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Tiny Technologies The Speculative Possibilities Work at MIT The Money

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Presentation on theme: "Tiny Technologies The Speculative Possibilities Work at MIT The Money"— Presentation transcript:

1 Tiny Technologies The Speculative Possibilities Work at MIT The Money
Overview by Joost Bonsen * The Speculative Possibilities Work at MIT The Money Business Implications Further Sources

2 Tiny = ? Micro through Nano in size / length scale
MEMS, NEMS, PEMS, Molectronics, Spintronics, Photonics, optoelectronics… Nano + tubes, wires, crystals, balls, logic, rods, gears, engines… Molecular Engineering, Biological Engineering…

3 There’s Plenty of Room at the Bottom!
Feynman’s Vision There’s Plenty of Room at the Bottom! Dec 1959 Talk at APS / CalTech

4 Drexler’s Engine’s of Creation
1985 Book while at MIT Dismissed often as “Pure SF”

5 Drawing Inspiration & More from Biology
Ribosomes Flagellar Motors Muscles

6 Dimensions in Silicon and in Biology
red blood cell ~5 m (SEM) diatom 30 m Simple molecules <1nm DNA proteins nm bacteria 1 m 10-10 10-5 10-9 10-7 10-6 10-8 10-4 10-3 10-2 m SOI transistor width 0.12m semiconductor nanocrystal (CdSe) 5nm Circuit design Copper wiring width 0.2m Nanometer memory element (Lieber) 1012 bits/cm2 (1Tbit/cm2) IBM PowerPC 750TM Microprocessor 7.56mm×8.799mm 6.35×106 transistors Source: Molecular Machines (Jacobson) Group

7 Tiny Tech @ MIT Research Centers Unifying Projects
Faculty & Principal Investigators

8 Tiny Research Centers MTL MPC CBE SNL CBA ISN …several others

9 Microsystems Technology Labs
MEMS CAD Materials Fabrication Schmidt

10 MicroTurbine Project                                                             

11 Materials Processing Center
Advanced materials Processes Properties Fabrication Kimmerling

12 Center for Biomedical Engineering
Molecular Engineering Cell & Tissue Engineering Physiological Systems Engineering Grodzinsky

13 Space Nanotechnology Lab
Space Imaging High-Performance Schattenburg

14 from atomic nuclei to global networks
from atomic nuclei to global networks Nanofab, Biofab, Macrofab Gershenfeld

15 Institute for Soldier Nanotechnology
Protective Suits Human Augmentation Thomas “It sounds a lot like Science Fiction!” -- MIT Student & Comic Book Fan

16 Tiny Faculty Slocum Hunter Subresh Ortiz Jacobson Manalis Ippen Smith
(a Sampling) Slocum Hunter Subresh Ortiz Jacobson Manalis Ippen Smith Knight Sasisekharan Endy Hammond Lauffenberger …many more

17 Precision Engineering
Flextesters Slocum Group

18 Bioinstrumentation / Nanorobotics
Hunter Group

19 Cellular Solids Research
Gibson Group

20 NanoMechanical Testing
Subresh Group

21 Nanomechanics Ortiz Group

22 Molecular Machinery RF Biology Jacobson Group Printed Electronics

23 Nanoscale Sensing / Silicon Biology
Manalis Group

24 Molecular Self-Assembly
Zhang Group

25 Functional Glycomics Sasisekharan Group

26 Lithographed Nanostructures
Smith Group

27 Femtosecond Optics “pulses … sufficiently short duration to capture the motion of particles in the atomic and subatomic regime” Ippen Group

28 Microbial Engineering / Cellular Robotics / Synthetic Biology
Knight Group

29 Systems Biology Endy Lab

30 MacroMolecular Synthesis
Hammond Group

31 Biological Engineering / Bioengineering

32 Tiny Money Billions in research Millions in VC Still early days
NNI $600M in 2002, vs $420M in 2001 Millions in VC Polaris, DFJ Corporate Venturing Still early days

33 Tiny Business Implications
Profitable Product Lines in MEMS Startups in Nano

34 Successful MEMS Products
TI’s Digital Mirror Device ADI’s Accelerometer

35 TI’s Digital Mirror Device

36 ADI’s Crash Bag Accelerometer

37 Selected MEMS Startups
Iridigm MicroCHIPS E-Ink Flexics Memgen Plastilogic Rolltronics

38 Selected Nano Startups
OmniGuide SurfaceLogix Nanosys EngeneOS Calmec Molecular Electronics Zyvex Nanopto Nanotechtonics

39 Big Business Investments
Xerox – e.g. Eink competitor IBM – deep investments Big Pharma Medical Devices – e.g. J&J + Medtronics HP spinoff Agilent – Nano LabChip

40 Dangers of Over-Hype Like AI in 80’s
Some things are fundamentally hard Progress is rather bursty

41 MIT Sources MIT’s David Ward has a Nanotech pointer site, very good:
The MIT Alum Association openDOOR February edition was on Tiny Technologies, very nice, very comprehensive: MIT’s Technology Review does a stellar job of covering ever smaller-scale Engineering:

42 Commercial Sources Nanotech Planet Zyvex has a comprehensive Nano site
Zyvex has a comprehensive Nano site ACRS NanoTech

43 Other Sources Foresight Institute Nanotech Opportunity Report
Nanotech Opportunity Report Sandia’s MEMS movies!

44 3D thru Cross-Eye

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