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Bell Work: Add: 4x + a + c a + b x. Answer: 4x + ax + ca + cb x(a + b) 2.

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Presentation on theme: "Bell Work: Add: 4x + a + c a + b x. Answer: 4x + ax + ca + cb x(a + b) 2."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bell Work: Add: 4x + a + c a + b x

2 Answer: 4x + ax + ca + cb x(a + b) 2

3 Lesson 53: Power rule for exponents, conversions of volume

4 In some of the previous problem sets there have been problems whose solutions have required the use of one or more of the following definitions and theorems. Definition:x  x  x….x = x(m is a natural number) Product Rule:x  x = x(x ≠ 0) Definition:x = x Definition:x = 1/x(x ≠ 0) Definition:x = 1(x ≠ 0) Quotient Rule:x /x = x(x ≠ 0) m mn m + n 1 -n 0 n mn – m

5 To complete the list of rules for exponents, we will introduce the power rule for exponents, which is a logical extension of the first definition. By using this definition, we can show that x Is to be used as a factor three times by writing x as x  x  x or (x). 33

6 If we wish to show that x should be used as a factor three times, we could write x  x  x = (x ) Since x  x  x equals x, then (x ) must also equal x. 5 55553 55515 53

7 Thus, when an exponential expression is raised to a power, we simplify by multiplying the exponents. We call this rule the power rule for exponents.

8 Power Rule for Exponents: if m and n are real numbers and x ≠ 0, then (x ) = x mnmn

9 Practice: a) (a ) b) (x ) c) (m ) 52 -4 -2 4

10 Answer: a)a b)x c)m 10 8 -8

11 Practice: a) (p ) b) (x ) c) (m ) -7 3 5 k 2

12 Answer: a) p b) x c) m 49 15 2k

13 The use of the power rule for exponents in expressions such as those before usually gives little trouble, but the use of this rule to simplify expressions such as (2x y z) is more complicated. We know that the notations indicates that 2x y z is to be used as a factor three times because 3 is the exported of the whole expression. 5 2 3 5 2

14 (2x y z)(2x y z)(2x y z) Since the order of multiplication of factors of a product does not affect the value of the product, we will rearrange the order of multiplication to get 2  2  2  x  x  x  y  y  y  z  z  z 5 2 5 2 5 2 5 5 5 2 2 2

15 This can ultimately be written as 2 x y z Which equals 8x y z 3 15 6 3 15 6 3

16 To obtain the same result by using the power rule for exponents, we would have to multiply the exponent of each facto of the given term by 3 or raise each factor of the given term to the third power. (2x y z) = (2) (x ) (y ) (z ) = 8x y z 5 2 3 3 5 3 2 3 3 15 6 3

17 To raise a term that contains no indicated additions to a given power, the exponent indicating the power is multiplied by the exponent of every factor of the numerator and the denominator(if there is one) of the term.

18 Practice: Solve (2a b z ) -2 2 -10 -5

19 Answer: 2 a b z a b z 32 -5 10 -10 50 10 -10 50

20 Practice: Solve 2 x y z 0 -2 4 15

21 Answer: x y z -30 60 15

22 We will not use unit multipliers to convert volume measurements.

23 Example: Use three unit multipliers to convert 180 cubic feet to cubic inches.

24 Answer: 180 ft  ft  ft  12in  12in  12in 1 ft 1 ft 1 ft = 180(12)(12)(12)in = 311040 in 3 3

25 Example: Use six unit multipliers to convert 800 cubic centimeters to cubic feet.

26 Answer: 800 (2.54)(2.54)(2.54)(12)(12)(12) =.02825 feet 3

27 HW: Lesson 53 #1-30

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