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Animal Research Testing Right or Wrong? We strongly support animal testing and or research …But should you?

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Presentation on theme: "Animal Research Testing Right or Wrong? We strongly support animal testing and or research …But should you?"— Presentation transcript:


2 Animal Research Testing Right or Wrong?

3 We strongly support animal testing and or research …But should you?

4 More than 99% of all scientific studies physicians agree with animal testing and state that it has advanced greatly.

5 It is illegal to test ANYTHING on a human. We would be forced to release every product made, whether it causes cancer or gives you purple hair. That is what would happen if there was no animal testing.

6 The following organizations support and fund animal testing: American Cancer Society and The Lung and Liver Cancer society.

7 The testing of some animals saves more animals and humans than the deaths and injuries combined

8 It becomes clear that conducting studies in other species helps us understand the complicated human brain.

9 Based on the facts above we strongly support animal testing because without it more than one third of all people would die before the age of six.

10 Thanks to the amazing Camden Michael Johnson and the ever-so helpful and tasteful Taryn Brown.

11 Bibliography System News. Date downloaded January 23, 2006. Omnis Research. Date downloaded January 23, 2006. Petitions for You. Date downloaded January 23,

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