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Chapter 3: The House as a System To be used with the Guide to Building Energy Efficient Homes in Kentucky.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 3: The House as a System To be used with the Guide to Building Energy Efficient Homes in Kentucky."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 3: The House as a System To be used with the Guide to Building Energy Efficient Homes in Kentucky

2 Interrelationships of a House Outside Environment People, Pets, Plants Inside of the House

3 Household Environment

4 Frequent Problems

5 Mold on walls, ceilings, and furnishings Mysterious odors Excessive heating and cooling bills High humidity Rooms that are never comfortable Decayed structural wood and other materials Termite or other pest infestations Fireplaces that do not draft properly High levels of formaldehyde, radon or carbon monoxide Water leaks Wet basements

6 A House Works as a System Factors that help define the quality of the living environment: Temperature Relative humidity levels Air quality Air movement

7 Energy Use by Components of the Building Envelope

8 Cool Weather Energy Use

9 Basic Concepts Movement of Heat Movement of Air Movement of Moisture Relative Humidity

10 How Heat Moves in Homes The transfer of heat through solid objects, such as the ceilings, walls, and floors of a home is conduction.

11 How Heat Moves in Homes The flow of heat by currents of air is convection.

12 How Heat Moves in Homes The movement of energy in electromagnetic waves from warm to cooler objects, across empty spaces is radiation.

13 How Air Moves in Homes Leakage Driving Forces Requirements for air leakage to occur are: Holes Driving force air

14 How Air Moves in Home s The common driving forces are: Wind Stack effect Mechanical blower

15 Wind Windward Leeward

16 Stack Effect

17 Mechanical

18 How Moisture Moves in Homes Bulk moisture transport Capillary action Air transport Vapor diffusion

19 Bulk Moisture Transport The flow of water through holes, cracks, or gaps Primary source - rain Causes: ―poor flashing ―inadequate drainage ―poor quality weather-stripping or caulking around joints ―groundwater seepage Most important of the four modes of moisture migration

20 Capillary Action The wicking of water through porous materials or between small cracks Primary sources - rain or ground water Causes: ―water seeping between overlapping pieces of exterior siding ―water drawn upward through pores or cracks in concrete slabs and walls ―water migrating from crawl spaces into floor and wall framing

21 Air Transport The flow of air, containing water vapor, into enclosed areas through unsealed penetrations and joints between conditioned and unconditioned areas Primary source - water vapor in air Causes: ―air leaking through holes and cracks ―other leaks between interior air and enclosed wall cavities ―interior air and attics ―exterior air adding humidity to interior air in summer ―crawl spaces and interior air

22 Vapor Diffusion The movement of water vapor in air through permeable materials Primary source - water vapor in the air Causes: ―interior moisture permeating wall and ceiling finish materials ―exterior moisture moving into the home in summer ―moist crawl space air migrating into the home Least important of the four (4) modes of moisture migration in Climate Zone 4

23 The amount of water vapor in the air is measured by its relative humidity. At 100% relative humidity (RH), water vapor condenses into a liquid. Relative Humidity

24 Relative Humidity – the amount of water vapor in the air Dew Point – the temperature at which the water vapor in the air condenses To prevent condensation: ―reduce the relative humidity, or ―increase the temperatures of surfaces exposed to the air

25 Measuring Relative Humidity Sling Psychrometer

26 Psychrometric Chart

27 WHY INDOOR AIR IS DRY IN WINTER In winter, air leaking into a residence will reduce the humidity levels in a home. If outside air, at 30°F and 80% relative humidity, leaks into a home, when it warms up to 70°F (the indoor temperature), it would only be about 18% RH.

28 WHY INDOOR AIR IS DRY IN WINTER In winter, air leaking into a residence will reduce the humidity levels in a home. If outside air, at 30°F and 80% relative humidity, leaks into a home, when it warms up to 70°F (the indoor temperature), it would only be about 18% RH.

29 WHY INDOOR AIR IS DRY IN WINTER In winter, air leaking into a residence will reduce the humidity levels in a home. If outside air, at 30°F and 80% relative humidity, leaks into a home, when it warms up to 70°F (the indoor temperature), it would only be about 18% RH.

30 WINTER CONDENSATION IN WALLS The temperature of the inside surface of wall sheathing will depend on the insulating value of the rest of the wall and the sheathing, and the indoor and outdoor temperatures. If the temperature is 35°F outside and 70°F at 40% relative humidity inside, then: – the interior surface of plywood sheathing would be around 39°F and – the interior surface of insulated sheathing would be 47°F

31 Predicting Condensation 1. Find the point (1) representing the indoor air conditions of 70°F at 40% RH.

32 Predicting Condensation 1.Find the point (1) representing the indoor air conditions (70°F at 40% RH). 2.Draw a horizontal line to the 100% RH line.

33 Predicting Condensation 1.Find the point (1) representing the indoor air conditions (70°F at 40% RH). 2.Draw a horizontal line to the 100% RH line (2). 3.Draw a vertical line down from where the horizontal line intersects the 100% RH line (3). Dew Point

34 SUMMER CONDENSATION IN WALLS If the interior air is 75°F, and outside air at 95°F and 40% relative humidity enters the wall cavity, will condensation occur?

35 SUMMER CONDENSATION IN WALLS If the interior air is 75°F, and outside air at 95°F and 40% relative humidity enters the wall cavity, will condensation occur?

36 SUMMER CONDENSATION IN WALLS If the interior air is 75°F, and outside air at 95°F and 40% relative humidity enters the wall cavity, will condensation occur?

37 Effect of Relative Humidity Ideal health and comfort for humans occurs at 30% to 50% RH At lower relative humidity levels, we feel cooler At higher relative humidity levels, we may feel uncomfortable Dry air, less than 30% RH, can aggravate respiratory and skin problems Molds grow in air over 70% RH Dust mites prosper at over 50% RH Wood decays when the RH is near or at 100%

38 Systems in a House Structural System Thermal Insulation System Air Leakage Control System Moisture Control System Comfort Control System (the HVAC System)

39 Structural System Structural integrity problems: Frost heaving Erosion Rain water intrusion such as roof leaks Water absorption into building systems Excessive relative humidity levels Fire Summer heat build-up

40 Structural System The home designer and builder should: Ensure that the footer is installed level and below the frost line Divert ground water away from the building Ensure that the roof is watertight to prevent rainwater intrusion Seal penetrations that allow moisture to enter the building envelope via air leakage

41 Structural System The home designer and builder should: Ensure that there is a drainage plane on the exterior wall Ensure that all flashing is installed properly Use fire-stopping sealants to close penetrations that are potential sources of “draft” during a fire Install a series of capillary breaks that keep moisture from migrating through foundation into floor, wall and attic framing

42 Thermal Insulation System Considerations for effective insulation: Install R-values equal to or exceeding the energy code against the air barrier material Do not compress insulation Provide full insulation coverage of the specified R-value Prevent air leakage through insulation Air seal and insulate knee walls and other attic wall areas with a minimum of R-13 insulation Support insulation so that it remains in place, especially in areas where breezes can enter or rodents may reside

43 Air Leakage Control System Problems High humidity levels in summer and dry air in winter Allergy problems Radon entry via leaks in the floor system Mold growth Drafts Window fogging or frosting Excessive heating and cooling bills Increased damage in case of fire

44 Air Leakage Control System Seal all air leakage sites between conditioned and unconditioned spaces: –caulk or otherwise seal penetrations for plumbing, electrical wiring, and other utilities –seal junctions between building components –utilize air sealing insulating materials Seal bypasses Install a continuous air barrier approach

45 Air Leakage Control System


47 Moisture Control System Vapor and air barrier (infiltration) systems that hinder the flow of water vapor and Heating and cooling systems designed to provide comfort throughout the year

48 Comfort Control System (the HVAC System) Energy efficient homes reduce: −size of systems required −hours of operation Oversized systems: −reduce efficiency – short run times −reduce moisture control during cooling Improper duct installation causes pressure imbalances Must be maintained to perform properly −simple as changing filters

49 Comfort Control System

50 Air Leaks in Supply Ducts

51 Comfort Control System Air Leaks in Return Ducts

52 Comfort Control System Return Blocked by Door

53 Duct Leaks and Infiltration If supply ducts, in unconditioned areas, leak: –Heated and cooled air will escape to the outside –Less air volume will be “supplied” to the house, so the pressure inside the house may become negative, thus increasing air infiltration –Negative pressure can actually backdraft flues—pull exhaust gases back into the home from fireplaces and other combustion appliances Health effects can be deadly if flues contain substantial carbon monoxide

54 Duct Leaks and Infiltration If return ducts, in unconditioned spaces, leak: –Home can become pressurized, thus increasing air leakage out of the envelope –Hot, humid air is pulled into the ducts in summer; cold air is drawn into the ducts in winter –Human health may be endangered if ducts are located in areas with radon, mold, or toxic chemicals –Combustion appliances, if located near return leaks, may create the negative pressure, great enough to backdraft flues and chimneys

55 Alleviating Duct Pressure Problems In rooms with a single supply register, make sure doors have an adequate gap under them to allow air to pass – a 1½ inch gap is required for each 100 cfm of supply air Install separate returns Install jumper ducts or transfer grilles

56 Alleviating Duct Pressure Problems In rooms with multiple supply registers Install separate returns; or Install jumper ducts or transfer grilles

57 Sample Problems Moisture Problem The owners of a residence in Kentucky complain that their ceilings are dotted with mildew. Upon closer examination, an energy inspector finds that the spots are primarily around recessed lamps located close to the exterior walls. What type of moisture problem may be causing the mildew growth?

58 Possible Explanation − Bulk Moisture Transport Roof Leak

59 Possible Explanation – Air Transport Moisture Laden Air Forms Condensation on Roof Deck

60 Possible Explanation – Capillary Action

61 Possible Explanation – Vapor Diffusion Excess Humidity Condensation

62 Sample Problems Wall Moisture Problem A homeowner notices that paint is peeling on the exterior siding near the base of a bathroom wall. In addition, surface mold has formed on the interior drywall, and the baseboard paint is peeling. What is happening?

63 Possible Explanation Wall Moisture Problem

64 Sample Problems Carbon Monoxide Disaster This final example involves the build-up of carbon monoxide in a home, during the winter. How could this occur?

65 Possible Explanation Carbon Monoxide Build-up

66 Summary House Thermal Insulation System Structural System Moisture Control System HVAC Air Leakage Control System

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