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Welcome to CMPE003 Personal Computer Concepts: Hardware and Software Winter 2003 UC Santa Cruz Instructor: Guy Cox.

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2 Welcome to CMPE003 Personal Computer Concepts: Hardware and Software Winter 2003 UC Santa Cruz Instructor: Guy Cox

3 8/7/2015 Assignments Details on the class web page:  TAs  Chunxiao Zhou (  Dat Nguyen ( Sections  Monday – 4 – 6 PM, Oakes #205  Tuesday – 4 – 6 PM, Oakes #205  Friday – 10 – 12 AM, Oakes #205

4 8/7/2015 2 nd Homework: Due January 22, 2003 Web Search Exercise See class web page for details

5 8/7/2015 Are you on the list? Class roster posted on web page..  If you are not on list you have been dropped from the class. Class is closed – no exceptions

6 Applications Software: Getting the Work Done Chapter 3

7 8/7/2015 Objectives Distinguish between operating systems and applications software List the various methods by which individuals and businesses acquire software List and briefly describe various types of task-oriented software Identify the kinds of software available for both large and small businesses Discuss ethical issues associated with software Describe the functions of various computer professionals

8 8/7/2015 Applications Software “Applications” Apply to real-world tasks & Solve user problems vs. OS that Controls the hardware & Provides services for applications

9 8/7/2015 What it Does Gets the work done Solves a problem: How large was The Roman Empire?

10 8/7/2015 Software Types All software is:  Written by programmers  Takes a lot of time to write and test Custom Software  When requirements and specifications are unique – Commonly done by in-house IT organizations or by contract with SW development organization.

11 8/7/2015 Software Types: Packaged or Commercial Sold in stores, catalogs, or downloadable from the WWW Purchased from software publishers Must be installed  Standard or custom installation  The setup process copies some or all of the software to the hard disk  May require the CD-ROM to be in the drive to run i.e, game software

12 8/7/2015 PC Software Characteristics PC Software tends to be more:  User-friendly  Easy  Intuitive (to a degree)  Minimum training and documentation needed to use On-line help included with most packages After market books helpful to increase proficiency Then other kinds of software.

13 8/7/2015 Acquiring Software Freeware  Free to all  Copyrighted  Distributed in machine-readable format Shareware  Freely distributed for a trial period When the trial period is over it stops working  Pay a nominal fee to register with the author

14 8/7/2015 Acquiring Software Public-domain software  Un-copyrighted  May be used or altered without restriction  Generally developed under government grants  Common in UNIX systems Open source  Free to all  Source code is distributed  May be used or altered  Popular under the FreeBSD/LINUX OS

15 8/7/2015 Acquiring Software Commercial software  Used most often  Copyrighted  Generally costly  May not be copied without permission of the manufacturer

16 8/7/2015 Purchasing Commercial Software: Individuals Retail stores Mail order Electronic software distribution

17 8/7/2015 Purchasing Commercial Software: Businesses Volume discount Site license Network versions Application Service Provide (ASP)  Software is setup and maintained by ASP  Access the software over the Internet  Pay per use  Saves the expense of installing and maintaining the software

18 8/7/2015 Task-Oriented Software: Productivity Software Makes work faster Makes our lives easier Makes work faster Makes our lives easier

19 8/7/2015 Word Processing Uses  Memos  Reports  Correspondence  Minutes of meetings  Anything to be typed Functions  Create  Edit  Format  Store  Print text and graphics

20 8/7/2015 Desktop Publishing Uses  Newsletters  Reports  Brochures  Posters Functions  Handles high-level publishing needs

21 8/7/2015 Electronic Spreadsheets Uses  Comparing mortgage interest rates  Preparing budgets  Tracking weight loss  Keeping grades for class… Functions  Manipulates numbers in rows and columns  Recalculates the results when a number is changed  Allows you to explore the “What if?”

22 8/7/2015 Electronic Spreadsheets

23 8/7/2015 Database Management Uses  Keep track of a large number of related facts  Query the data for specific information  Retrieve information in a variety of ways Functions  Store data  Update data  Manipulate data  Retrieve data  Print data in many forms  Report on data in a variety of ways

24 8/7/2015 Graphics Uses  Maps  Graphs  Charts Helps to  Compare data  Spot trends  Make decisions Visual information is more compelling  Human information processing: 80% visual – 15% audio – 5% reading

25 8/7/2015 Presentation Graphics Uses  Business tool Share reports Discuss business plans Document activities  Sales tool Show cost/benefit projections on charts Present audio/video testimonials from satisfied customers Demonstrate a product  Teaching … Seminar presentations May contain  Text  Graphics  Audio  Video  Animations

26 8/7/2015 Computer Art Use software to  Produce art  Express ideas Graphic artist  Artistic ability  Computer skills  Produces computer art

27 8/7/2015 Communications Communicate from home with computer at office Access data stored in another computer in another location Stock exchange updates Remote Weather information  REINAS project at UCSC Communicate with other people  E-mail, IRC, MUDS/MOOS, Mailing lists, Chat rooms

28 8/7/2015 Communications Provides method for communicating between computers Most likely way to connect is via the Internet Use a browser to access the Internet

29 8/7/2015 Office Suites Group of basic software applications designed to work together  i.e, MS Office – Word, Excel, Power Point Data is portable between basic applications of the suite Various applications in the suite have the same “look and feel” Cost of suite is less than purchasing individual applications

30 8/7/2015 Integrated Applications Combine basic word processing, spreadsheet, and graphics capabilities More limited than a suite Easier to learn and use

31 8/7/2015 Software Development Focus Ease of use Personal use programs  Personal time organizers  To-do list makers  E-mail programs Internet access

32 8/7/2015 Business Software Custom-written to meet special business needs Standard packages Combination of custom- written and off-the-shelf

33 8/7/2015 Vertical Market Software Written for a particular type of business  Dentist’s office  Drugstore  Auto shop Software may be part of complete package (aka “turnkey”)  Hardware  Installation  Training  Support

34 8/7/2015 Software for Workgroups Groupware / collaborative software Lets a group of people share information or track information together Data being used is located in central database Data can be accessed and updated by anyone in the project group

35 8/7/2015 Software for Workgroups Examples Scheduling Preparation of proposals by several individuals Large team projects:  Engineering  Sales

36 8/7/2015 Software for Small Business Accounting  Spreadsheet software  Accounting package – Basic accounting, financial statements, tax summaries, payroll Writing and Advertising  Word processing  Desktop publishing Customer Service  Database management

37 8/7/2015 Software for Small Business Keeping Up and Making Contacts  Networking over the Internet Making Sales Pitches  Graphical presentation software

38 8/7/2015 Small Office, Home Office SOHO Moderately priced to solve typical needs All-in-one software package

39 8/7/2015 Small Office, Home Office SOHO What is needed Organizational skills of a secretary Research skills of a librarian Accounting skills of a bookkeeper Experience of someone who has done it before What is has Searchable library of resources Legal guide Tax guide Collections of business documents Links to useful business and government sites on the Internet

40 8/7/2015 Application Software Ethics What is legal?

41 8/7/2015 Software Piracy Making illegal copies of copyrighted software Why the fuss?  Very easy to duplicate software vs. a text book  Software company may lose hundreds of dollars per pirated copy Prosecution  Yes: Small-medium sized business who purchase a few copies and distribute to many users  No: Individual users who probably would not have purchased software on their own anyway

42 8/7/2015 Counterfeiting Software is copied onto CD-ROMS / DVD-ROMS Packaging duplicates the original Sold in flea markets or small stores Significantly cheaper price Occurs more outside the US

43 8/7/2015 Copying Software Legitimate reasons  Backup copy  Copy to hard disk Illegitimate reasons  Obtain software without paying for it

44 8/7/2015 Computers and People Users Any individual who operates a computer to accomplish a task Home Business

45 8/7/2015 Computer Professionals Management Information Systems (MIS) Computer Information Systems (CIS) Computing Services (CS) Information Services (IS) Information Technology (IT) Research and Development (R&D) Support

46 8/7/2015 Computer Professionals Data entry operators – key data into a machine- readable format System Administrators (SysAdmin) – monitor the computer Librarians – catalog and keep secure the disks Software Developers or Software Engineers – write, test, implement, and maintain programs Systems analysts – plan and design computer systems Network Administrators – oversees the network Chief information officer (CIO) – department manager; makes strategic decisions relating to the flow of information in the organization

47 8/7/2015 Midterm #1 Friday – October 11  Chapters 1 – 5  ~50 questions  Multiple choice  Bring scantron sheet Form F-1712-ERI-L (big & pink)  Bring your student ID Required to take exam

48 8/7/2015

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