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Transforming Presence: Evangelising Effectively Preparing for Mission Weekends.

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Presentation on theme: "Transforming Presence: Evangelising Effectively Preparing for Mission Weekends."— Presentation transcript:

1 Transforming Presence: Evangelising Effectively Preparing for Mission Weekends

2 We want every parish/benefice in the diocese to... …put on a Mission Weekend as part of our centenary celebrations …try to do one thing in evangelism it has never done before …have in place a small team of people who have had some training and experience in evangelism

3 Purpose A Mission Weekend is a time set aside for specific events that share the gospel with people on the fringe or outside the church. It is set in the context of understanding how people grow and develop in faith, and of how we become a missionary church, renewing our faith as we share it with others

4 Contact Commitment Church membership Nurtur e Growth Growth Spiral

5 Putting people first How can we serve the people with whom we already have contact in such a way as to make the gospel intriguing, challenging and appealing

6 Planning evangelistic events Contacts? Issues? Gospel? Event? Next step?

7 Evangelistic events Express good news Experience Christian community Opportunity to take the next step

8 Questions to keep in mind What event will people actually attend? How does the event deal with their issues and interests? Have you invited them to help you plan it? How is the gospel being presented?

9 Two common pitfalls Social events Church services

10 Helping people take the next step Response cards A personal visit Nurture course e.g. Alpha, Christianity Explored, Emmaus, Pilgrim or Start A course that relates to the issue e.g. parenting course Another event

11 Three golden rules Let the event fit the people Is there a next step in place? Small is beautiful

12 Other issues Pray Pay Name Help and training is available Team

13 Co-ordinating team Prayer Hospitality Events Publicity Follow up


15 2014 is the anniversary of the outbreak of the First World War Many opportunities to engage with our communities 4 th August National memorial. It is hoped that every church will be open for prayer and for people to bring their memories Remembrance next year will be more significant than ever

16 What next? Get praying Start planning Other training opportunities Ask for help Prayer partners Let us know what you’re doing

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