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"From values to future farming systems" Walter Gerritsen Speciality Dairy; “What I do must be useful”

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Presentation on theme: ""From values to future farming systems" Walter Gerritsen Speciality Dairy; “What I do must be useful”"— Presentation transcript:

1 "From values to future farming systems" Walter Gerritsen Speciality Dairy; “What I do must be useful”

2 "From values to future farming systems" Specialty dairy by Walter Gerritsenen About me Why I choose Usefulness / Benefit Illustration of the “specialty dairy” conceptspecialty dairy The concept as applied to my own farm

3 "From values to future farming systems" Specialty dairy by Walter Gerritsen Who is Walter Gerritsen? Married and father of 2 children In partnership with father My farm in brief: Dairy farm in Beek (eastern part of Netherlands) Focus on quality which includes working in accordance with protocols Brand new cowshed “What I do must be useful”

4 "From values to future farming systems" Specialty Dairy In the project ‘Animal in balance,’ the following illustration was developed of the specialty dairy concept as it might look in 2025specialty dairy In this presentation, I will discuss the opportunities that I see for setting up such a system and the steps I plan to take in doing so

5 "From values to future farming systems" Walter Gerritsen’s strategy Why I choose Specialty Dairy What I do must be useful Working in accordance with protocols suits me, and I enjoy further developing such systems I enjoy making use of technology, in particular because it also allows me to demonstrate that I do my work in accordance with agreed-upon procedures

6 "From values to future farming systems" My ideal image of Specialty Dairy My own image of specialty dairy largely corresponds with the image developed in the course of the project, but with the following additions: I would prefer to focus on the production of (ingredients for) medicines The end product determines how the milk is produced: I consider working with genetically modified animals an option. I have no objections to keeping the cows in the cowshed on a year-round basis

7 "From values to future farming systems" My ideal image of Specialty Dairy From ‘probable quality’ to ‘guaranteed quality’: For me, monitoring the production process (via sensors) is very important, as it enables me to actually demonstrate how the production process takes place (optimising animal management); processes are monitored in the cow, from mouth to udder and from mouth to backside Quality control of the feed purchased is also crucial, in regard to positive as well as negative properties Communication with the consumer is important. The web cam alone is not sufficient, as this provides only factual information. A well-documented film needs to be made, which makes it clear that a cow within this system actually has quite a good life

8 "From values to future farming systems" My ideal image of Specialty Dairy I see opportunities for investments by the drug industry (e.g. Bayer). For me, it’s important to be able to carry out the role of entrepreneur, in the role of manager and director I want to discuss matters with potential clients myself and to remain responsible for my performance and results in relationship to the board of commissioners

9 "From values to future farming systems" From a “curiosity” for 2025 to a reality in 2015? Curiosity for 2025 The time is not yet ripe Reality for 2015: my analysis of the environment Milk price remains stable Increasing costs In other words, increasing size required to maintain income level

10 "From values to future farming systems" From a “curiosity” for 2025 to a reality in 2015? My concrete strategy for 2015 Farm with > 400 cows Use of land essential Milking robot and additional automation systems Additional step towards genetically modified cows Production of milk with unique concentrations / nutrients Milking robot selects milk from specific cows for transport to specific tanks Two full-time jobs on farm

11 "From values to future farming systems" Do I want to do this and can I do this? What do I want? I want to obtain a good return for the resources and time invested I think it’s necessary to use processes which have a neutral effect on natural cycles I want to have more and adequate space for my family I do not want to be reduced to just being the contact person for the company I want to see more of the world than just my own farm I do not need to have a personal relationship with the animals

12 "From values to future farming systems" Do I want to do this and can I do this? What do I do best? I am good at outsourcing work I am good at dealing with automation and control functions I am good at networking I have good control of my business and operational processes and can achieve above average technical results on a very low cost basis

13 "From values to future farming systems" What needs to happen? Milk processing facility must have a need for specific nutrients in the milk Other market players must have a need for specific milk nutrients for their production process Possibilities involving genetically modified cows need to be developed further

14 "From values to future farming systems" How do I plan to tackle this? I will make it clear to the milk processing facility that I would like to participate in every type of study / investigation into extracting added value from my own milk I will look for projects / partners / networks involved in processes that add value to milk I will proactively invest energy (money or time) in participation in innovative projects and studies

15 "From values to future farming systems" What challenges am I now facing? Added value of milk The milk processing facility does not yet need milk with different properties The milk processing facility now acts as a producer of milk products and not as a broker for producers of raw materials with specific nutrients Genetically modified dairy cows are not yet available for individual entrepreneurs

16 "From values to future farming systems" What challenges am I now facing? Other issues Ongoing expansion is still required in order to maintain income level The amount of work needed will increase and will have to be done via automation and / or hiring personnel It is becoming increasingly difficult to reserve enough time for the family and at the same time to manage the farm as flexibly as necessary Return realised on resources and time invested in the farm is too low

17 "From values to future farming systems"

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