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Presentation on theme: "OUR ENVIRONMENT SAIRAJ SHRIGIRI 6-B."— Presentation transcript:


2 EARTH-an unique planet
Earth is considered an unique planet in the solar system because of the presence of life. Life is possible on earth due to- Correct distance from the Sun. Suitable atmosphere. Presence of water. Mineral rich soil. DID YOU KNOW? Earth is home to 8.7 million species of living beings.


Abiotic components-These elements are not alive and never were. Light-It helps in photosynthesis. It helps us to see. And it increases the egg laying capacity of polutry.Sunlight is the main source of light. Temperature-Temperature exerts its actions on all organisms by increasing or decreasing their vital , aestivation. It is also responsible for migration in animals.

5 Lowest temperature recorded on earth is minus 95degree Celsius
Water-A good medium for transportation of materials in our body. It is also used as medium of transportation of goods. It is a universal solvent. Air-It helps in respiration and photosynthesis. It is also used for transportation. Moving air also called wind also affects organisms in many ways. Soil-It helps to grow crops and has many other uses. DID YOU KNOW? Lowest temperature recorded on earth is minus 95degree Celsius


7 Biotic components-These are the living components of the environment.
Plants-They can make their own food by using carbon dioxide and sunlight with the help of chlorophyll. This process is called photosynthesis. This is very important as it gives out oxygen in the sunflower Animals-They depend on plants or other animals for Microorganisms-These are too small to be seen by the naked eye. When plants and animals die these organisms act on their bodies. This process is also called


9 The food chain There are four types of organisms in the environment:-
Producers-These are plants which produce food through photosynthesis. Consumers-These consume the food made by the producers or eat other consumers. Consumers consist of carnivores(meat eaters),omnivores(meat as well as plant eaters),herbivores(plant eaters) Scavengers-These animals do not kill their prey. They feed on decaying organic matter. They are meat eaters. Decomposers-These help in decomposition of organic matter. Which helps in recycling of substances in nature.

10 A food chain

11 Uses of the environment
Food-Plants provide us with fruits, vegetables, cereals and pulses. And animals provide us with meat, eggs, milk and honey. Shelter-Timber trees provide us with wood which is used to make furniture and buildings. Some timber trees are mahogany and teak. Plants also provide us with cotton used for making clothes. Animals also provide us silk and wool.

12 Food from plants Food from animals

13 Shelter from plants Shelter from animals

14 Cultural components Over the past two hundred years, there has been a marked increase in the influence of humans on the environment. With the spread of civilization and urbanization has lead to large destruction of forest area. By cutting down forests there is a lot of global warming. With increasing population we are using and wasting a lot of water as well as electricity.

15 pollution Pollution is termed as contamination of air, soil or water with harmful substances. Air pollution- Water pollution- Soil pollution- Noise pollution-

16 resources Anything which is essential for living is called a , water. Conservation of these resources is very important, but in today’s world we are wasting these important resources. We can conserve resources by switching of lights and fans, using public transport , for bathing use a bucket instead of a shower, etc.

17 OTHER RESOURCES Electricity Petroleum
DID YOU KNOW? -Electricity travels at the speed of light more than 186,000 miles per second.


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