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Art of the FAR EAST Chapter 5. … about 3,ooo B.C. the Chinese culture began to emerge half a world away from Egypt. Egypt CHINA.

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Presentation on theme: "Art of the FAR EAST Chapter 5. … about 3,ooo B.C. the Chinese culture began to emerge half a world away from Egypt. Egypt CHINA."— Presentation transcript:

1 Art of the FAR EAST Chapter 5

2 … about 3,ooo B.C. the Chinese culture began to emerge half a world away from Egypt. Egypt CHINA

3 China and Egypt were too far away from each other to exchange ideas or influence each other.

4 A culture’s RELIGION will always have great influence on their ART

5 BUDDHISM Is the religion that unifies the Asian cultures

6 BUDDHISM Stresses the “oneness of humans with nature”

7 BUDDHISM Is a gentle religion closely tied to nature

8 NATURAL and GENTLE Are two adjectives that most aptly describe the ART of the Far East

9 Egyptian Art was Stiff and powerful looking… …The religion was all about power and strength- An afterlife to go on forever…

10 Buddhism is man living in harmony and peace with nature. Man is just a part of this world, not more important than his surroundings

11 MEDITATION is an important part of Buddhism…

12 MEDITATION means to clear the mind of all but one thought or idea.

13 The GOAL of the Asian painter was to capture the SPIRIT as well as the FORM of what they were painting.

14 the SPIRIT (or MOOD) of the subject is very important to the artist

15 Paintings were created to stimulate deep thought. (meditation)

16 The most obvious elements used are LINE and SPACE

17 Chinese painting was not cluttered with big figures, bold shapes or bright colors and patterns like Egyptian art

18 Chinese painting uses ORGANIC lines and shapes…

19 …as opposed to the GEOMETRIC style of the Egyptians

20 LINE Artists used line to capture the mood of people and places.

21 LINE They simplified their pictures and used only the necessary organic lines

22 SPACE Space is used to show DEPTH in their paintings (foreground, middle ground and background)

23 SPACE Artists want to show the vast beauty of the world.

24 SPACE Artists want to show how man lives peacefully with nature.

25 SPACE Nature is a very important part of Buddhism.

26 Notice how the Asian architecture “fits" into the landscape

27 …Unlike Egyptian architecture It tends to overpower the landscape

28 A SCROLL is a long illustrated roll of silk or parchment. It can be unrolled and “read” like a book.

29 A SCROLL has pictures and beautiful, decorative writing called CALLIGRAPHY

30 CALLIGRAPHY Is the art of lettering It is decorative writing

31 Chinese history is divided into Dynasties. A Dynasty is a family of rulers.

32 The Ming Dynasty is famous for its PORCELAIN

33 PORCELAIN is a high quality form of Pottery.

34 PORCELAIN is made from hard to find white clay called KAOLIN

35 A GLAZE is a glasslike finish on pottery


37 The HAN Dynasty was noted for their horse sculpture

38 To PERCEIVE is to become aware of objects through the senses. (sight, touch, hearing, taste, smell…)

39 PERCEIVE Artists think about and study their subjects to notice what might otherwise go unnoticed.

40 Asian artists, being greatly influenced by BUDDHISM and MEDITATION are masters at using their PERCEPTUAL skills.

41 American seascape by Winslow Homer

42 Seascape by an Asian painter

43 Is Asian art influenced by Egyptian Art?

44 What Religion unifies the Asian cultures?

45 Name the 2 adjectives that describe the art of the Far East.

46 What are the 2 most obvious elements of art used by the Asian artists

47 What is porcelain?

48 Name the smooth white clay used to make porcelain

49 What Dynasty is famous for its porcelain?

50 What is calligraphy?

51 JAPAN JAPAN is an island group in the North Pacific off the coast of CHINA

52 JAPANESE Art Japanese culture, Religion, and ART were strongly influenced by the Chinese.

53 JAPANESE Art Like the Chinese, the Japanese culture is also influenced by BUDDHISM

54 A PAGODA is a tower several stories high with roofs curving upward at the edges

55 Japanese temples were built of wood. They were built to “fit” into the landscape.

56 PAGODA Space: foreground, middle ground, background

57 A SCREEN is a partition used as a wall to divide a room. They were beautifully painted.


59 WOODBLOCK Printing Woodblock printing was a huge development in the art world.

60 WOODBLOCK Printing It allowed artists to REPRODUCE/ MASS PRODUCE their art work for the first time in history.






66 CONTOUR A contour drawing captures the interior and exterior details. It is a line drawing that takes concentration and time.









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