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SAFE SLEEP BABY 1 Provider Training Trainer: Kalyca Seabrook Infant Safe Sleep Specialist Child Abuse Prevention Center.

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Presentation on theme: "SAFE SLEEP BABY 1 Provider Training Trainer: Kalyca Seabrook Infant Safe Sleep Specialist Child Abuse Prevention Center."— Presentation transcript:

1 SAFE SLEEP BABY 1 Provider Training Trainer: Kalyca Seabrook Infant Safe Sleep Specialist Child Abuse Prevention Center

2 DEFINITIONS 2 Infant Sleep-Related Death (ISR) Infant sleep-related deaths consist of children under the age of one who die while sleeping Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS): Unexplained following an investigation of the case, including a complete autopsy and review of clinical history True SIDS Sudden Unexpected Infant Death Syndrome (SUIDS): external stressors [risk factors], such as co-sleeping or bed sharing Undetermined Unknown or cause of death may or may not be medically identifiable

3 BABIES ARE DYING WHILE SLEEPING A QUICK AND SILENT KILLER Every week three babies in California die while sleeping 1 Nearly all babies are found in unsafe sleep conditions Second leading cause of death for babies one month to one year of age (Majority in first six months) Occur in all socio-economic, racial and ethnic groups African-American/non-Hispanic rate ~5 times higher than White/non-Hispanic and Hispanic rate 1 3 1 California MCAH Bulletin, Sudden Infant Death Syndrome California, 2012

4 ESTABLISHED UNSAFE SLEEP CONDITIONS  Sleep position-on stomach or side  Overheating  Environmental tobacco smoke  Soft sleep surface (adult bed, couch or pillow)  Co-sleeping  Extra items in the crib: loose bedding, toys 4 SIDS and Other Sleep-Related Infant Deaths: Expansion of Recommendations for a Safe Infant Sleeping Environment; Pediatrics Journal, October 2011 American Academy of Pediatrics and Safe to Sleep National Education Campaign

5 SACRAMENTO COUNTY CHILD DEATH REVIEW TEAM INFANT SLEEP-RELATED DEATHS 5 90% of all sleep-related deaths of Sacramento babies had at least one known unsafe sleep condition:

6 SACRAMENTO COUNTY SAFE SLEEP BABY EDUCATION CAMPAIGN Created for parents, grandparents and other caregivers by parents and health professionals 6 Consistent MessageRepeat, Repeat, Repeat Parents, Grandparents & Family/Friends Prenatal & Perinatal “We want services and information! But we only get it when something bad has happened or we are in trouble.”


8 S TEP 1 TO S AFE S LEEP B ABY Sleep me Alone 8  Sleep your baby by him or herself in a crib, portable crib or bassinet  Do not sleep with your baby  Do not let your baby sleep with other adults or children Sleep me ALONE. 1

9 S TEP 2 TO S AFE S LEEP B ABY Sleep me on my BACK 9 Always put your baby to sleep on his or her back for EVERY sleep Sleep me on my BACK. 2

10 10 Doctors now know “Back to Sleep” will NOT increase a baby’s risk of choking. S TEP 2 TO S AFE S LEEP B ABY Sleep me on my BACK. 2

11 Sleep me in a CRIB 11  Cribs and bassinets are the safest places for your baby to sleep!  Use your CRIB or bassinet to sleep your baby for all naps and at night  Return your baby to sleep his or her crib after feeding or soothing Sleep me in CRIB. 3 S TEP 3 TO S AFE S LEEP B ABY

12 12  Use a firm crib mattress with a tightly fitted sheet  Today’s adult beds are soft and can cause your baby to suffocate  Do not place your baby to sleep in an adult bed, couch, car seat or chair. Sleep me in CRIB. 3 S TEP 3 TO S AFE S LEEP B ABY

13 13 Nothing in my sleep area  No pillows, blankets or bumpers  No toys, stuffed animals or other soft things Nothing in my sleep area. 4 S TEP 4 TO S AFE S LEEP B ABY

14 Do not overdress me 14  Do not overdress baby when sleeping  If you are comfortable, your baby is comfortable S TEP 5 TO S AFE S LEEP B ABY Do not overdress me. 5

15 15 No smoking anything around me Put your baby’s safety first S TEP 6 TO S AFE S LEEP B ABY No smoking around me. 6

16 16 Breastfeed baby to reduce the risk of dying while sleeping. O THER S AFE S LEEP T IPS Tummy time is important. Do Tummy Time when the baby is awake and supervised. Use a clean, dry pacifier


18 CHALLENGES TO CHANGING BEHAVIOR Fear of Choking when baby sleeps on back Baby Sleeps better with me Bonding My mother and grandmother slept their kids on their stomach and they’re okay Nap/Day-time Sleeping 18

19 Create Awareness Persuade & Motivate Educate Facilitate Action Reinforce Change, Reminder Communications 19 NEXT STEPS: FACILITATE & REINFORCE ACTION

20 ACCESSING RESOURCES Safe to Sleep National Public Education Campaign First Candle American Academy of Pediatrics California SIDS Program California Department of Public Health (SIDS) 20


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