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This project and its actions were made possible due to co-financing by the European Fund for the Integration of Third-Country Nationals Recount writing.

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Presentation on theme: "This project and its actions were made possible due to co-financing by the European Fund for the Integration of Third-Country Nationals Recount writing."— Presentation transcript:

1 This project and its actions were made possible due to co-financing by the European Fund for the Integration of Third-Country Nationals Recount writing Key words, definitions and examples Subject:English Age groups:8–11, 12–14, 15–16, 17–18 Topic:Non-fiction writing EAL Nexus resource Licence information | This resource is free to use for educational purposes. © British Council 2014 Source | This resource was originally developed by Charlotte Hurley and has been adapted by EAL Nexus.

2  I stood with my sister and we waited for the fire to die down. First person A narrative told from the writer’s point of view using ‘I’, ‘we’, ‘my’, etc. Key term Definition Example

3 Third person A narrative told about someone else using ‘he’, ‘she’, ‘their’, etc.  He saw the fire go out and knew it was their only opportunity. Key term Definition Examples

4 Paragraph A part of a piece of writing that usually deals with one subject, that begins on a new line, and that is made up of one or more sentences. Key term Definition Examples

5 Opinion A judgement or viewpoint on a particular matter  I thought it was an unfair decision.  It was a terrible day out. Key term Definition Examples

6 Reaction Something done in response to something that happens  When the door creaked open I screamed.  I laughed out loud at the joke he was telling. Key term Definition Examples

7 Feelings The writer’s emotions about something that happens  He was unhappy about the situation.  I felt relieved when it was over. Key term Definition Examples

8 Thoughts Feelings or ideas that happen in a person’s mind Key term Definition Examples I wonder what that noise is …

9 Adjective A word that is used to describe a noun and give extra detail  a red cloak  the towering trees  a loud noise Key term Definition Examples

10 Past tense A verb tense used to show an action that has already happened  She ate all the porridge and went upstairs. Key term Definition Example

11 Present tense A verb tense used to show an action that is happening now  I’m using the pen you gave me to write this letter. Key term Definition Examples

12 Adverbial phrase A group of words which can be used in place of an adverb to show when, where, how or how often something happened Key term Definition Example  Last week, I went on holiday to France by aeroplane.

13 Adverb A word that is used to give more information about a verb, such as how, when or where something happened Key term Definition Example  I tiptoed carefully  I followed immediately  I stepped inside

14 Verb A word used to say what a person or thing does, or what happens Key term Definition Example  I ran over to the shelter …  I opened the door …  … and climbed inside.

15 Direct speech The actual words of a speaker quoted in writing with inverted commas Key term Definition Example  He asked, ‘Who ate all my porridge ? ’ ‘It wasn’t me!’ I replied. ‘I don’t believe you,’ he said.

16 Inverted commas Punctuation that marks the beginning and end of direct speech ‘ ’ (also known as speech marks) Key term Definition Examples  ‘ Hello ’  ‘ Are you okay? ’  ‘ I’m here. ’

17 Reported speech Reporting what the speaker says without the use of inverted commas Key term Definition Example  He asked who had eaten all his porridge.  I said that it wasn’t me.  He said he didn’t believe me.

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