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1 MAE 5130: VISCOUS FLOWS Lecture 4: Viscosity August 26, 2010 Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Department Florida Institute of Technology D. R. Kirk.

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Presentation on theme: "1 MAE 5130: VISCOUS FLOWS Lecture 4: Viscosity August 26, 2010 Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Department Florida Institute of Technology D. R. Kirk."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 MAE 5130: VISCOUS FLOWS Lecture 4: Viscosity August 26, 2010 Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Department Florida Institute of Technology D. R. Kirk

2 2 WHAT IS VISCOSITY? What does viscosity mean? –Often related to ‘time to flow’ especially for petroleum products –Viscosity is a measure of a fluid's resistance to flow. A fluid with low viscosity flows easily and is often called "thin." Water is an example of a fluid with a relatively low viscosity. A fluid with high viscosity is often described as "thick." Maple syrup is an example of a fluid with a relatively high viscosity. Remember: Time to flow is not viscosity How long does it take for 60 ml of oil at specified temperature (100 ºC or 210 ºF, approx. engine operating temp) to flow out of a 1.76 cm hole in bottom of a cup? –SAE 10 motor oil takes 10 seconds –SAE 30 motor oil takes 30 seconds –W rating indicates that oil has been tested at a colder temperature –10-W30 motor oil performs like a SAE 10 motor oil at colder temperatures (engine start-up) but still has the SAE 30 viscosity at higher temperatures (engine operating conditions) What does a viscosity index (VI) number mean? –Measure of relative change in viscosity of oil over a temperature range –HIGHER VI → SMALLER viscosity change over temperature –VI not related to actual viscosity or SAE viscosity, but is measure of rate of viscosity change –Generally, multigrade oils (0W-40, 10W-30, etc.) will have high viscosity indexes. Monograde oils (SAE 30, 40, etc.) will have lower viscosity indexes.

3 3 COEFFICIENT OF VISCOSITY,  More fundamental approach to viscosity shows it is property of fluid which relates applied stress (  ) to resulting strain rate (  ) Consider fluid sheared between two flat plates –Bottom plate is fixed –Top plate moving at constant velocity, V, in positive x-direction only u = u(y) only –Geometry dictates that shear stress,  xy, must be constant throughout fluid Perform experiment → for all common fluids, applied shear is a unique function of strain rate –For given V,  xy is constant, it follows that du/dy and  xy are constant, so that resulting velocity profile is linear across plates Newtonian fluids (air, water, oil): linear relationship between applied stress and strain –Coefficient of viscosity of a Newtonian fluid:  –Dimension: Ns/m 2 or kg/ms –Thermodynamic property (related to molecular interactions) that varies with T&P

4 4 VISCOUS BEHAVIOR OF VARIOUS MATERIALS All true fluids can not resist shear, so must pass through origin on plot of  vs.  –Yielding fluids show finite stress at zero strain rate (part solid and part fluid) –Often called a Bingham plastic –Toothpaste, grease, hand creams Pseudoplastic: shear-thinning –Usually solutions of large, polymeric molecules in a solvent with smaller molecules –Ketchup: When at rest it is hard to pour, however it has lower viscosity when agitated –Hair gel: much harder to pour off fingers (a low shear application), but that it produces much less resistance when rubbed between the fingers (a high shear application) Dilatant: shear-thickening –Uncooked mix of cornstarch and water: –Under high shear the water is squeezed out from between the starch molecules, which are able to interact more strongly

5 5 VISCOUS BEHAVIOR OF VARIOUS MATERIALS Behavior of some non-Newtonian fluids may be time-dependent If strain rate is held constant, shear stress may vary Thixotropic: shear stress decreases –The longer the fluid undergoes shear, the lower its viscosity –Yogurt –Paint –Many clutch-type automatic transmissions use fluids with thixotropic properties, to engage the different clutch plates inside the transmission housing at specific pressures, which then changes the gearset –Clay-like ground can practically liquefy under the shaking of a tremor –Ketchup is frequently thixotropic Rheopectic: shear stress increases –The longer the fluid undergoes shear, the higher its viscosity –Some lubricants, thicken or solidify when shaken –Gypsum paste

6 6 POWER-LAW APPROXIMATION FOR NONNEWTONIAN FLUIDS K and n are material parameters which in general vary with T & P K is the flow consistency index n is the flow behavior index –If n < 1: pseudoplastic –If n = 1: Newtonian (K = m) –If n > 1: dilatant Power law is only a good description of fluid behavior across range of shear rates to which coefficients were fitted

7 7 VISCOSITY AS A FUNCTION OF T &P Non-dimensionalization performed relative to critical point –T r =T/T c General Trends 1.Viscosity of liquids ↓ as T ↑ 2.Viscosity of low-pressure gases (or dilute mixtures) ↑ as T ↑ 3.Viscosity always ↑ as P ↑ 4.Poor accuracy near Pc, Tc Usually Pc ~ 10 atm Common in many problems to ignore P dependence and consider only T dependence





12 12 PROBLEM: 1-4 Steady viscous flow enters tube from a reservoir Wall friction causes a viscous layer, initially probably laminar, to begin at inlet and grow in thickness downstream, possibly becoming turbulent further inside tube Internal flow constrained by solid walls, so viscous layers must coalesce at some distance, x L, at which point tube is completely filled with boundary layer Downstream of coalescence, flow profile ceases to change with axial position and is called ‘fully-developed’ If Re D > 2,000, flow will end up turbulent –See picture above At lower ReD flow remains laminar –See pictures to right Poiseuille-Paraboloid Laminar Pipe Flow Formula

13 13 PROBLEM: 1-6 Vorticity,  z, calculated from equations in Appendix B Instantaneous velocity and vorticity profiles are shown on the right for C=1, =1. At t=0, the flow is a ‘line’ vortex’, irrotational everywhere except at the origin where  z =∞

14 14 PROBLEM: 1-6 Vorticity,  z, calculated from equations in Appendix B Instantaneous velocity and vorticity profiles are shown on the right for C=1, =1. At t=0, the flow is a ‘line’ vortex’, irrotational everywhere except at the origin where  z =∞

15 15 PROBLEM: 1-8 Inviscid flow past a [non-rotating] cylinder –2 stagnation points (r,  ) = (R,0) and (R,  )

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