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Nuclear Fusion in the Universe and on Earth Ahmed Ashraf.

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Presentation on theme: "Nuclear Fusion in the Universe and on Earth Ahmed Ashraf."— Presentation transcript:

1 Nuclear Fusion in the Universe and on Earth Ahmed Ashraf

2 What is Nuclear Fusion?


4 What happens in Nuclear Fusion?


6 History?

7 calculations of the rate of nuclear fusion in stars (1929) Robert Atkinson Fritz Houtermans

8 History? helium 3 and tritium (1932) Mark Oliphant

9 History? Hans Bethe Fusion Power (1939) Nobel Prize (1967)

10 History? Tokamak (1950) Andrei Sakharov Igor Tamm

11 History? The Hydrogen Bomb (1951-1952) Enrico Fermi Edward Teller Stanislaw Ulam

12 History? The Hydrogen Bomb

13 Methods? Thermonuclear fusion with Magnetic Confinement 1. Tokamak 2. Stellarator

14 Methods?

15 Thermonuclear fusion with Magnetic Confinement 3. Levitated Dipole Experiment (LDX) 4. Magnetic Mirror

16 Methods? Thermonuclear fusion with Inertial Confinement

17 Methods? Thermonuclear fusion with Inertial Confinement 1. Indirect vs. Direct Drive

18 Methods? Thermonuclear fusion with Inertial Confinement 2. Fast Ignition 3. Magneto-inertial fusion

19 Methods? Others: 1.Magnetic pinches 2.Inertial electrostatic confinement 3.Muon-catalyzed fusion 4.Beam fusion 5.Cold fusion

20 Promising Fusion Reactors 1. ITER

21 Promising Fusion Reactors 1. ITER

22 Promising Fusion Reactors 2. JET

23 Promising Fusion Reactors 3. NIF


25 Why so Important? 1. 1. It can provide virtually unlimited clean energy and become the answer to the energy crisis. 2. It does not easily produce radioactive waste. 3. It can have wide range of impact on other technologies. 4. It can eliminate our dependency on fossil fuel.

26 Why so Important?

27 Reality or fiction? 1. Does it pose any threat? 2. Technological deficiencies and Fuding 3. Is it possible in 20 years?

28 Sources Aasen, A and P Olsson. Nuclear reactors, nuclear fusion and fusion engineering. New York: Nova Science Publishers, 2009. Amos, Jonathan. Key component contract for Iter fusion reactor. 14 October 2010. 19 October 2014. Butler, Declan. ITER keeps eye on prize. 15 October 2013. 19 October 2014. Chen, Francis F. An Indispensable Truth: How Fusion Power Can Save the Planet. New York: Springer New York, 2011. ITER - the way to new energy. n.d. 16 October 2014. Kikuchi, Mitsuru. Frontiers in Fusion Research: Physics and Fusion. London: Springer London, 2011. McCracken, Garry M and Peter Stott. Fusion : The Energy of the Universe. Massachusetts: Academic Press, 2005. Pentland, William. Lockheed Martin Claims Fusion Breakthrough That Could Change World Forever. 15 October 2014. 17 October 2014. Talbot, David. Does Lockheed Martin Really Have a Breakthrough Fusion Machine?: Lockheed Martin says it will have a small fusion reactor prototype in five years but offers no data. 20 October 2014. 20 October 2014. "nuclear fusion." Encyclopaedia Britannica. Encyclopaedia Britannica Online. Encyclopædia Britannica Inc., 2014. Web. 20 Oct. 2014.

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