query.
106 Making the Form and Query Match Press F24 (shift + F12) to display additional function keys. Press F19 (shift+F7) and the columns in the form will be loaded from the columns in the active query.
107 Adding Usage Codes This is one way of producing the results wanted in the example. We’ll produce a count by dept. and a total count by college. COLL_CODE is omitted from the detail so it will only appear in the heading.
108 Adding Break Text This screen tells us what break level and column(s) we’re working with. We have the option of entering break heading or footing text. Let’s choose footing.
109 Adding Break Text – 2 We’ll center the line and let QM insert the department code in the text. Here is a good place to use F18 (Display SQL) to show you what the columns numbers are.
110 Saving the Form Other parts of the form can be changed as well. When F3 is pressed, the Exit screen is presented for you to confirm that you want to exit and save. You can also rename the query or form at this point. We don’t want to wipe out the previous form, so key in a new form name and press enter.
111 Example 2 (second method) The example can also be accomplished by doing a group by department, having a count column in the query, and using sum in the form for the final count.
112 Example 2 (second method) Here are the columns selected and the row selection. Notice that the AGE expression has been moved to the row selection.
113 Example 2 (second method) The 1 in the Cnt column is where the COUNT(*) comes from. The SUM usage for the Count column gives us the final total.
114 Example 3 Find the name and permanent city of all current students with a specified department who have a GPA over 3.0 and whose age is over 30.
115 Example 3 – Specify the first table We’re going to use the STDT table and the ADDRESSES table, so put a + in the more tables field.
116 Example 3 – Specify the second table Enter ADDRESSES for the table and DATACOLL for the collection.
117 Example 3 – Specify the join conditions From knowing the tables, we know that SOC_SEC is a column that appears in both tables. By moving the cursor to the bottom half of the screen, the list of columns is scrollable.
118 Example 3 – Select and Sequence Columns These are the columns we want in the report.
119 Example 3 – Select Rows These are the row selection criteria.
120 Example 3 – SQL Version For those of you that prefer using SQL, here is the example. Notice how the AGE expression is coded. This “AS pseudo-column” construct can be used with any expression in the select list in SQL. This is a new feature on the iSeries we can use.
121 Other Notes You can display the SQL while editing the form by using F18 (shift+F6). You can go back and forth between native SQL Query and Form by using F13 (Shift + F1). This lets you add columns to the query and then add them to the form.
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