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How Humane Education is Applicable to the School Curriculum ?

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Presentation on theme: "How Humane Education is Applicable to the School Curriculum ?"— Presentation transcript:

1 How Humane Education is Applicable to the School Curriculum ?

2 The Package Helps Sprout Whole-person Development

3 From Respect of Animals To Care for Humans

4 Core Objective Respect Rights Care Differences Lives Pets Responsibility Law Animals Wild AnimalsFarm Animals Consideration Love

5 Respect Lives - Pets - Farm Animals - Wild Animals Humans Five Freedoms (1.1 Secondary) 1)Freedom from Hunger and Thirst - diet 2)Freedom from Discomfort – habitat and shelter 3)Freedom from Pain, Injury or Disease – regular vaccinations 4)Freedom to Express Normal Behavior – sufficient space and proper facilities 5)Freedom from Fear and Distress – avoid mental suffering - Peer - Family - Society - Races - Minority Animals Respect Humans, Respect Animals,

6 The Relationship between Humans and Animals Definition of a Pet In the past, pets were often kept for their use ‭– dogs as guard-dogs and cats to catch mice ‭– and they rarely got much care. As society has developed, people have become more civilized. Their own living standards are improved and they are better educated. Nowadays, companion animals are considered friends, or members of the family. Pet Wellness - People are also more health conscious.

7 Primary Section 4. How Much Care Do Animals Need 2.1 Life Cycle of Animals 5. How You can help Animals? 5.1 Responsible Pet Ownership 4. Are We Doing Something Wrong? 4.1 Be a Responsible Pet Owner 4.3 Abuse Case Secondary Section 1. Why Certain Animals make good pets while others do not? Respect Lives – Pet

8 Primary SectionSecondary Section Be Responsible Care Understand/Be Considerate towards the basic Animal Needs and their habitats in general (water, food, air, home & space) Pets that suits the environment Special Needs of Individual Pets Respect Lives – Pet

9 Discussion: Case 1 A kitten as a birthday gift for you! But would you accept it?

10 Discussion: Case 2 “Hey buddy, let’s beat that cat up!” Would you follow your “friend” to bully the animal?

11 Respect Lives - Pet Population Animal’s Right to Live Owner’s Responsibility Secondary Section 9.1 Pet Population De-sex your pet - To avoid the creation of Unwanted Pets - To Pet Overpopulation ?

12 Discussion – Case 3 Correlation Rights Behavior Responsibility Do we all have the rights to keep animals? How about those who live in Public Housing Estates?

13 Farm Animals

14 Respect Lives – Farm Animals Primary SectionSecondary Section 1 Animal Kingdom 1.1 Definitions 1.2 Diets 1.3 Habitat 1.1 Five Freedoms of Animals 2.1 Life Cycle of Animals2.1 Laws that exist to Protect Animals

15 Primary SectionSecondary Section Be Responsible Care Understand/Be Considerate towards the basic Animal Needs and their habitats in general (water, food, air, home & space) Animal Welfare Respect Lives – Farm Animals

16 Respect Lives - Animal for Food Animal for Food / Human Necessities Ethic / Animal Welfare Secondary Section ? Animal Welfare -Protected from unnecessary sufferings -Physical and Mental state - Five Freedoms

17 Ideal way : to raise chicken in spacious area so that they can move around freely How would you balance between the running cost & profit and Animal Welfare? Discussion: Case 1

18 Laws Animal Ordinance – Chapter 169 Prevention of Animal Cruelty Difficult to enforce the law How to strengthen people on this knowledge and protect Animal Rights

19 Respect Lives – Wild Animals Secondary Section Primary Section 1.1- 3 Animal Kingdom Definitions Diet Concept of food chain Habitats 5.2 How You Can Help Animals? 5 What are Animal Rights? 5.1 Should we go to animal circuses? Moral Values / Good Conducts

20 Primary SectionSecondary Section 8. Are We Doing Something Wrong? 8.2 Circuses, shark fin and fur 8.3 Human Activity & Environment 4. Are We Doing Something Wrong? 4.2 Should we eat shark fin soup? (A symbol of wealth) 4.4 Where does Fur come from? (How cruel it is) NO FUR! 4.5 Animal Extinction Zoo – Conservation versus Entertainment Responsibility Respect Lives – Wild Animals

21 Primary SectionSecondary Section Be Responsible Care Understand/ Be Considerate towards the basic Animal Needs and their habitats in general (water, food, air, home & space) Suitable environment Learn to Respect Animal Rights Respect Lives – Wild Animals

22 Should we use animals in the laboratory for scientific/medical researches? Discussion – Case 1

23 Wild Animals Protection Ordinance Chapter 170 What kinds of animals in Hong Kong are protected? How about the others? Laws

24 Human Activities and Environmental Protection When Humans are being unethical or inconsiderate: Over-fishing ruins the ecosystem Suspension of Fishing Environmental Pollution Threaten to Chinese White Dolphin 、 Green Sea turtle 、 Global warmth ( Recycle and less Use of Plastic Bag, Energy Label ) Poaching Endanger the lives of animals – elephant, tiger etc

25 From Respect of Animals To Care for Humans

26 Moral and Civic Education - Liberal Education

27 Core Objective Respect Rights Care DifferencesLives Pets Responsibility Law Animals Wild AnimalsFarm Animals Consideration Love Humans

28 Learning to Respect for Others Family Father Mother Children Grandparents Consideration Responsibility Care Love Classmate Teacher Consideration Responsibility School Care Neighbors Respect Student Love

29 Human Rights – Right to Live Universal Declaration of Human Rights Equal in dignity and rights Right to freedom of opinion and expression Freedom of Press RTHK – Editorial Freedom Violence - Domestic Maid Freedom of Religion News Issues ResponsibilityRespect

30 Ethics - Personality, Social and Global Development BusinessmanCitizenStudentScientist Environmental protection vs Personal benefit Money vs Product quality Fame vs unnatural procedures - Gene manipulation - Animal cloning - Adulterated milk products, wine, soy sauce etc - Substandard building materials - Pollution - Discarding rubbish - Illegal logging Good marks vs Virtue - Disobedience - Plagiarism Global changes e.g. weather patterns

31 The Package Helps Sprout Whole-person Development

32 Humane Education is definitely Applicable to the School Curriculum

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