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Use right angle congruence

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1 Use right angle congruence
EXAMPLE 1 Use right angle congruence Write a proof. GIVEN: AB BC , DC BC PROVE: B C STATEMENT REASONS 1. AB BC , DC BC 1. Given 2. B and C are right angles. 2. Definition of perpendicular lines 3. B C 3. Right Angles Congruence Theorem

2 EXAMPLE 2 Prove a case of Congruent Supplements Theorem Prove that two angles supplementary to the same angle are congruent. GIVEN: 1 and are supplements. 3 and are supplements. PROVE: 3

3 Prove a case of Congruent Supplements Theorem
EXAMPLE 2 Prove a case of Congruent Supplements Theorem STATEMENT REASONS 1. 3 and are supplements. 1 and are supplements. Given 1. 2. m m = 180° m m = 180° 2. Definition of supplementary angles 3. m m = m m 2 Transitive Property of Equality 3. 4. m = m Subtraction Property of Equality 4. 5. 3 Definition of congruent angles 5.

4 GUIDED PRACTICE for Examples 1 and 2 1. How many steps do you save in the proof in Example 1 by using the Right Angles Congruence Theorem? ANSWER 2 Steps 2. Draw a diagram and write GIVEN and PROVE statements for a proof of each case of the Congruent Complements Theorem.

5 GUIDED PRACTICE for Examples 1 and 2 Write a proof. Given: and are complements; 3 and are complements. Prove: ∠ ANSWER

6 GUIDED PRACTICE for Examples 1 and 2 Statements (Reasons) and are complements; 3 and are complements. (Given) 2. ∠ (Congruent Complements Theorem.)

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