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Presentation by H.E. Mr. Jeremy Kinsman Ambassador of Canada To the European Union Wed. March 15, 2006.

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Presentation on theme: "Presentation by H.E. Mr. Jeremy Kinsman Ambassador of Canada To the European Union Wed. March 15, 2006."— Presentation transcript:

1 Presentation by H.E. Mr. Jeremy Kinsman Ambassador of Canada To the European Union Wed. March 15, 2006

2 2 “Ubuntu” (South Africa): “I am what I am because of what we all are”. What are we? Population 1900: 1.6 Billion 2000: 6.1 Billion Share of males aged 15-29 world-wide 191420052020 Europe27.5%8.9%7% U.S./Canada7.33.94.4 Rest of World65.287.288.6 All Muslims*9.5 %28 %30 % *Includes Muslims in Europe and U.S. Canada Sources Bevolkerungsploetz, Population Statistics

3 3 “Migration is inevitable and unstoppable” Can it be managed? Shri P. Chidambaram, Finance Minister of India: “International migration, we believe, presents real economic, social and cultural opportunities for all countries. However, it poses very real challenges too. Some of these are irregular migration, loss of skilled personnel, and challenges to social cohesion and harmony… “Well-managed migration could actually provide a positive contribution to employment and global economic growth if we manage to successfully promote the integration of the migrants in host societies.”

4 4 Canada as a country of settlement immigration Adrienne Clarkson Governor General 1999-2005 Michaëlle Jean Governor General 2005 -

5 5 Immigrants to Canada can apply to become citizens after 3 years, and 83% do

6 6 Policy Underpinnings to Settlement Immigration Selection abroad to become permanent residents on arrival. Integration is a two way process: immigrant and host society adapt. May apply after 3 years- and 83% do apply. Rights and responsibilities must be accepted for economic, social, and political integration. Immigrants are an asset. But immigration must be managed, to maintain social cohesion and popular support.

7 7 Majority of New Immigrants to Canada Come From Asia And The Middle East

8 8 South Asian Immigration to Canada Origin country199920002001200220032004 India 9.912.412.313.812.412 Pakistan 56.56.4 5.75.5 Sri Lanka 2.12 Total 17.521.62122.520.219.5 Source: Citizenship and Immigration Canada South-Asian Immigrants from top 3 countries as a percentage of total inflow, 1999 to 2004:

9 9 So… good for Canada: What are the costs to “source” countries? Loss of highly skilled workers reduces economic growth – they are multipliers – and fiscal revenue Essential services (esp. health, education, governance) lose personnel Lower returns from public investment in education Human costs of prolonged family separation Less tolerance of other country migrants?

10 10 India17.4 Mexico14.6 Philippines 7.9 China 4.6 Pakistan 4.0 Morocco 3.6 Bangladesh 3.2 Countries receiving most remittances (US$ billion) Benefits of Migration 1)Remittances : a benign dependency? But is any dependency positive?

11 11 2) Knowledge transfer through return migration Those most apt to stay entirely in Canada Those who re-engage with original countries

12 12 3) Continuous Brain Circulation India: less emigration of skilled categories, but enhanced inter-activity

13 13 There is a global competition for talent, but unequal distribution of advantage. Pre-Conditions to attract and retain talent – India is benefiting from managed migration and brain circulation but not every country is India -Growth -Income distribution -Improved governance (NEPAD) -Openness and diversity (Richard Florida) support innovation -Conditions increasingly apply in Asia: but Africa needs concentrated help

14 14 Global perspectives We are global citizens in a shrinking world. Sharing talent, futures, with Asia is a largely positive story. Can it provide settlement countries with guidance? What do we have to do? -In North America, we need to strengthen science and engineering capacity to reduce over-reliance on sending countries, while welcoming exchange, upgrades, inter-activity -Public and private development assistance needs increase, drawing from emigrant and re-engaged communities when possible -Help with governance (Canada-Sri Lanka) -It can be win-win. That’s certainly our story with South Asia -Active engagement of the private sector in building integrated supply chains – stop the complaining about competition from lower cost centres – engage lower-cost producers and learning R&D centres.

15 CANADA – EUROPE Partners in the world Partenaires dans le monde

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