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Literature Circles and Poetry

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1 Literature Circles and Poetry
Ms. White Grade 10 Semesters

2 General Concepts

3 Theme Theme is universal it exists in a variety of settings with a variety of characters. It is the greater message that author wants the reader to understand by reading their story. Novels can have more than one theme. Examples: Appreciation Free Will Persevere Acceptance

4 Grade 10 – Dystopia and Post-Apocalyptic
Utopia is an imagined society where everything is perfect Dystopia is an imagined society that is usually created with good intents but ultimately becomes a place where people are oppressed or manipulated. Post-Apocalyptic Society after a great disaster that destroyed everything. Usually these societies exist in complete chaos or they focus on strict government control in order to create order in the chaos after a disaster. In both of these settings people must be willing to accept the rules presented to them or have the courage to fight against them.

5 Grade 10 – Free Will As you read your novel think about the following questions: What is the theme of your novel? How is the theme universal? How does the theme of your novel relate to the theme of the other novels? Although the setting of your novel is far from our own how is the theme of your novel applicable to your world?

6 Daily Guide A lesson by lesson overview

7 Quick Write Share Create What is poetry?
Combine your response with your group and create a single response. Share your groups response with the class. Create In your groups, create a poem that describes poetry. Use imagery and poetic devices.

8 Class Answers A way to express emotions through words it often comes from the heart Words put together that flow and express people’s ideas and feelings A colourful and very artsy way of describing things or events while using words that go well together that can also help you learn A type of writing that has a theme A way of expressing thoughts, feelings, and emotions in both a formal and beautiful way A form of literature that expresses a scenario, theme, or emotion in a unique and creative way An artistic way of expressing emotions/ideas by painting a mental image in a structured or non-structured form

9 Literary Devices Literary Devices Defining Terms: Identifying Terms:
With your partner complete your lit. devices puzzle. Identifying Terms: Each group has been given a poem. Identify as many literary devices as you can in your poem. Work together if you like.

10 Haiku Haiku is like a photo capturing the moment, describing a seasonal or natural event that leaves an impression on the reader. 3 lines 5 syllables 7 syllables Apples and Banjos, Cultivating care through love - Amity, the peace on Earth.

11 Haiku - practice What is the setting of your novel?
Brainstorm scenes in nature that you might see in your novel. Write a haiku about an element in nature that you might see in your lit. circle novel.

12 First Lit. Circle Report
Sit with your lit. circle group. Silent reading for 20 minutes. Homework check of #1 and 2 #3 Use the internet to help find more information on the setting. Do NOT look up the novel as this will spoil the plot. If time, start your rough draft. Remember that your paragraph must explain why said aspect of the setting is important. Next Class Finish rough draft Edit Good copy Due Monday the 28th April

13 Free Verse Free verse is poetry without rules; after all, it doesn't rhyme, and it doesn't have a meter. However, what separates poetry from prose is the arrangement of carefully chosen words into verses. There's more to free verse than a sudden thought recorded on paper. It's not that no rules apply to free verse; rather, the poet makes up the rules for each poem! Free verse done well will have rhythm, though it may not have a regular beat. Also, a variety of poetic devices may be woven throughout the piece. With free verse, there is no pattern until the poet creates one!

14 Quick Write – Poem for your Protagonist
Write down as many words as you can come up with to describe the protagonist of your novel. Cross off any words that describe their physical appearance. Share your words with your group and write them down on a single sheet.

15 Quick Write – Poem for your Protagonist
What is troubling your protagonist at the moment? What would you say to your protagonist to help them get through this hard time?

16 Poem for your Protagonist
Using what you know of your character and the trouble(s) they are going through, create a poem that would help your protagonist get through this difficult time. Requirements: Free Verse 12 lines Good flow and use of poetic devices Marking: As this is your first poem you will receive a G, S, or N along with feedback for future improvements.

17 Narrative The purpose of narrative poetry is to tell a story.
Although there is no set line and rhyme scheme for narrative poetry the poet will establish their own structure and adhere to it throughout the poem. Narrative poetry distinguishes itself from prose by creating a good flow within and between stanzas. You should be able to place the events of a narrative poem along a story plot line.

18 Group Brainstorm - Conflict and Narrative Poetry
Identify the primary conflict in your novel. Using the plot graph below predict how your story will end.

19 Narrative Poem - Writing
Task: With your group create a narrative poem for the plot of your novel. Divide each section of the plot graph into a stanza. Steps: One at a time, write one stanza for the poem. If you don’t have enough people then write one section together. When it is NOT your turn to write the poem: Plan what you want to write Silently read your novel Work on missing assignments When the whole poem is complete… Get Ms. White to create a photocopy for you to edit.

20 Narrative Poem - Marking
Using the poetry rubric individually mark the narrative poem your group created. Make sure to mark each sub-point inside the rubric. Based on the mark, go through and edit the poem so it would receive a 16/16. Hand-In: The marked rubric The edited poem

21 Conflict – Text to World Connections
What is the primary type of conflict in your novel? As a group, brainstorm real life situations that deal with a similar conflict. You may want to use the internet and newspapers to help you with this section. As a group pick one of the above options to focus on. Find a newspaper article (print or online) that talks about the real life conflict.

22 Second Lit. Circle Report
Use handout

23 Conflict – Text to World Connection
Task Individually, write a twelve line free verse poem inspired by your news article. Your poem can be descriptive, inspirational, and/or opinionated. Your poem must include at least four poetic devices. Marking Your poem will be marked using the Ministry of Education’s Poetry Rubric. Hand-In Newspaper article Poem

24 Theme Theme is the universal message that the author wants the reader to take away from reading their story. On your own write down all the themes you thing your novel addresses. With your group identify all the themes of your novel. When done write your themes on the chalkboard.

25 Anthology An anthology is simply a collection of poems.
Your anthology will be a collection of poems that all speak to one of the themes of your lit. circle novels. Introduce assignment, write a diamante Quick test then write haiku and finish diamante Write your free verse and introduction Create your concrete poem

26 Socratic Circle What is a Socratic Circle? Your Socratic Circle
Socratic Circle Explanation Your Socratic Circle Lit. Circles Socratic Circle Potential Topics for Discussion: Think of some on your own Share them with your group As a group be prepared to share four potential topics

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