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European Parliament – 7 May 2015, Brussels Atypical Employment Why does it matter? Jon Horne ECA Vice-President ECA is the Social Partner and Voice for.

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Presentation on theme: "European Parliament – 7 May 2015, Brussels Atypical Employment Why does it matter? Jon Horne ECA Vice-President ECA is the Social Partner and Voice for."— Presentation transcript:

1 European Parliament – 7 May 2015, Brussels Atypical Employment Why does it matter? Jon Horne ECA Vice-President ECA is the Social Partner and Voice for European Professional Pilots

2 European Parliament – 7 May 2015, Brussels

3 What does the study show? Over 6600 pilots – 10% of EU Pilots – very robust > 1 in 6 pilots atypically employed – many 1000s But… Problem is concentrated: 40% of young pilots (20-30) not directly employed ½ Low Fare Airline pilots not directly employed 4 out of 5 ‘self-employed’ pilots work for LFAs HALF of ‘self-employed’ pilots unable to take unfettered professional safety judgements

4 European Parliament – 7 May 2015, Brussels


6 Examples show why this matters Pay to Fly schemes and zero-hours for key safety workers is gross folly Far eastern crew ‘parachuted in’ to fly in Europe – ¼ the price, but really part of safety culture? Evidence indicating safety reporting rate 3 times lower after precarious contracts introduced Isolation by atypical employment avoids tax and social obligations to undercut others in market

7 European Parliament – 7 May 2015, Brussels What could fix this? 1.Ban Pay to Fly & Zero-hours – Perverse incentive for key safety worker – need Apprenticeships 2.Strengthen ‘Home Base’ – Give aircrew a home in EU to derive rights from, not a loophole for cowboys 3.Prevent bogus, & cap indirect, setups – default assumption of direct employment unless disproven 4.Block Flags of Convenience – ‘Principle Place of Business’ is a reality of establishment, not a choice of façade; revise Visa rules for aircrew

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