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Helping Verbs.

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1 Helping Verbs

2 Helping Verbs Elmer was using the computer.
A helping verb works with a main verb to help you understand what action is taking place. Elmer was using the computer.

3 23 Helping Verbs may might must be being been am are is was were
(main) do does did should could would have had has will can shall

4 Helping Verbs Other things to keep in mind:
Not every sentence will have a helping verb with the main verb. When you see an “-ing" verb such as "running", be on the lookout for a helping verb also.

5 Helping Verbs Sometimes there is another word which separates the helping verb from the main verb. One common example is "not", as in: The boy couldn't find his socks. The helping verb is could and the main verb is find.

6 Helping Verbs A sentence may contain up to three helping verbs to the main verb. An example would be: The dog must have been chasing the cat. The helping verbs are: must, have, and been; the main verb is chasing.

7 Independent Practice Independent Practice page 65.

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