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Singular and Plural Nouns Unit One. Singular Nouns A noun that names one person, place, thing, or idea is a singular noun.

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Presentation on theme: "Singular and Plural Nouns Unit One. Singular Nouns A noun that names one person, place, thing, or idea is a singular noun."— Presentation transcript:

1 Singular and Plural Nouns Unit One

2 Singular Nouns A noun that names one person, place, thing, or idea is a singular noun.

3 Singular Nouns For example: –Truck –Plant –Letter –Noise

4 Plural Nouns A noun that names more than one person, place, thing, or idea is a plural noun.

5 Plural Nouns For example: –Trucks –Plants –Letters –Noises

6 Singular to Plural In most cases, you can change a singular noun to a plural noun by adding s.

7 Singular to Plural For example: –Truckto Trucks –Letter to Letters –Plant to Plants –Noise to Noises

8 Singular to Plural If a noun ends in any of these you have to add an es instead. –s –ss –ch –sh –x –z

9 Singular to Plural For example: –ThomastoThomases –Bossto Bosses –PorchtoPorches –Bush to Bushes –FoxtoFoxes –Waltzto Waltzes

10 Singular to Plural If a noun ends in an o, you will add either an es (most of the time) or an s (some of the time). For example: –PotatotoPotatoes –Vetoto Vetoes –Echoto Echoes –Soloto Solos

11 Singular to Plural If a noun ends in a consonant + y you change the y to i and add es. For example: –BabytoBabies –Partyto Parties –Countryto Countries

12 Singular to Plural If a noun ends in a vowel + y you just add s. For example: –Day to Days –TurkeytoTurkeys

13 Singular to Plural If a noun ends in a f or an fe, you change f to v and add s or es. For example: –Lifeto Lives –Scarfto Scarves –WolftoWolves

14 Be careful!! Some nouns have the same spelling in the singular and the plural. For example: –Moose –Salmon –Deer

15 Be careful!! Some nouns change their spelling completely between the singular and the plural. For example: –Child/Children –Tooth/Teeth –Man/Men –Mouse/Mice –Goose/Geese

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