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Military Encroachment Challenges Seeking Compatible Energy Development Steve Sample DoD Siting Clearinghouse OASD/EI&E.

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Presentation on theme: "Military Encroachment Challenges Seeking Compatible Energy Development Steve Sample DoD Siting Clearinghouse OASD/EI&E."— Presentation transcript:

1 Military Encroachment Challenges Seeking Compatible Energy Development Steve Sample DoD Siting Clearinghouse OASD/EI&E

2 Mission Compatibility Evaluation What We Review Radar/Wind Turbine Interference  Military “terminal area” air traffic control radars  “In-route” air traffic control radars (in support of the FAA)  Air defense long range surveillance radars  Ground-based military unique radars (ADAMS, ROTHR)  Airborne military radars (legacy & advanced weapon systems) Low-level Flight Obstructions  Military Training Routes  Restricted Areas  Special Use Airspace Glint/Glare  Solar power towers  Photovoltaic and hot water heating systems near airfields Electromagnetic Interference (EMI)  High Voltage Electric Power Lines 2

3 Mission Compatibility Evaluation Process: Three Stages of Engagement Formal ReviewInformal Review Service-Specific Efforts 3 Source: 32 CFR Part 200: see:

4 Service Early Engagement Refer to Service Programs and Guidance DoD Siting Clearinghouse is a resource Early engagement is best opportunity for influence Service-Specific Efforts

5 Informal Review Process Clearinghouse tasks to Services and COCOMs No objection or approval Identifies potentially-affected missions Provides developer with POC to investigate further

6 Formal Reviews Detailed in 2011 NDAA Section 358 Covers all projects filed with the FAA Requires DoD Senior Officer for objection How does DoD Object? DepSecDef sends a letter to SecTrans stating that the project presents and unacceptable impact to military readiness, after discussions with the proponent and a review of reasonable and affordable mitigations. Must send a report to HASC/SASC with 30 days.

7 Mitigation Response Teams Service receives project through FAA process Identifies potential concern SCH sets up an MRT, coordinates with FAA – Service(s) – OSD Functional (Testing or Training) – Proponent – Experts, as needed – DHS as cc An MRT performs the actions necessary to complete the Formal Review Process- no matter the outcome: Objection/ Approval/ Mitigation

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