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Did you Remember to Exercise your Mind Today? Cynthia Shea HW420 – 02 Kaplan University May 21, 2013.

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Presentation on theme: "Did you Remember to Exercise your Mind Today? Cynthia Shea HW420 – 02 Kaplan University May 21, 2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 Did you Remember to Exercise your Mind Today? Cynthia Shea HW420 – 02 Kaplan University May 21, 2013

2 Introduction o Definition of Mental Fitness o Benefits of Mental Fitness o Research Studies – Candace Pert Randolph Byrd Ken Cohen Erna Caplow Lindner Chaya, Nagendra, Selvain, Kurpad and Srinivasan o Exercise for the Mind/Body Connection – Yoga TaiChi Visual Spatial o Improve Mental Fitness o In Closing o Mental Fitness o References

3 What is Mental Fitness Mental fitness is – the capacity to implement positive changes in our lives. Whether it be healthy eating, being physically fit, or maintaining a tobacco and alcohol free lifestyle, this all impacts our mental fitness.

4 Some of the Benefits of Mental Fitness o Enhanced brain function o Decreased stress and anxiety o Better mental focus o Happiness and inner peace o Deeper spirituality o Better choices are made o Become more self-determined o Mind/ Body Integration o Prolongs life

5 Research Studies Candace Pert – Early 1970’s discovered natural body proteins called neuropeptides and that these neuropeptides carry messages back and forth within the body. Pert later discovered that these neuropeptides alter our physical body as a direst reflection of our mental state As she said “The mind is the body, the body is the mind.”

6 Research Studies…Prayer Randolph Byrd – 1988 Performed a study with patients receiving intercessory prayer. His patients that received prayer needed less medication and their stats improved. Byrd established a principle that prayer as a form of medicine can work. He shows that prayer is quantifiable when it come to distant intercessory prayer and has the ability to become the subject of medical research.

7 Research Studies…Yoga Chaya, Nagendra, Selvain, Kurpad and Srinivasan – Performed and documented this study. It’s goal was to look at the effect of yoga compared to regular physical activity on the cognitive function of socioeconomic, disadvantaged children ages 7-9 years old. This study found that yoga was effective in improving the cognitive function in these children. They also concluded that there should be more studies performed to pinpoint the dose- response needed for the improvement of cognitive function.

8 Research Studies…Qigong Ken Cohen – Qigong Research First, Qigong is a powerful art of healing and energy, originally from China it encompasses breathing techniques, gentle movement and meditation. Ken Cohen’s study measures the effects of self healing exercise over the course of an illness in this case hypertension. In this study Qigong improved health and possibly made the difference between life and death. Qigong was administered along with conventional allopathic medicine, this group took standard hypertensive drugs. The group that used Qigong had almost a 50% drop in their hypertension.

9 Research Studies…Dance Erna Caplow Lindner – 1981 This study shows how “non-verbal, creative physical expression,” can be used as therapy for the elderly. This study also remarkable physical and intellectual stimulation in a socialized movement activity. Lindner believes this helps older adults feel a sense of oneness with other people.

10 Exercise Your Mind…Yoga Yoga – is a Hindu spiritual and ascetic discipline where breathing, simple meditation and exercise is implemented to control one’s mind and body. Yoga simply is a process of reversing the normal outward flow of energy and consciousness so the mind becomes the center of awareness.

11 Exercise Your Mind…Tai Chi Tai chi – is a Chinese method of slow meditative exercise implemented to achieve relaxation, balance and health. Tai Chi Chuan in translation means ‘Supreme Ultimate Force’. Tai chi is a slow, graceful, fluid movement, an almost undetectable rhythm. Tai chi is a combination of mental concentration done with slow, controlled movements meant to focus the mind. Tai Chi is implemented to improve one’s Qi

12 Exercise Your Mind…Visual Spatial Exercise Visual spatial - this is our ability to judge spaces, navigate through traffic, match patterns and measure. There are many different activities that can exercise visual spatial, such as: o Jigsaw puzzles o Matching games o Planning a garden o Number crunching games

13 Improve your Mental Fitness Your brain needs a workout just as your muscles do to stay toned and fit o Exercise – Physical activity helps to give the brain oxygen o Read – helps to exercise the mind o Challenge yourself – learn a new language, play chess, stretch yourself mentally o Rest – Destress, schedule regular rest periods o Start a new hobby – Helps to build new neural pathways o Do a manual activity – Such as sewing or woodworking, it incorporates both sides of the brain at the same time, increasing spatial awareness and reaction time.

14 In Closing… Most people know that daily exercise is important, but very few people know how very important it is to give proper mental training to your mind as well. Mental fitness is just as important as physical fitness, sleep and nutrition, your brain should be exercised everyday in order to achieve optimal wellness.

15 Mental Fitness Leads to Human Flourishing

16 References Better Health Channel. (2013). Ten tips to improve your mental fitness. State Government of Victoria. Retrieved May 20, 2013 from mental_fitness mental_fitness Canadian Mental Health Association. (2013). The Benefits of good Mental Health. Retrieved May 20, 2013 from health/#.UZry37WG12A health/#.UZry37WG12A Caplow-Lindner, E. (2006). Dance as a Therapeutic Intervention for the Elderly. Retrieved May 20, 2013 from Chaya, MS, Nagendra, H., Selvain, S., Kurpad, A., Srinivasan, K.. (2012)Effect of yoga on cognitive abilities in schoolchildren from a socioeconomically disadvantaged background: a randomized controlled study. Journal of alternative and Complimentary Medicine. Retrieved May 20, 2013 from Cohen, K. (2009). Qigong Research. Retrieved May 20, 2013 from

17 References (Cont.) Dacher, E. (2006). Integral Health: The Path to Human Flourishing. Basic Health Publications, Inc. Laguna Beach, CA. Gandham, S. (2012). Playing with Your Mind. Retrieved May 21, 2013 from games/visual-spatial-exercises/ games/visual-spatial-exercises/ Lazarus, C. (2011). Three Keys to Optimal Mental Fitness. Retrieved May 21, 2013 from well/201105/three-keys-optimum-mental-fitness well/201105/three-keys-optimum-mental-fitness Richardson, J. (2011). Three Tips For Living a Mental Fit Life. Retrieved May 21, 2013 from mental-fit-life/ mental-fit-life/ Russi Samataro, B. (2013). Tai Chi Exercises Both the Mind and the Body. Retrieved May 21, 2013 from

18 References(Cont.) Schlitz, M. and Amorok, T. (2005). Consciousness and Healing: Integral Approach to Mind-Body Medicine. Elsevier Churchill Livingstone. St.Louis, MO. Self Realization Fellowship. (2013). What is Yoga Really? Retrieved May 21, 2013 from http://www.yogananda-,_Really_.aspx#.UZu4yLWG12Ahttp://www.yogananda-,_Really_.aspx#.UZu4yLWG12A ~Music~ Duprere, R. (1998). Remous. Cirque Du Soleil: “O”. Classical

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