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Overview of the Passage & Helpful Facts for Further Bible Study

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1 Lesson 23: Paul’s Second Missionary Journey (2): Thessalonica, Berea & Athens (17:1-34)

2 Overview of the Passage & Helpful Facts for Further Bible Study
Paul & Silas preached the gospel in Thessalonica, second largest city of Greece (17:1-9). Paul, Silas and maybe Timothy traveled 100 miles SW from Philippi to Thessalonica. Upon arriving in a new city, Paul followed a customary course of action. The gospel persuaded many to obey the Lord in Thessalonica (17:4). However, some Jews who were not persuaded raised up a persecution (17:5-9). Nevertheless, the church in Thessalonica grew and prospered.

3 II. Significant Truths from this Passage for Our Understanding
Christianity is founded upon and grounded in solid, provable, historical, reliable facts! Christianity is a religion that can be reasoned from evidence! The resurrection of Christ is the foundation of Christianity. The resurrection of Christ is a historical reality! Godly women have always been valuable & prominent in the growth & work of the church. Godly women gathered with the disciples after the ascension of Christ (1:14). Godly women were regularly converted to Christ (5:14; 8:12; 13:50; 16:14; 17:4, 12, 34). Godly women were vital to the health and growth of the church (9:36; 16:1). Today, godly women remain a valuable, vital & VIP element in the Lord’s church!

4 Overview of the Passage & Helpful Facts for Further Bible Study
Paul, Silas & Timothy preached the gospel in Berea, to fair-minded hearers (17:10-14). Paul escaped the violence in Thessalonica and traveled 50 miles to Berea (17:10). The noble-minded hearers in Berea [1] readily received the message, [2] rigorously researched the message compared with Scripture, and [3] rightly responded to it. The envious Jews from Thessalonica traveled 50 miles to agitate the crowds (17:13). The newborn babes in Christ in Berea escorted Paul 20 miles to the sea (17:14).

5 II. Significant Truths from this Passage for Our Understanding
Scripture lauds the Berean Bible study habits as an example for all Christians to follow! They were diligent students—searching (present tense) the Scriptures every day! They were discriminating students—checking to see if what they were taught was true! They were devout students—ready to receive it and then ready to obey it!

6 Overview of the Passage & Helpful Facts for Further Bible Study
Paul preached the gospel in the idolatry-infested city of Athens (17:15-34). Brethren rescued Paul from Berea and escorted him 300 miles to Athens (17:15). As accustomed, Paul reasoned daily where people were (synagogue & marketplace). And, as was customary, Paul was met with opposition to gospel message (17:18-21). To those who did not know God or Jesus, Paul preached God and Jesus (17:22-31). The resurrection of Christ was the heart of the message & the response (17:32-34). While in Athens, Timothy was sent back to Macedonia (cf. 18:5; 1 Thess. 3:1-2, 6).

7 II. Significant Truths from this Passage for Our Understanding
Ignorance of God and His truth provides no safeguard in judgment; all must repent! The evidence for God is readily apparent and abundant (Psa. 19:1; Rom. 1:20). The requirement of God is that all men turn to Him and serve Him (1 Thess. 1:9-10). The warning of God is that a day is coming on which all men will be judged (2 Co. 5:10). The love of God provides us a standard (His righteousness) and a sympathetic Judge.

8 Practical Points of Application for Our Lives
III. Practical Points of Application for Our Lives We need to use the Scripture and reason from the Scripture when teaching others! We need to live and teach that Jesus is King – of our lives, of our nation, of the world! We need to be open and honest students of the Bible, examining it daily! We need to take the gospel to people where they are, then let the gospel change them! With God, I am everything and have everything; without God, I am nothing!

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