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The BEAUTY of NFP The Best-Kept Secret of the Catholic Church!

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Presentation on theme: "The BEAUTY of NFP The Best-Kept Secret of the Catholic Church!"— Presentation transcript:

1 The BEAUTY of NFP The Best-Kept Secret of the Catholic Church!

2 2 What is NFP? Natural Family Planning (NFP) is fertility awareness. Fertility awareness is “reading” the body’s signs of fertility and infertility. Through NFP, couples know whether they are fertile or infertile.

3 3 Responsible parenthood Using the knowledge of NFP within marriage, by using the fertile time to conceive a child or using the infertile times to postpone a pregnancy.

4 NFP also means … Abstaining from intercourse and genital activity during fertile time of cycle if avoiding pregnancy Not using contraception to interfere with fertility Developing non-genital ways of expressing intimacy during the fertile times Being Open to Life

5 Methods of NFP

6 6 The Ovulation Method The Ovulation Method – Involves the mucus sign The Sympto-Thermal Method The Sympto-Thermal Method – Combines the temperature sign with mucus or cervix Both are highly effective, if taught correctly and used properly Ovulation Method is simpler to learn but the Sympto-Thermal Method is easier to use Two Main Methods of Natural Family Planning

7 Simple to Use During the day, the woman observes her mucus sign At every urination or bowel movement At bedtime, the husband marks the observations on a chart.

8 Basic Instructions for Achieving and Avoiding Pregnancy Achieve - Have intercourse during the fertile window! Avoid – Don’t have intercourse during the fertile window!

9 Effectiveness of NFP Accurate charting Accurate observations Consistent use Mutual motivation Loving cooperation NFP is close to 98% effective!

10 10 Calendar or Rhythm method??? Does not work for irregular cycles and is not taught nowadays.

11 Living With Your Fertility

12 Benefits of using NFP...  No harmful side effects  Supports reproductive health  Environmentally friendly  Virtually cost free  Are adaptable—to achieve or avoid pregnancy  Requires couple communication  A “shared” responsibility  Encourages sexual maturity  Respects God’s design for married love!

13 Natural Family Planning “NFP strengthens conjugal love and helps to establish families in peace and security.” Drs. John and Evelyn Billings




17 To learn more about NFP contact our DFSC office

18 Services Offered Family Life Education Human Sexuality and Family Values Sessions for Parents/Students Family Social Issues Parish Family Cells Awareness Campaigns Pastoral Counselling Individuals, Spousal Couples and Families Director : Fr. Kennet Barretto Teles Panaji Office : Maquinez Palace, Nr. ESG, Old GMC, Panaji, Goa 403 001 Email: Tel.No.: 2224140 Margao: St. John Paul II Complex, Nr. BM Garage, Margao, Goa 403 601. Tel.No.: 2713497 Fb.Pg.: Diocesan Family Service Centre Goa Pro-life Department Promoting Human Dignity Distribution Of Literature Marriage Formation Marriage Preparation and Enrichment Responsible Parenthood Natural Family Planning Promotion of Breast Feeding

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