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LIVE INSTALLATION. Machine Configuration for Live Server  Operating System for installing Live Application should be Windows 2000 Server or Windows 2003.

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Presentation on theme: "LIVE INSTALLATION. Machine Configuration for Live Server  Operating System for installing Live Application should be Windows 2000 Server or Windows 2003."— Presentation transcript:


2 Machine Configuration for Live Server  Operating System for installing Live Application should be Windows 2000 Server or Windows 2003 Server.  Internet Connection must be there.  Port should be open among of these 8080,8085,1467  Check JAVA application is installed or not. ( e.g. Go to Start >> Settings >> Control Panel >> Add/Remove Program >> search J2SE Development Kit or J2SE Runtime Environment )  If this is installed, then removed it.

3 Part 1: Installation on live Server System Part 2: Installation on webdata server System Corporate web installation steps:

4  Step1 : Download and setup.exe from under download option on the desktop and extract there.  Download form\sunil\ on the desktop and extract\sunil\ Part 1: Installation on Live Server Machine Extracted files from

5  All Extracted files are here

6  Run jdk.exe.  For running JDK, Following steps have to follow : Tick here

7  Change the path here as C:\jdk1.5.0_09 Click here to change the path

8 Changed path Click on Next

9  For Setting the path of J2SE Runtime Environment ; path change To as C:\jre1.5.0_09 Click on NextChanged PathDefault Path Click here to change the path

10  To Complete the Installation Process of JDK Setup, Click on finish. Click on Finish

11  Run Tomcat.exe from corporate folder, following steps have to do : (here you have to uncheck the Documentation ). Click on FinishUn-tick Documentation

12  Destination folder path should be C:\Tomcat 5.5 Changed path Click on Next Change this path as c:\tomcat 5.5

13  To Configure the Apache Tomcat, give the port no: 8085 or 1467 User Name : admin Password : 12345 Enter user name Password Enter port Click on next NOTE : While installing tomcat, enter the port 8085 or 1467.

14  Here, the path of JREL.5.0_09, which has already installed in the system, should come automatically as : C :\jre1.5.0_09. If this path is showing, click on Install : Click on Install

15  Click on Finish to complete the Process. Click on next

16  Step6 : Run setup.exe of full setup then a folder named capexweb will be created in C: Drive. 1. Run setup


18 2. Click on next

19 3. Click on Install



22 4. Click on Finish

23 Note: After running setup_full delete four files from lib folder that are capexweb.jar, commexonline.jar, dponline.jar and fxfuture.jar Delete these files

24 Step7: Now run setup.exe, which was downloaded from site on the desktop. 1. Click on run



27 2. Click on next

28 Click here to change the path if installing on other drive (other than c drive) 3. Click on next

29 4. Click on install


31 5. Click on finish

32  After Successfully Installation of Jdk & Tomcat, 3 Folders i.e. jre1.5.0_09, jdk1.5.0_09 And Tomcat 5.5 will be created in C: Drive.  Insert web.xml file in c:\tomcat5.5\conf \ and capexweb.xml file in c:\tomcat5.5\conf\Catalina\localhost, copied from xml folder.

33  Change some entry in C:\capexweb\capexweb\capexmain_middle.htm. Open this file with notepad >>  Here, in place of dfcode value i.e. “SHILPI” give the Comp. ID given in license file.  In place of dfparentdb value i.e. “WEBDATA” give the database name which is created as parent type in Database Server.  And in place of IP : Put IP address of Database Server in which Parent DataBase has been configured.  Inform to license Dept. to get License File of configured Database with Order No, Company Name and Database Name.  Insert License File in C:\capexweb i.e. shilpi_capexweb.lic

34  Step1: Create a Parent Database  Case 1: If only single database exist :  Configure exiting database as parent database as system utilities >> web live setup >> database configuration. Part 2: Installation on webdata server System Create a Parent Database

35  Step 4: Connect parent database as: system utilities >> web live setup >> database attach (Parent). Here Connect and add.

36  Step5: Create a Branch as “Admin” in Master >> Branch Maintenance and active that branch.

37  Step7: Now update branch in Parent Database as: utilities >> system utilities >> weblivesetup >> Auto update common user (For branch,Sub Branch, client & RM/TL).  Select branch and Database name then Proceed.

38  Step8: Start tomcat services and login web live application to ADMIN (for Example : Enter user id (i.e. admin) Enter password (i.e. 12345) Click on login

39 Click here

40 Click on admin Click on DB-Maintenance  Step9: Run 'DbMaintenance' as shown below:

41  Case2: If more than one databases exist :  Create a new database i.e. Webdata.  Follow the following Steps to create “webdata” as a parent database  Step1: Create a parent database "webdata“.  Go to start.  Select Program.  Select Oracle-OraHome92.  Select Configuration and Migration Tool.  Select Database Configuration Assistant.

42  Following window will open: 1. Click on Next.

43 1. Tick on Create a Database 2. Click on next

44 4. Click on Next. 3. Select General purpose.

45 6. Click on Next. 5. Enter Database name.

46 8. Click on Finish. 7. Select Share Server Mode.

47 9. Click On OK

48 10. Database creation in progress.

49 11. Enter password in each field (e.g. s). It is mandatory. 12. Click on Exit.

50  Download (Blank database) from licclient.exe. 1. Click on Downloads

51 2. Select Product id 3. Tick on Blank Database 4. Click on Download Now 5. This message will display. Click on Ok

52  Now, extract downloaded file from D:\capex10. Downloaded file Extracted Files

53  Step3: Add the Parent's database entries (i.e. webdata) in sql.ini of capex10 folder.  Copy this sql.ini in configured database’s package folder.

54  Step 4: Tuned database  Run licclient.exe and click on tuned database. Note: Make sure that database must be created before tuning database Select Oracle Version Enter password (Password must be same as of Oracle database creation while installing oracle ) Enter Database Name Browse backup data file. Click on this button.

55  Do not close this window because data is importing here.

56 Message  After importing database file there will be a text document pop up and check the status of database import

57 Step 5: Product Activation Follow the following steps to activate product  Step 1: Run License file( i.e.: licclient.exe) from software folder.  Step 2: Following window will open. Click on test-I net connection and wait for the message Click here to Check internet connection  Step 4 : Following message will display. Click on Ok.

58  Step 5: Select Product Activation Product Activation

59  Following window will open: Select New installation. Select Product Type. Enter database name. Enter database Id given by license department. Click on Get Activation. Following message will display.

60  Do entry in cofile.dll in capex10/cofile.dll

61 Step 6: Now Double Click on shortcut icon of capex10 and login into database (webdata)

62 Step 8: Take backup of webdata after licensed.

63  Step3: Configure databases on parent database as system utilities >> web live setup >> database configuration.

64  NOTE: Click on plus(+) button to add the entry.  In Application type : Select CAP for Application Capital & F&O. Select FXF for FXFUTURE  In Case of DbType Select Parent for Parent database And Child For others Database.  Seq. No should be unique.

65  Step 4: Connect parent database as: system utilities >> web live setup >> database attach (Parent) in all databases.

66  Step5: Update License Status of each database from LICCLIENT.EXE from package.  Step6: Create a Branch as “Admin” in Master >> Branch Maintainence in each Database.

67  Step7: Now update branch in Parent Database as: utilities >> system utilities >> weblivesetup >> Auto update common user (For branch,Sub Branch, client & RM/TL).  Select branch and Database name one by one then Proceed. NOTE: Never run in ALL Database at a time.

68  Step8: Start tomcat services and login web live application to ADMIN (for Example :  Step9: Run 'DbMaintenance' from admin option available on Bottom of Left Panel. (This option will be highlighted on 'admin' users Only. For it follow the following steps: Enter user id (i.e admin) Enter password(i.e 12345) Click on login

69 Click here

70 Click on admin Click on DB-Maintenance  Run 'DbMaintenance' in all databases as shown below:

71 Live Installation successfully completed

72 For change of drive from C:\ to E:\ (Or Any other drive)  Run jdk and tomcat files again and change the path to e:\  Add a line in c:\capexweb\ capexweb\capexmain_middle.htm  (where same lines appears)   Run setup in e:\  To change drive in capexweb.xml, follow E:\Tomcat 5.5\conf\Catalina\localhost\ open capexweb.xml in notepad and change c:\ to e:\ As

73 Troubleshooting Error 1: Index page is not opening: Solution: a) Check proxy setting may be 8080 port is using for run proxy internet. b) Check on live application may be oracle9i server is installed, listener is using 8080 port. c) Check java version may be installed in c:\previously. Error 2: On admin login in live, error is coming “java.lang.NullPointerException..webusermaster “ Solution: a) check Parent database should be login. b) In capexmain_middle.htm check company id, db name, parent db IP (If all is okay then confirm Comp Id From Sir) c) Live Server and Database Server should be on the same network.

74 Error3: HTTP Status 404 - / capexweb/capexweb/ Solution: a.) check capexweb.xml file in C:/Tomcat 5.5/conf/catalina/localhost/capexweb.xml

75 Error 4: HTTP Status 404 - / capexweb/capexweb/parentvalidatepassword/ Solution: a.) check all jar files in C:\capexweb\WEB-INF\lib (Take all jar file from S:\lib)

76 How To update the version of capexweb in Live Server :  Tell to Client to download setup.exe from  Stop the Tomcat Service  Delete the work folder from C:/capexweb  Delete 4 jar Files i.e. capexweb.jar, commexonline.jar, fxfuture.jar, dponline.jar from C:\capexweb\WEB-INF\lib  Run the Set up.  In Admin Login run DBMaintainance in all exchange in live.

77 How to Change the Port :  Go to C:\Tomcat 5.5\conf  Open server.xml file (open with Notepad)  Find the Connector i.e.  <Connector port="8085" maxHttpHeaderSize="8192" maxThreads="150" minSpareThreads="25" maxSpareThreads="75" enableLookups="false" redirectPort="8443" acceptCount="100" connectionTimeout="20000" disableUploadTimeout="true" />  Give the port as per clients requirement and Save the file.

78 How to set the path for Digital Contract Note in Live Server. For Capital : a.) First generate the digital contract note html file in Backoffice. b.) Keep this file in C:\capexweb\digital\ClientCode\Date. (e.g- digital\P8A01\10032005) For Commex : a.) First generate the digital contract note html file in Backoffice. b.) Keep this file in C:\capexweb\digital_com\MCX\ClientCode\Date. (e.g- digital_com\MCX\A55\20052009) For FxFuture : a.) First generate the digital contract note html file in Backoffice. b.) Keep this file in C:\capexweb\digital_fx\ClientCode\Date. (e.g- digital_com\NSE\A55\20052009)

79 How to Set path for Download And Upload file in Live Server : For Download : a.) Keep file in C:\capexweb\download\capex\branch\branch_name\Date (for e.g : download\capex\branch\P8\20051024) For Upload : a.) Keep file in C:\capexweb\upload\capex\Branch name\ (for NSDL or CDSL create NSDL Folder in capexweb folder. For Upload Cheque image of Voucher : a.) Keep file in C:\capexweb\cheque\Branch name\ For Any Message if any branch want to give : a.) Keep file in C:\capexweb\message\branch_Name\ (e.g message\COM)

80 How to set path For Signature in NSDL and CDSL :

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