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Published byMildred Carson Modified over 9 years ago
2 Merits of Hajj Narrated Abu Huraira (Radia-Allahu ‘anhu): Allah’s Messenger (Salla-Allahu ‘alaihi wa sallam) said: “An ‘Umrah is an expiation for sins committed between it and the next, but an accepted Hajj will receive no less reward than Paradise.” {Agreed upon} Narrated Abu Huraira (Radia-Allahu ‘ anhu): Allah’s Messenger (Salla-Allahu ‘ alaihi wa sallam) was asked: “Which is the best deed?” He said: “To believe in Allah and His Messenger.” He was asked: “Which is the next (in goodness).” He said: “To participate in Jihad in Allah’s Cause.” He was then asked: “Which is the next?” He said: “To perform Hajj–Mabrur” {Bukhari & Muslim}.
3 Aisha (the mother of the faithful believers) said: “O Allah’s Messenger! We consider Jihad as the best deed.” The Prophet (Salla-Allahu ‘alaihi wa sallam) said: “The best Jihad is Hajj Mabrur.” (Bukhari) Narrated Abu Huraira (Radia-Allahu ‘anhu): The Prophet (Salla-Allahu ‘alaihi wa sallam) said: “Whoever performs Hajj for Allah’s pleasure and does not have sexual relations with his wife, and does not do evil or sins then he will return (after Hajj, free from all sins) as if he were born a new.” (Bukhari)
The Aim: Hajj Mabrur Hajj Mabrur is: 1.Hajj which is free from sins, in full obedience to Allah. 2.Performing it for Allah’s sake, with no hypocrisy (full sincerity). 3.Performing the Pillars and obligatory acts of Hajj according to the Sunnah. 4
Preparation for Hajj 1.Sincerity 2.Repentance from all the sins 3.Settling all disputes and asking forgiveness from relatives 4.Writing the will 5.Giving the due payment 6.Choosing the good fellowship 7.The Expense for Hajj should be lawful 8.Learning about Hajj and ‘Umrah 9.Memorizing supplications from Qur’an and Sunnah 5
What can you take with you? 6 Belt Unperfumed Vaseline can be used to prevent inflammation of the thigh Two Sheets of Ihraam Permissible to wear these Pin
What can you take with you? 1.Especially in the last days because of tiredness. 2.Invoke Allah to give you patience. 3.Do not be angry. 4.Let your greatest concern be: “Is Allah going to accept it from me or not?” 5.Seek help (Isti’aanah) from Allah all the time. 7 Lots of Patience
Kinds of Hajj 1. Tamattu’: To perform ‘Umrah in the months of Hajj, then perform Hajj One has to offer a sacrifice (Hadiy) 8 Umrah Hajj 3. Ifraad : Enter the state of Ihraam with the intention of performing Hajj only No Hadiy is required from him 2. Qiraan: Enter the state of Ihraam with the intention of performing ‘Umrah and Hajj One has to offer a sacrifice (Hadiy) Hajj ‘Umrah The Prophet (Salla-Allahu ‘alaihi wa sallam) ordered his Companions to perform Tamattu; in case they didn’t bring a Hadiy (sacrificial animal) with them.
9 Miqaat Narrated Ibn Abbas: “The Prophet (Salla-Allahu ‘alaihi wa sallam) appointed the following places as Miqaat (the place for entering the state of Ihraam): Dhul-Hulaifa for the people of Al-Madinah, Al-Juhfa for the people of Sham, Qarn Al- Manaazil for the people of Najd, and Yalamlam for the people of the Yemen. So, these Meeqats are for those living at those places, and for people of other regions who come through them- if they are intending to perform Hajj and ‘Umrah. Whoever is living within these Miqaats should enter the state of Ihraam from where he sets out from; even the inhabitants of Makkah “from it only.” (Agreed upon)
10 Dhul Hulaifa ا Al-Juhfa That-Erqu Qarn Al-Manazil Yalamlam The Red Sea Madinah Makkah Jeddah
Arriving in Jeddah 1. If you are going to Jeddah by airplane, then you have to put on your Ihraam in the plane. 2. When you arrive at the Jeddah airport, your patience could be tested. It’s possible you could be waiting for 2-12 hours or more in the airport. 3. Practice good patience and well treatment with customs officials because they work long hours to serve the Pilgrims. 11
‘Umrah Step by Step… 12
‘Umrah in Brief Ihraam (Pillar) Circumambulation- Tawaaf (Pillar) Sa’iy (Pillar) Shaving or shortening hair (Obligatory) 13
Ihraam for ‘Umrah Take a bath (Sunnah). The man should put perfume on his body and beard. Man takes off his clothes and wears Ihraam garments. A woman may not cover her face with Niqaab (face-veil) or hands with gloves. However, she should use her head covering to cover her face in the presence of strangers. 14
Ihraam for ‘Umrah Note: All the previous acts are preparation for Ihraam, not the Ihraam itself. He who intends to perform ‘Umrah should say:: لبيك اللهم عمرة Labbaik-Allahumma ‘Umrah 15 From this moment he is considered to be in the state of Ihraam.
Talbiyah After intention he begins Talbiyah saying: لبيك اللهم لبيك، لبيك لا شريك لك لبيك، إن الحمد والنعمة لك والملك، لا شريك لك. (Labbaik Allahumma labbaik, labbaik la shareeka laka labbaik. Innal-hamda wan ni’mata laka wal mulk. Laa shareeka lak) 16 He continues reciting Talbiyah until he sees the Ka’bah
Talbiyah It is Sunnah to raise one’s voice in the.Talbiyah Narrated Kallad bin as-Saib on his father’s authority; Allah’s Messenger said: “Jibril came to me and commanded me to order my companions to raise their voices with the Talbiyah.” (Reported by Al-Khamsa) 17
Forbidden things in Ihraam 1. To wear any seamed garment for men: - Like a shirt, a turban, trousers, a hooded garment, leather socks, gloves. - It is Sunnah for the garment to be white for men, and the woman can choose any color she likes as long as it does not have temptation or attraction for men. - It is forbidden for women to wear Niqaab (face veil) or hand gloves. But in the presence of men she can lower her head- scarf on her face and cover her hands with some cloth. 18
Forbidden things in Ihraam (for men) 2. Covering the head or face with anything that clings to it like hat, turban, bonnet, cap. If it is not attached like an umbrella or tent, or the roof of a car, then it is allowable. 19
Forbidden things in Ihraam 3. Applying perfume for men and women: -It is Sunnah to put on perfume before Ihraam. If some scent remains, there is no harm. It is not allowed to smell perfume deliberately. It is not allowed to mix coffee with saffron or rose water or any similar thing that you can feel, smell or taste. It is not allowed to use perfumed soap. 20
Forbidden things in Ihraam 4. Shaving or cutting hair from the head or body 5. Cutting nails of hands or toes If one’s nail is broken and it is harming him, then it is allowable to cut it. 21
Forbidden things in Ihraam 6. To Marry: The Prophet (Salla-Allahu ‘alaihi wa sallam) said: “A Muhrim should neither get married himself, nor should he have marriage performed on his behalf, nor should he propose.” (Muslim) If a marriage contract is done in the state of Ihraam, then it is considered to be incorrect. 22
Forbidden things in Ihraam 7. Hunting: Allah said: وَحُرِّمَ عَليْكمْ صَيْدُ البَرِّ مَا دُمْتمْ حُرُماً وَاتقوا اللهَ الذِي إليْهِ تحْشَرُونَ. It is forbidden to hunt animals or to help in hunting through gesture or weapons or to drive the animals for hunting in the Sacred area. 23
Forbidden things in Ihraam 8. Sexual Intercourse and all matters related to it like talking about it, or kissing. It is one of the greatest things that affects the Hajj. If it happens before the first Tahallul, one should: 1. repent because he is a sinner. 2. offer a she-camel as a sacrifice and distribute it to the poor persons in the Haram. 3. One’s Hajj is nullified. 4. He should continue it. 5. He should perform (another) Hajj the following year to make up for it. If it happens after the first Tahallul, then one should: 1. offer a sheep as a sacrificial animal and distribute it to the poor. 2. go back to the ‘Hill and renew the Ihraam and make Tawaaf Al- Ifadha. 24
Mistakes concerning Ihraam Passing by the Miqaat without Ihraam Considering the wearing of the two sheets in Ihraam Thinking that praying two Rak’at before Ihraam is obligatory or a condition Thinking that taking a bath for Ihraam is a condition; taking a bath is Sunnah and Ihraam is correct without it. Idtibaa (uncovering the right shoulder) all the time. It is Sunnah only upon arrival for Tawaaf. 25
Mistakes concerning Ihraam Thinking that anything that is stitched is not allowed to use; it is only forbidden if it is fitting (to the body). Thinking that women in menses are not allowed to assume Ihraam. So she passes by Miqaat without Ihraam. She can do everything including wearing Ihraam except Tawaaf and prayer. The Prophet (Salla-Allahu ‘alaihi wa sallam) said: “You should do as other pilgrims do except for performing Tawaaf of the Ka’bah, which you can do when you regain ritual purity.” Thinking that women in Ihraam should wear a special color like white 26
To the Sacred Mosque 27
المسجد الحرام 28 Maqam Ibrahim Door of Ka’bah Hijr Isma’eel To Safaa Zamzam Water Door of King Fahd The Black Stone Rukn Shaami Rukn Yamani Rukun Iraqi
Do You Remember 29 ? ? ? ? ? Rukn Yamaani Rukn Shaami Hijr Ismaeel Maqam Ibrahim The Black Stone هذا الإتجاه إلى ؟ To Safaa Zamzam ? Rukn Iraqi
Ka’bah from the Inside 30
Entering the Sacred Mosque One should step in with the right foot and recite the following invocation: –اللهم صل على محمد وسلم، اللهم افتح لي أبواب رحمتك. –أو : أعوذ بالله العظيم وبوجهه الكريم وسلطانه القديم من الشيطان الرجيم. 31
Entering the Sacred Mosque With the Name of Allah and peace and blessings be upon Allah’s Messenger. I seek refuge with Allah, the All- Mighty, by His Noble Face and His ancient Rulership and Authority, against the accursed Satan. O Allah! Open the gates of Your Mercy for me. 32
Tawaaf It is a condition for Tawaaf to: cover one’s Awrah – Purity of body and clothes- (purity from major and minor Hadath). You intend Tawaaf for ‘Umrah You have to make seven rounds, with the Ka’bah on your left side, beginning from the Black Stone and ending with it. 33
Tawaaf 34 Rukn Yamani Rukn Shaami Rukn Iraqi Black Stone Maqam Ibrahim Start Line Hijr Ismaeel Door of Ka’bah Ka’bah To Zamzam To Safaa ش
Idtibaa and Raml It is a Sunnah in ‘Umrah Tawaaf (and every arrival Tawaaf) to make : Idtibaa: Uncover the right shoulder Raml: To walk at a brisk pace in the first three rounds 35
Tawaaf You should first face the Black Stone, touch it with your right hand, and if possible kiss it, saying: In the Name of Allah. Allah is Most Great. O Allah! I do so with faith in You, believing in Your Book, honoring the promise to You and following the Sunnah of Your Messenger Muhammad (Salla-Allahu ‘alaihi wa sallam). If it is difficult to touch it, you should make a gesture to the Black Stone. 36
Supplication for Tawaaf There is no particular supplication for Tawaaf. There is no basis in Shari’ah for who invented a particular supplication for each round of Tawaaf. It is desirable to recite the following supplication while walking between Rukn Yamani and the Black Stone: ربنا آتنا في الدنيا حسنة و في الآخرة حسنة و قنا عذابا النار O Our Lord! Grant us the good in this life and in the next life and save us from the torment of Hell-fire. 37
Sequence in Tawaaf If the prayer is held while you are making Tawaaf, or you want to drink water, you can do so and continue after that. If the break is long, then you should begin your Tawaaf because sequence is a condition. If you nullify your ablution, then you should re- begin your Tawaaf because purity is a condition. 38
Doubts in Tawaaf If you doubt how many rounds you have completed, then consider the lesser number because it is certain. If you doubt after finishing Tawaaf, then it is not considered. 39
Maqaam Ibrahim It is Sunnah to offer two Rak’at at Ibrahim Station after finishing Tawaaf. If this is not possible due to a crowd, one should perform it in any part of the mosque. In the two Rak’at one should recite Surat Al- Kafiroon and Surat Al- Ikhlas 40
Maqaam Ibrahim 41 The trace of Ibrahim’s feet
Zamzam It is preferable to drink Zamzam water after offering the two Rak’at. It is preferable to drink as much as you can, and supp- licate. 42
زمزم Zamzam 43 Taps of Zamzam water
Sa’y When you go towards Safaa you recite the verse: إِنَّ الصَّفا وَالمَرْوَة مِن شَعَآئِر اللهِ فمَنْ حَجَّ البَيْتَ أو اعْتمَرَ فلا جُنَاحَ عَليْهِ أن يَطوَّفَ بهمَا وَمَن تَطوَّعَ خَيْراً فإنَّ اللهَ شَاكِرٌ عَلِيم. And you say: (I begin with what Allah began with), then mount As-Safaa. It is desirable to face the Qiblah and recite the following supplication : 44
Sa’y –لا إله إلا الله وحده لا شريك له، له الملك وله الحمد، يحيي ويميت، وهو على كل شيء قدير. –لا إله إلا الله وحده لا شريك له، أنجز وعده ونصر عبده وهزم الأحزاب وحده. 45
Sa’y – There is no true God but Allah and Allah is Most Great. There is no true God but Allah. He is One, having no partner. And to Him belongs the kingdom, and all praises. He causes life and death. He has authority over everything. There is no true God but Allah Alone. He fulfilled His promise, gave victory to His slave and He Alone defeated the Ahzaab. You should raise your hands while supplicating. Invoke Allah after this supplication for anything you want. These supplications can be recited thrice. 46
Sa’y After descending one should move towards mount Al- Marwah On reaching the first green-light sign, the males should walk at a brisk pace until they reach the other green sign. 47
Sa’y Then one should climb mount Al-Marwah and recite the same supplication said at As- Safaa. It should be done seven times. To walk towards one side is reckoned as one Sa’y trip and to return is another. It is permissible to perform Sa’y in a state of impurity. 48
Shaving or shortening the hair After completing Sa’y, one should shave or shorten his hair. It is not permissible to cut or shave only part of the head hair. Women should cut the length of a fingertip from their hair. Having performed these rites one completes ‘Umrah. 49
Mistakes Performed in Sa’y Raising your hands at Safaa, as if you are making Takbeer. The Sunnah is to raise your hands in invocation. Walking at a brisk pace in all Sa’y, the Sunnah is only between the green light signs. Reciting the verse every time you walk towards Safaa or Marwah. The Sunnah is to recite the verse only in the beginning when you start in the direction to Safaa. Thinking that going from Safaa to Marwah and going back is one Sa’y trip. The right way is that walking one way is reckoned as one Sa’y trip. 50
Staying in Makkah 51
Staying in Makkah If you are doing Hajj Tamattu’ then you stay after ‘Umrah till the 8 th of Dhul-Hijjah. Time in Makkah is precious; therefore, do not waste it in visiting malls. Be careful, evil deeds and sins are more grevious in Makkah than any other place. 52
Crowded streets around Masjid al-Haraam 53
Hajj Step by Step 54
Hajj, step by step-Summary Ihraam on the 8 th of Dhul-Hijjah 8 th of Dhul-Hijjah: Stay/sleep in Mina 9 th of Dhul Hijjah (during the day):Stand at Arafaat 9 th of Dhul Hijjah (night): Spend the night at Al- Muzdalifah 10 th of Dhul-Hijjah: – Throwing the pebbles – Slaughtering – Shaving or shortening the hair – Tawaaf al-Ifaadah – Sa’y 11 th, 12 th, & 13 th of Dhul-Hijjah:. Throwing the pebbles, spending the night at Mina 55
المشاعر – صورة بالقمر الصناعي 56 Al-Masjid Al-Haraam Mina Muzdalifa Arafaat Azizya Jamarat Namerah Mosque Khaif Mosque Al-Mashaar Al-Haram Mosque Al-Rahma Mountain
Ihraam for Hajj On the 8 th of Dhul-Hijjah you should put on Ihraam for Hajj and say: “Labbaik- Allahumma Hijjah” One should frequently recite the Talbiyah. 57
Ihraam for Hajj It is Sunnah to go to Mina before midnoon. Offer the prayers of Dhuhr, Asr, Maghrib, Isha and Fajr at Mina. Each prayer should be performed at its appointed time in Qasr (shortened form). They should not be combined. It is Sunnah to spend the night at Mina. 58
مسجد الخيف 59 Al-Khaif mosque in Mina. 70 Prophets prayed in it.
Going from Mina to Arafaat- after sunrise on the 9 th of Dhul Hijjah 60
Arafaat Reach Arfaat before midnoon if possible 61
Arafaat After listening to the sermon, you should pray Dhuhr and Asr together in Qasr, with a single Adhan and two Iqaamahs 62
Arafaat You should face the Qiblah and strive your utmost in remember- ing Allah, invoking Him and supplicating in every possible mode, whole heartedly. 63
Merits of the Day of Arafah Aisha (Radia-Allahu ‘anha) narrated that the Prophet (Salla-Allahu ‘alaihi wa sallam) said: “Allah does not release more of His slaves from Hell than on the Day of Arafah. He becomes closer to them and speaks proudly of them to His angels. He says: ‘What do these slaves of Mine seek?’” 64
Arafaat While supplicating, one should raise both hands. The Prophet said: “The best supplication is on the day of Arafah and the best (supplication) that I and the Messengers preceding me have said is: “La ilaaha illa Allah wahdahu laa shareeka lahu lahul-mulku wa lahul-hamdu, Yuhyee wa yumeetu, wa Huwa ala kulli shay’in Qadeer.” (Tirmidh i ) 65
Leaving Arafaat After sunset you should return calmly to Al- Muzdalifah. The Prophet (Salla-Allahu ‘alaihi wa sallam) said: “O people, be tranquil.” (Muslim) You should frequently recite the Talbiyah. 67
Mistakes Committed at Arafah Fasting the day of Arafah. The Sunnah is not to fast if you are a pilgrim, in order to be stronger for invocation. Leaving Arafah before sunset. You should stay in Arafah until sunset. Climbing Ar-Rahma Mountain to make invocation. The Sunnah is to face the Qiblah any place in Arafaat and make invocation. Wasting time in talking or wandering or eating or sleeping. 68
At Muzdalifah When you reach Muzdalifah you should immediately offer the prayers of Maghrib and Isha (Qasr) combined with a single Adhan and two Iqaamahs. 69
At Muzdalifah Then you should go to sleep. Pray Fajr in its earliest stated time. 70
At Muzdalifah It is permissible to send women and children to Mina after midnight. Narrated Aisha (Radia- Allahu Anha): Saudah (Radia-Allahu Anha) asked permission from Allah’s Messenger (Salla-Allahu ‘alayhi wa saalam) to go on (to Mina) before him on the night of Al-Muzdalifah. She was slow, heavy, so he gave her permission.” (Agreed upon) 71
At Muzdalifah After Fajr prayer, you should stand facing the Qiblah and remember Allah, and offer supplications. Glorify Allah as much as possible till it becomes bright in the morning. Then you move towards Mina before sunrise, saying the Talbiyah. You should hurry while traversing the valley of Muhassar, a place of torment in the past. 72
Mistakes Committed at Muzdalifah Delaying Maghrib and Isha prayers till after midnight. One should pray before midnight even if he didn’t reach Muzdalifah. Collecting pebbles from Muzdalifah. One can collect them from any place. Moving from Muzdalifah before Fajr. The Prophet (Salla-Allah ‘alaihi wa sallam) did not give permission except to the weak and women. Staying in Muzdalifah till sunrise. The Sunnah is to move before sunrise. 73
At Mina You reach Mina on the 10 th of Dhul-Hijjah; moving, after sunrise, you should: - Throw the pebbles. - Slaughter the sacrificial animal. - Shave or shorten the hair. - Perform Tawaaf al- Ifaadah and Sa’y 74
Casting the Pebbles at Mina You should stone Jamrat Al-Aqabah with seven pebbles, one after another. 75 size of pebbles Saying (Allahu Akbar) each time you cast. Do not cast before sunrise; you can cast at noon or night.
Slaughtering at Mina You should slaughter the sacrificial animal any place in Mina or Makkah. The Sunnah is to sacrifice with your hands if possible saying: (Bismillah, Allahu akbar, Haadha minka wa laka) i.e. In the Name of Allah. Allah is Most Great. O Allah! This is from You and for You. 76
Mina – shaving the hair -The pilgrim should shave his hair or shorten it. Shaving is preferable, for the Prophet (Salla-Allahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) prayed thrice for the mercy for the shaving and once for the shortening. - It is not enough to get only part of the hair cut, rather the hair of the whole head should be cut. - Women should cut the length of a fingertip from their hair. 77
Mina-the first phase of lifting the restrictions After casting the pebbles and shaving the head, one in Ihraam is free to have all the things which had been prohibited for him during the state of Ihraam except for having a relation with one’s wife (i.e. sexual relation, fondling, kissing, etc). 78
Makkah – Tawaaf al-Ifaadah - You should perform Tawaaf al-Ifaadah; seven circles without Raml or Idhibaa. - After Tawaaf, offer two Rak’at behind Maqam Ibrahim if possible, or any place if you can not. 79
Makkah-Sa’y You should perform Sa’y between Safaa and Marwah With this you reach the second phase of lifting the restrictions even enjoying with women (i.e. sexual relation and what precedes it). 80
Mina- Sleeping on the 11 th, 12 th, 13 th of Dhul-Hijjah In these days, pilgrims should stay in Mina three days and three nights. It is obligatory to spend the first and second nights at Mina. If the pilgrim intends to leave Mina soon after casting the pebbles the first two days, he should leave before sunset of the second day. 81
Mina- Casting Pebbles On each day, the pilgrim should cast pebbles at the Jamarat after mid day or at night to avoid crowds. It should start with the first Jamarah which is situated near Khaif mosque. Seven pebbles should be hurled at it, one after another. After stoning, one should move forward a bit and make the Jamarah on the right side while facing the Qiblah and one should raise both hands and make as many supplications as possible. Like wise the second, then the third. 82
Mina -Casting the Pebbles Similarly, on the second day, one should cast the pebbles at the three Jamarat, in the same manner as done on the first day, in order. Staying two days in Mina is permissible but extending them for the third is better. 83
Mistakes in Casting Pebbles Casting the pebbles before noon. It should begin after noon. If it is crowded, you can cast at night. Hurling the pebbles all together. It should be one after another. Washing the pebbles. They should be cast unwashed. Casting with more than seven. Putting the pebbles without casting. One should raise his hand each time when casting the pebbles. 84
Mistakes Committed at Mina Spending the days of Tashreeq outside Mina, and this is a disruption of the obligatory matter. Performing farewell Tawaaf before casting pebbles. You should end with the farewell Tawaaf. Leaving before the 12 th of Dhul-Hijjah 85
Old Bridge of Jamarat 2001 86 Jamarat
New Bridge of Jamarat (2006/2007) 87
New Bridge of Jamarat (after finished) 88
Mina 1953 89
The Last Day When Pilgrims intend to leave Makkah, they must perform farewell Tawaaf so that they spend their last moments at the Ka’bah. The only exception are menstruating women and women with postnatal bleeding. Narrated Ibn Abbas: “The people were commanded to make the house (Tawaaf- wada) their last act (before leaving Makkah), except that the women in menses were exempted.” (Agreed upon) 90
Pillars of Hajj 1. Ihraam 2. Standing at Arafaat 3. Tawaaf Al-Ifaadah 4. Sa’y 91 You should fulfill the pillars Or your Hajj will be Destroyed
Obligatory Acts of Hajj 92 1. Ihraam from Miqaat 2. Standing at Arafaat till night 3.Spending a night in Muzdalifah 4. Spending the nights in Mina 5.Casting pebbles consecutively 6. Shaving or shortening the hair 7. Farewell- Tawaaf Disruption of the obligatory acts requires offering.
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