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(2.1) Grammars  Definitions  Grammars  Backus-Naur Form  Derivation – terminology – trees  Grammars and ambiguity  Simple example  Grammar hierarchies.

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Presentation on theme: "(2.1) Grammars  Definitions  Grammars  Backus-Naur Form  Derivation – terminology – trees  Grammars and ambiguity  Simple example  Grammar hierarchies."— Presentation transcript:

1 (2.1) Grammars  Definitions  Grammars  Backus-Naur Form  Derivation – terminology – trees  Grammars and ambiguity  Simple example  Grammar hierarchies  Syntax graphs  Recursive descent parsing

2 (2.2) Definitions  Syntax – the form or structure of the expressions, statements, and program units  Semantics – the meaning of the expressions, statements, and program units  Sentence – a string of characters over some alphabet  Language – a set of sentences  Lexeme – the lowest level syntactic unit of a language » :=, {, while  Token – a category of lexemes ( e.g., identifier )

3 (2.3) Grammars  Can serve as “generators” or “recognizers” – recognizers used in compilers – we’ll study grammars as generators  Contain 4 components – terminal symbols » atomic components of statements in the language appear in source programs » identifiers, operators, punctuation, keywords – nonterminal symbols » intermediate elements in producing terminal symbols » never appear in source program – start (or goal) symbol » a special nonterminal which is the starting symbol for producing statements

4 (2.4) Grammars (continued)  4 components (continued) – productions » rules for transforming nonterminal symbols into terminals or other nonterminals » “nonterminal” ::= terminals and/or nonterminals » each has lefthand side (LHS) and righthand side (RHS) » every nonterminal must appear on LHS of at least one production

5 (2.5) Grammars (continued)  4 categories of grammars – regular » good for identifiers, parameter lists, subscripts – context free » LHS of production is single non-terminal – context sensitive – recursively enumerable enough for PLs

6 (2.6) Backus-Naur Form (BNF)  Used to describe syntax of PL; first used for Algol-60  Nonterminals are enclosed in –,  Alternatives indicated by | – ::= 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9  Options (0 or 1 occurrences) indicated by [...] – ::= if then [ else ] » note recursion  Repetition (0 or more occurrences) indicated by {...} – ::= { }  Derivation – repeated application of rules, starting with start symbol and ending with sentence

7 (2.7) BNF (continued)  Example grammar and derivation -> -> | ; -> = -> a | b | c | d -> + | - -> | const => => = => a = => a = + => a = b + => a = b + const

8 (2.8) Derivation Terminology  Every string of symbols in the derivation is a sentential form  A sentence is a sentential form that has only terminal symbols  A leftmost derivation is one in which the leftmost nonterminal in each sentential form is the one that is expanded – similarly for rightmost derivation  A derivation may be neither leftmost nor rightmost

9 (2.9) Derivation Trees  A derivation tree is the tree resulting from applying productions to rewrite start symbol – a parse tree is the same tree starting with terminals and building back to the start symbol = a + const b

10 (2.10) Grammars and Ambiguity  A grammar is ambiguous iff it generates a sentential form that has two or more distinct parse trees  An ambiguous expression grammar: – -> | const – -> / | - const - const / const

11 (2.11) Grammars and Ambiguity (continued)  We must have unambiguous grammars so compiler can produce correct code – because parse tree provides precedence and associativity of operators  Left recursive grammars produce left associativity  Right recursive grammars produce right associativity  An unambiguous expression grammar: – -> - | – -> / const | const - / const const const

12 (2.12) Grammars and Ambiguity (continued)  One famous ambiguity is “dangling else” – ::= if then [else ]  This can derive if X > 9 then if B = 4 then X := 5 else X := 0

13 (2.13) Grammars and Ambiguity (continued)  Can solve syntactically by adding nonterminals & prod – ::= | – ::= if then else – ::= if then | if then else  Can also solve semantically – “elses are associated with immediately preceding unmatched then”

14 (2.14) Grammar Hierarchies  BNF (and equivalent notations such as syntax graphs) can describe context free grammars – nonterminals appear alone on the LHS of productions  But there is a whole hierarchy of grammar types – recursively enumerable » context sensitive context free – regular  Context free grammars can describe the essential features of all current PLs  Regular grammars are good for identifiers, parameter lists, etc.

15 (2.15) Simple Grammar Example  Consider following unambiguous grammar for expressions – ::= [ ] – ::= ( ) | – ::= + | - – ::= * | / – ::= 0 |... | 9  This grammar is left recursive and generates expressions that are left associative  Changing production produces right associative exponentiation – ::= [ ** ]

16 (2.16) Syntax Graphs  Are equivalent to CFGs – put the terminals in circles or ellipses and put the nonterminals in rectangles; – connect with lines with arrowheads  Terminals in circles  Non-terminals in rectangles  Lines and arrows indicate how constructs are built type_identifier identifier(),..constant

17 (2.17) Recursive Descent Parsing  Parsing is the process of tracing or constructing a parse tree for a given input string  Parsers usually do not analyze lexemes – done by a lexical analyzer, which is called by the parser

18 (2.18) Recursive Descent Parsing (continued)  A recursive descent parser traces out a parse tree in top-down order – top-down parser  Each nonterminal in the grammar has a subprogram associated with it – the subprogram parses all sentential forms that the nonterminal can generate  The recursive descent parsing subprograms are built directly from the grammar rules  Recursive descent parsers, like other top- down parsers, cannot be built from left- recursive grammars

19 (2.19) Recursive Descent Parsing (continued) Example For the grammar: -> {(* | /) } void term () { factor (); /* parse the first factor*/ while (next_token == ast_code || next_token == slash_code) { lexical (); /* get next token */ factor (); /* parse the next factor */ }

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