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1 Flowing Through EDEN: Delivering Business Transactions Online to the University CUMREC 2004 Track 1: Web Development Monday 17 May 2004 9:30 am John.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Flowing Through EDEN: Delivering Business Transactions Online to the University CUMREC 2004 Track 1: Web Development Monday 17 May 2004 9:30 am John."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Flowing Through EDEN: Delivering Business Transactions Online to the University CUMREC 2004 Track 1: Web Development Monday 17 May 2004 9:30 am John F. (Barry) WalshPhilip M. (Phil) McKown Senior DirectorSystems Analyst / Programmer e-Business ServicesSystems Integration Team Indiana University

2 Copyright Statement Copyright Philip McKown and John F. Walsh, 2004. This work is the intellectual property of the author. Permission is granted for this material to be shared for non-commercial, educational purposes, provided that this copyright appears on the reproduced materials and notice is given that the copying is by permission of the author. To disseminate otherwise or to republish requires written permission from the author.

3 3 EDEN Workflow Mission Create a general-purpose infrastructure for the University community to transact business with electronic ‘documents’ “eDocs”

4 4 EDEN Workflow History Document routing has previously involved paper forms or dedicated applications Routing was often informal and used email or snail mail Development coincided with Indiana University’s adoption of Java 2 Enterprise Edition (J2EE) on Web and application servers

5 5 Design Goals 1. Quick, easy, and accurate routing for approval and acknowledgement 2. Automate University and departmental business rules EDEN Workflow

6 6 … More Goals 3.Open platform and components for enterprise eDoc developers 3.Handle increasingly complex routing schemes 4.Support existing route types - organization hierarchies - account managers EDEN Workflow

7 Some eDoc Examples HR Appointments: hire, promote, terminate, etc. Financial: Journal Vouchers, budget adjustments, capital asset creation, Accounts Receivable receipts, etc. Procurement / Accounts Payable: requisitions, Purchase Orders, Disbursement Vouchers, Accounts Payable invoice match, Purchase Card reconciliation, etc. EDEN Workflow

8 … More Examples Research: grant proposal, budget creation Academic: grade submission, advisor scheduling, permission to take class, office hour appointment, boundless Physical Plant: request work order, etc. ??? Any process that involves an initiator and an approver for which you can define the business rules EDEN Workflow

9 9 Design Features … One Access Point: OneStart portal Routing to Responsibility EDEN Workflow ● integral Action List channel that lists all eDocs currently routed to you for action ● document channels that create eDocs and gather their data ● routing based on organizational role rather than person

10 10

11 11 EDEN Workflow … More Design Features Routing to Workgroups Delegation ● optional routing to groups of functionally-related users that share approval responsibilities ● “one approve” or “all approve” ● routing to either temporary or ongoing delegate

12 12 EDEN Workflow … And More Design Features Standard Route Modules Web Services (coming soon) ● plug-in components that conduct routing based on University or departmental policies ● chains of route modules, or “route templates”, can run in mix of sequential and parallel routes ● routing as a distributed online “utility” ● available to non-J2EE applications

13 13 EDEN Workflow … Still More Design Features Blanket or SuperUser Approvals Stored and Audited ● eDoc content and routing activity are databased and logged for permanence and audit ● direct, one-step approvals, with or without acknowledgements ● limited to authorized reviewers

14 14 EDEN Workflow But Wait … There’s More! Ad Hoc, App-Specific, or Exception Routings Document Monitors ● background agents that can act conditionally on eDocs, e.g., cancel an eDoc after no action for a week ● built-in flexibility for reviewer or application ● error handling in Exception Workgroup

15 15 EDEN Workflow (“People Flow” Diagram)

16 16 EDEN Workflow (“People Flow” Diagram)

17 17 (“People Flow” Diagram)

18 18 Workflow Demonstration Routing an EDEN Workflow eDoc through the Base Review Hierarchy EDEN WorkgrouppmckownInitiator BL-CHEM gerstmaApprove dmcdevitDisapprove

19 19 (“People Flow” Diagram)

20 20 EDEN Workflow Accomplishments... ● EDEN Workflow has been developed and implemented at IU for over two dozen different eDocs in Human Resources and research grant approvals ● Workflow is currently routing over 11,000 eDocs at IU each month

21 21 EDEN Workflow … More Accomplishments... ● Human Resource eDocs that previously required one to two weeks to process have now been approved in less than one hour ● Other IU teams are actively engaged in implementing Workflow - travel authorizations and reimbursements - purchase orders and requisitions - enterprise data access permissions - OneStart portal content publishing

22 22 EDEN Workflow... and Lessons ● Re-evaluate current practices in light of the new efficiencies EDEN Workflow not only speeds work: it can improve and redefine work ● The more open the better Open source and open standards ● Get maximum understanding and involvement as early as possible Nobody knows what they really want at the start!

23 23 EDEN Workflow Resources and Contacts OneStart login: About OneStart subtab - EDEN Workflow White Paper (PDF) link - Flowing Through EDEN (PowerPoint) link Barry Walsh: Jim Thomas: Phil McKown:

24 24 EDEN Workflow Questions … ? … and Answers!

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