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Pathways to Teaching Mr. James L. Preston T.E.A.M. Teach Project West Hills College Lemoore

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1 Pathways to Teaching Mr. James L. Preston T.E.A.M. Teach Project West Hills College Lemoore E-mail: Ph #- 925-3146

2 Fun Facts about Teaching  Over the next decade, California public schools will need to hire between 190,000 and 250,000 new teachers.  The average salary for teachers in California is $43,935 and new legislation supports a new minimum beginning salary of $34,000.  Teacher fellow grants, tax credits, and Teacher loans/down payments are all available as an incentive to recruit new teachers

3 Teaching Credentials  Multiple Subject (M.S.) credential allows you to teach k-8.  Single Subject (S.S.) credential allows you to teach 7-12 in a specific subject area.  Specialized credentials for reading, special education, etc.

4 Bachelor’s Degree (B.A.)  CSU, UC or private school - M.S = B.A. in Liberal Studies - S.S = B.A. in specific subject area  Community College - provides you with General Education (A.A.) & blended classes are available - T.E.A.M. Teach at WHCL helps you through the Teacher Education pipeline from Rookie (interested in teaching) to the Major Leagues (having your own classroom).T.E.A.M. Teach

5 California Basic Educational Skills Test (CBEST)  3 sections- Reading (50), Math (50), Writing (2 essays)  4 hour test- offered 6 times a year; $41 fee.  Does not measure teaching ability- “a hurdle”  CBEST Web Site CBEST Web Site

6 California Basic Educational Skills Test (CBEST)  CBEST + 90 units= 90-day substitute waiver ($80-130/day)  CBEST + B.A. = 30-day emergency substitute credential (unlimited substitute teaching)

7 Credential Programs- 5 th Year- Traditional  Need B.A. and CBEST (usually) to start post-baccalaureate program  Pedagogy (how we teach) courses  Initial student teaching  Final student teaching  Successful completion of a 5 th year program leads to a Preliminary Multiple Subject or Single Subject credential

8 Credential Programs- District or University Internship  Sponsored by the school district or by the university (post-B.A.)  1-2 years providing you with classroom experience while taking your courses  Successful completion of an internship program leads to a Preliminary Multiple or Single Subject credential

9 Credential Programs- CSU & the “Blended Program”  a blending of “pedagogy” and student teaching into the undergraduate level.  Example– Math 10A- Math for Elementary Teachers  Successful completion of a “blended program” leads to a B.A. in Liberal Studies and Preliminary Multiple Subject Credential (k-8)

10 CSET and RICA  RICA information RICA information  CSET implemented as a result of No Child Left Behind (NCLB) legislation that requires High Quality Teachers (HQT)  Needs to be completed to start “Final Student Teaching”  Based on California Content Standards  CSET: Single Subject  CSET: Multiple Subject –Reading, Language, Literature, Social Science –Science and Mathematics –P.E, Human Development, Arts –CSET WebsiteCSET Website

11 Pathway to Teaching  Work with a partner to identify your pathway to your own classroom…  2 years-  5 years-  10 years

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