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ISLAM TRIVIA. QUESTION 1 What is the religion of the Muslims?

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2 QUESTION 1 What is the religion of the Muslims?

3 ANSWER Islam

4 QUESTION 2 Who was the founder of Islam?

5 ANSWER Muhammad

6 QUESTION 3 Who do the Muslims worship in the Islam religion?

7 ANSWER Allah (God)

8 QUESTION 4 Why Are there no pictures of Allah?

9 ANSWER No one knows what Allah looks like.

10 QUESTION 5 What is the name for the Muslim place of worship?

11 ANSWER Mosque

12 QUESTION 6 What is the name of the Muslim Holy City?

13 ANSWER Mecca (Makkah)

14 QUESTION 7 What is the name of the Holy Book of Islam?

15 ANSWER Quran (Koran)

16 QUESTION 8 What do Muslims believe in?

17 ANSWER Five Pillars of Faith

18 QUESTION 9 What is the Shahadah?

19 ANSWER Reciting “there is only one god” “Allah”

20 QUESTION 10 What is the Solat?

21 ANSWER The 5 daily prayers

22 QUESTION 11 What direction do Muslims pray towards?

23 ANSWER Towards the East

24 QUESTION 12 What is the Zakat?

25 ANSWER The giving of Charity to the Poor or ALMS

26 QUESTION 13 What is a Hajj?

27 ANSWER A Pilgrimage to Mecca

28 QUESTION 14 The Last pillar is when a Mulsim FASTS for a month while the sun is up. What is it called?

29 ANSWER Ramadhan

30 QUESTION 15 What is the belief in one God called?

31 ANSWER Monotheism

32 QUESTION 16 What do we call the area of the world in southwest Asia?

33 ANSWER The Middle East

34 QUESTION 17 What is the name of the Peninsula in the Middle East?

35 ANSWER Arabian Peninsula

36 QUESTION 18 What are the names of the 2 sects of Islam?

37 ANSWER Sunni and Shiite

38 QUESTION 19 Who are the successors to Muhammad after his death?

39 ANSWER Caliphs or Caliphates

40 QUESTION 20 Who was the first Caliph and he was the father- in-law of Muhammad?

41 ANSWER Abu Bakr

42 QUESTION 21 Who are the people who tried to convert others to Islam?

43 ANSWER Sufi

44 QUESTION 22 Which sect of Islam believes Ali is the true successor of Muhammad?

45 ANSWER Shiite or Shi’a

46 QUESTION 23 Which sect of Islam believes that the Umayyad should be the leaders of Islam?

47 ANSWER Sunni

48 QUESTION 24 Where did Ali rank in the list of Caliphs?

49 ANSWER Fourth

50 QUESTION 25 Suleiman 1 was the great leader for which Empire?

51 ANSWER Ottoman Empire

52 QUESTION 26 Who was the great leader of the Mogul Empire?

53 ANSWER Abu Akbar

54 QUESTION 27 How far did the Arab empires spread?

55 ANSWER From India to Spain

56 QUESTION 28 What contributions were made by the Muslims?

57 ANSWER Medicine Algebra

58 QUESTION 29 What language is spoken in the Middle East?

59 ANSWER Arabic

60 QUESTION 30 What other religions share the same influences as Islam?

61 ANSWER Judaism Christianity

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