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Mary Kelly May 2005 Empowering For Health: Development of a Sensory Garden in The Medical Rehabilitation Unit Letterkenny General Hospital Donegal.

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Presentation on theme: "Mary Kelly May 2005 Empowering For Health: Development of a Sensory Garden in The Medical Rehabilitation Unit Letterkenny General Hospital Donegal."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mary Kelly May 2005 Empowering For Health: Development of a Sensory Garden in The Medical Rehabilitation Unit Letterkenny General Hospital Donegal

2 Mary Kelly May 2005 Background Health Promotion Service Plan Opening of the Medical Rehabilitation Unit Empowerment of patients through the development of a living / working space

3 Mary Kelly May 2005 Context of the work NWHSE values which guide our work ie.Self -Reliance,Holism, Equity, Accountability,Continuous Evaluation Confidentiality and Respect. The National Health Strategy: Quality and Fairness 2002 This strategy outlines the future direction of health care in Ireland. It is guided by the core principles of equity, people centredness, quality and accountability. The strategy contains commitments to the provision of quality health care, delivered equitably to address the individual and unique needs of all persons. National Goal 1: Better health for everyone Health Promotion Strategy: 2000-2005 This strategy acknowledges the need to develop appropriate, sensitive, responsive health promotion programmes in order to facilitate improvement in health status and social gain of all persons

4 Mary Kelly May 2005 Aim of the project To develop a sensory garden in the medical rehabilitation unit to be used by patients, relatives and staff.

5 Mary Kelly May 2005 Objectives To provide a garden for therapeutic activities within patient rehabilitation programmes To establish a garden that will meet the needs of a wide range of people hence making it accessible to all To develop a supportive environment to address not only the treatment of illness but also the promotion of positive health To work collaboratively with patients in the development of this project

6 Mary Kelly May 2005 Process Multi-disciplinary working team Identification of site Funding proposal Time scale / Implementation plan Design and construction Planting Furnishing

7 Mary Kelly May 2005 Composition of working team Co-ordinator of project Manager of rehab.unit Estates manager and staff Staff of the unit Physiotherapist Occupational Therapist Horticultural advisor Consumer

8 Mary Kelly May 2005 Advantages of the sensory garden for patients Therapeutic gardening activities Ease transition from home to hospital and hospital to home Enhancement of all senses Privacy to learn to walk on a variety of surfaces A private area to practice car transfer Memorabilia area

9 Mary Kelly May 2005 Area identified for development of garden

10 Mary Kelly May 2005 Area before commencement of project

11 Mary Kelly May 2005 Garden under construction

12 Mary Kelly May 2005

13 Attention to detail:surfaces & access

14 Mary Kelly May 2005 Ready for planting

15 Mary Kelly May 2005 Completed Garden

16 Mary Kelly May 2005 Official Opening of Garden

17 Mary Kelly May 2005


19 Working Group

20 Mary Kelly May 2005

21 Music in the Garden

22 Mary Kelly May 2005 Staff and patients

23 Mary Kelly May 2005

24 Memorabilia area

25 Mary Kelly May 2005

26 Factors Which Supported Success of Sensory Garden The Right Culture- organizational support / health promotion culture The Right Processes – Multi- disciplinary team work / project management The Right Resources-Friends of LGH The Right People( at the right time) Dedicated enthusiastic team

27 Mary Kelly May 2005 Working Group with Friends of LGH

28 Mary Kelly May 2005 Enjoying the garden

29 Mary Kelly May 2005 Quality time in a sensory environmentally friendly ambience

30 Mary Kelly May 2005 Music in the garden

31 Mary Kelly May 2005 This garden is in it’s infancy but as the months and years turn new sights will be revealed which constantly serve to raise the spirit, excite the eye and importantly enhance well being.

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