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Windows 8 and WinRT from a C++ perspective
Marc Grégoire
Who am I? Marc Grégoire MVP VC++ / Microsoft MEET member
Founder of the Belgian C++ Users Group (BeCPP)
Agenda Windows 8 Platform Windows Runtime (WinRT)
C++ Extensions (C++/CX) Asynchronous programming model Libraries (WinRT STL) C++ and XAML
Windows 8 Platform
Windows Core OS Services
Windows 8 Platform Metro style Apps Desktop Apps View C C++ C C++ XAML XAML HTML / CSS HTML JavaScript Model Controller C# VB JavaScript (Chakra) C C++ C# VB Windows Runtime APIs Communication & Data Graphics & Media Devices & Printing System Services Application Model Internet Explorer Win32 .NET / SL Core Windows Core OS Services
Windows 8 Platform – Where C++?
Metro Hybrid Apps HTML5 + JavaScript front-end C++ components Metro XAML Apps UI using XAML C++ code behind Metro high performance 2D/3D Apps C++ with DirectX rendering
Windows Runtime (WinRT)
Windows Runtime (WinRT)
Foundation for building Metro style apps Strongly-typed system Automatically reference counted Exception-based Well defined binary contract across module boundaries, ABI-safe (For C++) Deep integration with STL
Windows Runtime (WinRT)
Contains classes for UI, Pickers, Controls, Media, XAML, Storage, Network, … A subset of the Win32 APIs can still be used
Windows Runtime (WinRT)
User Interface HTML5/CSS XAML DirectX Controls Input Accessibility Printing Data Binding Tiles SVG Devices Sensors Geolocation Portable NFC Communications & Data Contracts XML Web SMS Networking Notifications Local & Cloud Storage Streams Background Transfer Media Visual Effects Playback PlayTo Capture Fundamentals Application Services Authentication Cryptography Globalization Memory Management Threading/Timers
Windows Runtime (WinRT)
Includes detailed metadata = complete description of the Windows Runtime Metadata allows projection into different languages: C++, C#, VB, JavaScript Metadata = similar to the CLI metadata
C++ Extensions (C++/CX)
C++ Extensions (C++/CX)
Set of language extensions and libraries to allow direct consumption and authoring of WinRT types WinRT is based on COM, but you don’t have to deal with it directly.
C++ Extensions (C++/CX)
Key Bindings Feature Summary 1. Data Types ref class Reference type value class Value type interface class Interface property Property with get/set event “Delegate property” with add/remove/raise delegate Type-safe function pointer generic Type-safe generics 2. Allocation ref new Reference-counted allocation 3. Pointer & Reference ^ Strong pointer (“hat” or “handle”) % Strong reference C++ extensions are needed to bind WinRT, which is a foreign type system, to C++.
C++ Extensions (C++/CX)
C/C++ External Surface for native callers/callees WinRT External Surface for WinRT callers/callees Module Internals written in C++ Don’t use WinRT objects in your entire application, only on the WinRT boundaries. For example, if you want to write a WinRT component in C++ that you would like to use from another language than C++.
Automatic Lifetime Management
Handle (^ / Hat) is smart pointer to WinRT objects Reference counted Allocated with ref new Example: Person^ p; { Person^ p2 = ref new Person(); // ref count = 1 p2->Name = "John"; // ref count = 1 p = p2; // ref count = 2 } // ref count = 1 p = nullptr; // ref count = 0 ~Person() This slide is basically the only thing you need to know for consuming WinRT types. ^ is similar to CComPtr; the difference is that ^ is baked into the compiler, so the compiler can much better optimize it, and will avoid addref/releaseref when it can.
Automatic Lifetime Management
Even easier… Simply on the stack, or as a member of another WinRT type Example: { Person p; p.Name = "John"; /* ... */ } // ~Person() WinRT object on the stack, the compiler will actually convert that to a reference counted smart pointer, so basically, only the COM pointer is on the stack, but cleanup is all automatic.
WinRT Class Use ref class to define new WinRT classes (ABI-safe cross-language classes) Example: public ref class Person { public: Person(String^ name, String^ ); void Greet(Person^ other); internal: ~Person(); void SetPassword(const std::wstring& passwd); }; Usage: Person^ p = ref new Person("John", p->Greet(ref new Person("Jim")); Public/protected methods only WinRT parameters Private/internal methods any C++ types as parameters The “public” at the beginning of the class is needed if you want to make this class available to the external world. “internal”: access from within the module, or assembly, not exposed.
WinRT Interface Defining Implementing Inheriting Using
public interface class IShape ref class Rectangle : ISelectableShape { void Draw(); public: }; virtual void Draw(); Inheriting virtual void Select(); Using public interface class ISelectableShape : IShape IShape^ shape = ref new Rectangle(); shape->Draw(); void Select(); automatically abstract no need for virtual keywords No need for pure virtual specifier (=0) all methods are automatically public No data members All these things are still ABI-safe.
WinRT Property Defining Using
Trivial properties (with private backing store) public: property String^ Name; User defined properties public: property Person^ Sibling { Person^ get() { InitSiblings(); return _sibling; } void set(Person^ value) { _sibling = value; NotifySibling(); } } private: Person^ _sibling; Using Person^ p = ref new Person("John"); p->Sibling = ref new Person(p->Name);
WinRT Delegate Declaring Instantiating Invoking From lambda:
public delegate void PropertyChanged(String^ propName, String^ propValue); Instantiating From lambda: auto p = ref new PropertyChanged( [](String^ pn, String^ pv) { cout << pn << " = " << pv; }); From free-function auto p = ref new PropertyChanged(UIPropertyChanged); From class-member auto p = ref new PropertyChanged(this, MainPage::OnPropertyChanged); Invoking p("Visible", "f"); Delegates are type-safe function pointers. Similar to std::function<>, but ABI-safe. You can bind anything that is callable to a delegate (lambda, free-function, class-member, std::bind, …)
WinRT Event Defining Trivial event (with private backing store)
public: event PropertyChanged^ OnPropertyChanged; User defined properties public: event PropertyChanged^ OnNetworkChanged { EventRegistrationToken add(PropertyChanged^); void remove(EventRegistrationToken t); void raise(String^, String^); } Event = a property that is a delegate type on which you can add, remove, and raise, instead of get, and set.
WinRT Event Using Subscribing Unsubscribing
person->OnPropertyChanged += propertyChangedDelegate; auto token = person->OnPropertyChanged::add(propertyChangedDelegate); Unsubscribing person->OnPropertyChanged -= token; person->OnPropertyChanged::remove(token); To unsubscribe, you need a token. Only ::add() returns a token.
WinRT Exceptions Under the covers, WinRT uses COM, thus HRESULTs
WinRT wraps HRESULTs into exceptions
WinRT Exceptions Only a fixed set of exceptions is available
Platform::Exception is the base for all WinRT exceptions You cannot derive your own exceptions from Platform::Exception HRESULT Exception E_OUTOFMEMORY OutOfMemoryException E_INVALIDARG InvalidArgumentException E_NOINTERFACE InvalidCastException E_POINTER NullReferenceException E_NOTIMPL NotImplementedException E_ACCESSDENIED AccessDeniedException E_FAIL FailureException E_BOUNDS OutOfBoundsException E_CHANGED_STATE ChangedStateException REGDB_E_CLASSNOTREG ClassNotRegisteredException E_DISCONNECTED DisconnectedException E_ABORT OperationCanceledException If you need to pass an HRESULT for which there is no standard exception yet, pass it as a COMException, wrapping your HRESULT.
WinRT Exceptions Throwing exceptions Catching exceptions
throw ref new InvalidArgumentException(); throw ref new COMException(hr); Catching exceptions try { … } catch (OutOfMemoryException^ ex) { … } Catch all WinRT exceptions: catch (Platform::Exception^ ex) { } Access HRESULT via ex->HResult
WinRT Generics Defining Using Implementing
generic<typename T, typename U> IPair<String^, Uri^>^ uri = public interface class IPair { ref new PairStringUri(); property T First; auto first = uri->First; // String^ property U Second; auto second = uri->Second; // Uri^ }; Implementing ref class PairStringUri: IPair<String^, Uri^> { public: property String^ First; property Uri^ Second; Generics are ABI-Safe templates.
WinRT .winmd Metadata Files
.winmd files Contain the metadata representation of WinRT types To consume a winmd file: Right click on project in Solution Explorer > References > Add New Reference… Or #using <Company.Component.winmd> Make sure the winmd and implementation dll is packaged together with your application To produce a .winmd file: Start from the “C++ WinRT Component Dll” template Define public types (ref classes, interfaces, delegates, etc.) C++ WinRT components can be consumed by other languages.
WinRT Partial Runtime Classes
Partial class definition partial ref class MainPage: UserControl, IComponentConnector { public: void InitializeComponent(); void Connect() { btn1->Click += ref new EventHandler(this, &MainPage::Button_Click); } }; Class definition ref class MainPage MainPage() { InitializeComponent(); } void Button_Click(Object^ sender, RoutedEventArgs^ e); Partial classes make it easier to develop nice tools for C++. Before, tools sometimes would insert generated code into specific locations in a file, maybe between specific comments. With partial classes, you can have 1 partial class that is always generated by the tool, and that contains no user-written code. The user-written code then goes into another partial class, and both are combined to get the final class.
Asynchronous programming model
Async with PPL Tasks Windows 8 Metro only allows asynchronous operations for anything that can take longer than a couple milliseconds For example: there are no synchronous file operations possible in Metro Advantage: keeps UI fast and fluid Disadvantage: programming can be more complex, but new PPL tasks support helps alot here
Async with PPL Tasks Example: Create a file Open the file
Write a string to the file Flush the file
Without PPL Tasks StorageFolder^ item = KnownFolders::PicturesLibrary;
auto createStorageFileOp = item->CreateFileAsync("myfile.txt"); createStorageFileOp->Completed = ref new AsyncOperationCompletedHandler<StorageFile^>( [](IAsyncOperation<StorageFile^>^ asyncOp, AsyncStatus status) { auto streamRetrievalOp = asyncOp->GetResults()->OpenAsync(FileAccessMode::ReadWrite); streamRetrievalOp->Completed = ref new AsyncOperationCompletedHandler<IRandomAccessStream^>( [](IAsyncOperation<IRandomAccessStream^>^ asyncOp, AsyncStatus status) { IOutputStream^ stream = asyncOp->GetResults()->GetOutputStreamAt(0); DataWriter^ bbrw = ref new DataWriter(stream); bbrw->WriteString("Hello async!"); auto writeBinaryStringOp = bbrw->StoreAsync(); writeBinaryStringOp->Completed = ref new AsyncOperationCompletedHandler<unsigned int>( [stream](IAsyncOperation<unsigned int>^ asyncOp, AsyncStatus status) { int bytes = asyncOp->GetResults(); auto streamFlushOp = stream->FlushAsync(); streamFlushOp->Completed = ref new AsyncOperationCompletedHandler<bool>( [](IAsyncOperation<bool>^ asyncOp, AsyncStatus status) { bool result = asyncOp->GetResults(); }); Without PPL Tasks
With PPL Tasks StorageFolder^ item = KnownFolders::PicturesLibrary;
auto createStorageFileOp = item->CreateFileAsync("myfile.txt"); task<StorageFile^> createFileTask(createStorageFileOp); IOutputStream^ ostream; createFileTask.then([](StorageFile^ storageFile){ return storageFile->OpenAsync(FileAccessMode::ReadWrite); }).then([](IRandomAccessStream^ rastream) -> task<bool> { ostream = rastream->GetOutputStreamAt(0); DataWriter^ bbrw = ref new DataWriter(ostream); bbrw->WriteString("Hello async!"); return bbrw->StoreAsync(); }).then([ostream](unsigned int bytesWritten) { return ostream->FlushAsync(); }).then([](bool flushed) { });
Libraries (WinRT STL)
Vector and ObservableVector
Instantiating using namespace Platform::Collections; Vector<String^>^ items = ref new Vector<String^>(); Adding elements items->Append("Hello"); Returning a read-only view of the vector IVectorView<String^>^ view = items->GetView(); Getting notification for changes items->VectorChanged += ref new VectorChangedEventHandler<String^> (this, &MyClass::VectorChanged); IVectorView is comparable to an iterator range.
Map and ObservableMap Defining Adding elements
using namespace Platform::Collections; auto favorites = ref new Map<String^, Uri^>(); Adding elements favorites->Insert("MSDN", ref new Uri(" Checking and removing elements if (favorites->HasKey("MSDN")) favorites->Remove("MSDN");
Integration with STL Algorithms
WinRT String has Begin()/End() member methods For WinRT collections, collection.h defines begin() and end() functions Example: IVector<int>^ v = GetItems(); int sum = 0; std::for_each(begin(v), end(v), [&sum](int element) { sum += element; });
Integration with STL Containers
Conversion is possible between STL containers and WinRT containers String^ std::wstring (via wchar_t*) Vector std::vector std::vector<int> v; v.push_back(10); auto items = ref new Vector<int>(v); Vector std::vector Vector<int>^ items = ...; std::vector<int> v = Windows::Foundation::Collections::to_vector(items);
C++ and XAML
Windows 8 Platform – Where C++?
Metro Hybrid Apps HTML5 + Javascript front-end C++ components Metro XAML Apps UI using XAML C++ code behind Metro high performance 2D/3D Apps C++ with DirectX rendering Metro Hybrid Apps HTML5 + Javascript front-end C++ components Metro XAML Apps UI using XAML C++ code behind Metro high performance 2D/3D Apps C++ with DirectX rendering You can still use Win32 APIs in Metro Apps, but only a subset of the Win32 APIs.
C++ and XAML
Resources “Using Windows Runtime With C++” – Herb Sutter
“Building Windows Metro style apps in C++/XAML” – Vikas Bhatia, Joanna Mason
Belgian C++ Users Group (BeCPP)
Aim? quarterly meetings Audience? free for everyone Where? at Microsoft offices in Zaventem or at sponsor company locations (we’re still looking for hosts / sponsors!) Become a member? Announcements? become member or subscribe to our blog Questions?
Belgian C++ Users Group (BeCPP)
Next meeting: June 27th 2012 Agenda with top international speakers: Session 1: What’s new in VC (Rong Lu) Break Session 2: C++ AMP (GPGPU Computing) (Kate Gregory) Drink Register Now:
Thank you! I would like to thank Herb Sutter from Microsoft for his permission to base this presentation on one that he wrote.
Widescreen Test Pattern (16:9)
Aspect Ratio Test (Should appear circular) 4x3 16x9
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