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Welcome to World History

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1 Welcome to World History
Study of Mankind

2 Where do we begin? Firsts things first, lets test your knowledge and see how you do with a few questions. How many of you can read a time line? How many of you can write a time line? How many of you know the difference between B.C and A.D. and what do they stand for? What if I told you there are other ways of expressing those parts of a time line? What are they?

3 Definitions and Clarifications
B.C.=Before Christ A.D.=Anno Domini (or in the year of our lord) B.C.E=Before Common Era C.E.=Common Era. Is there a year Zero? Why is it important to know this?

4 Lets test your knowledge!
Which of these dates is older 2014 A.D. or 1980 A.D. 2114 B.C. or 1980 B.C. 1980 B.C. or 476 B.C. 2014 A.D. or 2014 B.C. Lets see how you did? 1980 A.D. 2114 B.C. 1980 B.C. 2014 B.C.

5 Millennia, Centuries and Decades.
History is broken down in to time. Millennium's are measured 1000 years. Centuries are measured 100 years. Decades are measured every 10 years. 1st millennium is the years 1-999 What millennium are we in right now? 1st century is the years 1-99 What century are we in now?

6 Lets test your knowledge.
If I were to say something was in the 2nd millennium BCE what dates would that put it in? Between the dates of BCE. If I were to say something was in the 1st millennium CE what years would that be? Between the dates

7 Lets test your knowledge
5th century BCE? Between BCE 9th century CE? Between CE 17th century BCE? Between BCE 21st century CE Between CE Just remember this rule of thumb. What ever the number if the century is, the dates are always one down from it. 1st century CE is from , so the 2nd century CE is from

8 Map Reading. Why is it important to take world geography before you take world history? What if I told you that we will be looking at maps that do not have present day countries defined on them.

9 Map Reading. Look at the title. Look at the writing on the map.
Try to discern where in the world this is and use your geography for references. Map Reading.

10 Now something a little harder.
What is the map showing you? What else dose this map show you? Why are there two different colors on this map? What do the red dots mean?

11 What other things are important to know when reading a map?
What is a map key? What is a compass rose? How do you tell the difference between a city and a country? Map key: This lets you know what the symbols on the map mean. A compass rose tells you the directions that are N,E,S,W. A city will usually have a dot or something to signify its existence were a country of territory will just have the word.

12 Key terms to know. Pre-History: The time of humans before written record. How do we study a time before history? Archeology: the study of things left behind by previous people. Artifact: The things that are recovered from previous civilizations and places where humans have lived. Fossils: These are the remains of an animal, including humans, that are studied. Anthropology: Study of human life and culture.

13 Prehistory. Humans began around 190,000 years ago.
Early humans were nomads: they moved from place to place. Hominid: These are humans and creatures that walk on two legs upright.

14 Homo Erectus to Homo Sapiens
Homo Erectus: was the first hominid to leave Africa, colonizing later Eurasia (Europe and Asia), then evolved for a greater brain capacity and in their ability to create and use tools. Homo Sapiens: Wise humans.

15 Migration of Humans

16 Paleolithic Age Paleo=Old Lithic=Stone
Paleolithic: Old stone age dating from 2.5 million B.C.E to 10,000 B.C.E (Hint: B.C.E.= Before Common era) Nomads: People who moved around in order to find food to survive. Can you name some nomads you know of? Hunting and Gathering, who is responsible for what?

17 Paleolithic Age What sets the Paleolithic human apart from all others?
Why is it important to know about the spread of humans? What changes us from the nomadic people of the past to the way we live today?

18 It was a REVOLUTION!!! Neo=new lithic=stone
The Neolithic Revolution is what changed the world for ever. The Neolithic Revolution consisted of two very important aspects 1. The domestication of animals. 2. The introduction of systematic agriculture. Domestication: Adaptation of animals for human use. What do you think was the first domesticated animal? Systematic Agriculture: Growing food on a regular basis. What do you think was the first crop?

19 http://en.wikipedia.or g/wiki/List_of_domesti cated_animals
First Domesticated Animals First Crop to be farmed g/wiki/List_of_domesti cated_animals Emmer wheat Einkorn wheat Barley Lentil Pea Chickpea Bitter vetch Flax

20 Why should we care? Why do you think the Neolithic Revolution is important to human history? What ramifications do you think it will have in the course of human development?

21 It was VERY IMPORTANT! The Neolithic Revolution gave rise to many thing that would shape our world. Because of the Neolithic Revolution people would have more free time. It would Create: Artisans: People Skilled in a certain area of work. It would allow for permanent settlements. It would allow for surplus food and thus increase population. WAR!! (but why war)

22 It has begun! As people began to permanently settle they were able to develop specific culture. Culture: A way of life that certain people living together follow. Can you name some or your cultural beliefs? You can create a civilization. Civilization: a complex culture in which many humans share the same number of common elements.

23 Civilization and its basic components
Civilization: What does it mean to be civilized? Historians have determined 6 characteristics of civilization: Cities Organized central governments Complex religions Social classes Job specialization and the arts Writing

24 Cities Indus Nile Euphrates & Tigris Yellow
Early cities appeared along rivers. These are known as the ancient river valley civilization There are four of them: Nile Euphrates & Tigris Yellow Indus

25 But why next to rivers? Why do you think that these early civilizations set up shop next to rivers? Rivers provided: Water supply for drinking and irrigation. Transportation. Water supply for animals.

26 Centralized Government
When civilizations first started it was mainly rules by the religious leaders. However as people starting attacking each other for goods and slaves, military chiefs and warlords became to lead. They would eventually become kings. Monarch: King or Queen Monarchy: A form of government that is ruled by a king or queen. Theocracy: "rule by god(s)" or human incarnation(s) of god(s). *Hint*: remember these because you will see these words again!

27 Centralized Government
Governments became more complex as new responsibilities arose such as: tax collecting law making handling public works projects organizing systems of defense

28 Complex Religions Temples often built to honor specific gods and goddesses Ancient Indus River Temple Ancient Euphrates River Temple Ancient Nile River Temple

29 Social Classes People ranked according to their profession Chief
Priests Nobles Wealthy merchants Artisans Peasants/farmers Slaves

30 Jobs and Specializations
Artisans specialized in various jobs, such as: Bricklayers Blacksmiths Bakers Tailors Jewelry Makers Scribes Created great architecture and art

31 Writing And last but note least! Probably first used by priests
Earliest writing used pictograms Yellow River Valley Calligraphy Indus River Valley Pictographs Euphrates River Valley Cuneiform Nile River Hieroglyphs

32 Writing Symbols later added to represent words and then sounds
Scribes were specially trained to read, write, and record information This is the Rosetta Stone. It is the reason that we can understand ancient Egyptian and Coptic languages.

33 Four River Valley Civilizations
Mesopotamia Located in between the Euphrates and Tigris Rivers. Oldest known civilization in the world Also known as the “Fertile Crescent”

34 Four River Valley Civilizations
Egypt Located on the Nile river in Egypt. Second Oldest Known Civilization. Known for it large pyramids and Pharos.

35 Four River Valley Civilizations
China (Shang Dynasty) Located nest to the Yellow (Huang He) river. Thought to be established by the Xia, but no records exist First Dynasty Shang Created the “Mandate of Heaven”

36 Four River Valley Civilizations
India Located on the Indus river. Had running sewer system long before any other civilization. Invented the Caste System Birth Place of Hinduism and Buddhism

37 The Bronze Age The Bronze Age is a term used by historians for the time in human history c B.C.E B.C.E. It is called this because primary tools and weapons were created from a mixture of Tin and Copper, It was called bronze

38 The Replay Video!

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