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Published byJasmine Scott Modified over 9 years ago
9-11/9/2009 2 SUMMARY OF THE PRESENTATION 1.IEC (slides 4 to 6) 2.CENELEC (slides 7 to 9) 3.Cooperation between IEC & CENELEC (slides 10) 4.IEC & CENELEC deliverables (slides 11) 5.Use of Electrotechnical Standards in Oil & Gas Sector (slide 12) 5-1) IEC TC18 (slides 13 to 15) 5-2) IEC TC18 MTs (slide 16) 5-3) IEC SC18A (slide 17) 5-5) IEC SC18A MTs (slide 18)
9-11/9/2009 Principles of Electrotechnical standardization Formally recognized bodies: International: (cf ISO) Regional (for Europe): (cf CEN) National: National Standardization Bodies and National Committees entrusted with national standardization
9-11/9/2009 1) International Electrotechnical Commission Founded in 1906 IEC is a global organization that prepares and publishes International Standards for all electrical, electronic and related technologies. 72 Members (end of 2008) They are National Committees which may include manufacturers, providers, distributors and vendors consumers and users all levels of governmental agencies professional societies and trade associations standards developers The Full members participate in international standardization activities each having equal voting rights
9-11/9/2009 International Electrotechnical Commission The Associate Members may participate in international standardization activities, may comments on the texts and may vote as P members in a maximum of 4 TCs/SCs each having equal voting rights 83 Affiliate Members (end of 2008) They are newly-industrializing countries. They participe in the IEC without the financial burden of actual membership, making full use of IEC 100% electronic environment. The Affiliate Country Programme has three principal aims: To encourage greater awareness and use of IEC international standards in developing countries; To help those countries to understand and to participate in the work of the IEC; To facilitate the adoption of IEC International Standards as national standards. NOTA: 1)The three official languages of the IEC are English, French and Russian, but the administrative language of the Commission is English. 2) At the end of 2008, 6 027 documents are published in IEC.
9-11/9/2009 Technical Committees and Sub-Committees in IEC IN IEC THE TECHICAL WORK IS DONE IN TECHNICAL COMMITTEES OR IN SUB-COMMITTEES 94 TCs and 80 SCs are registered Note the hereunder important ones related to our activity without exclusivity: TC18 Electrical installations of ships and of mobile and fixed offshore units SC18A Electric cables for ships and mobile or fixed offshore units TC17 Switchgear and control gear TC77 Electromagnetic compatibility TC20 Electrical cables TC86 Fibre optics TC22 Power electronics TC65 Industrial process measurement, control & automation TC31 Equipment for explosive atmosphere SC31G Classification of hazardous areas & installations requirements
9-11/9/2009 2) CENELEC European Committee for Electrotechnical Standardization Founded in 1973 (merge of CENELCOM and CENEL ) Its mission is to prepare voluntary electrotechnical standards that help to develop the Single European Market/European Economic Area for electrical and electronic goods and services, removing barriers to trade, creating new markets and cutting compliance costs. 30 Members (end of 2008) They are National Committees from the European Union (27) and from EFTA (3)
9-11/9/2009 CENELEC 10 Affiliates Members (end of 2008) The ultimate goal of an affiliate is to become a full member once they fulfill the required membership conditions. 45 Cooperating Partners They represent the interest of major European industries. They advise on and state standardization priorities, propose drafts as a contribution to the European standardization process and may deliver expert advice on legislative consequences of new standards. 75 TCs and SCs are registered NOTA: 1) The three official languages of CENELEC are English, French and German, but the administrative language of the Commission is English. 2) At the end of 2008 5 257 documents are published in CENELEC
9-11/9/2009 NEW APPROACH In EUROPEAN UNION the following New Approach Directives concern our work in electrotechnical domain: 2004/108/EC (EMC) ELECTROMAGNETIC COMPATIBILITY 2006/95/ECLOW VOLTAGE 94/9/EC (ATEX) EQUIPMENT EXPLOSIVE ATMOSPHERE The European Commission may « mandate » CENELEC to write standards giving « Presumption of Conformity » with the E ssential S afety R equirements of any of the New Approach Directives (as above). Those standards are voluntary and prepared by the stakeholders, checked by special New Approach CONSULTANTS and then published on the European official Journal. At the end of 2008, 1 457 standards were harmonized to the Directives (25,37%)
9-11/9/2009 3) DRESDEN AGREEMENT It is an agreement between the two organizations: In February 2009: 78% of ENs/HDs identical to IEC and 4% based on IEC standards
9-11/9/2009 4) IEC & CENELEC DELIVERABLES DELIVERABLES IN IEC DELIVERABLES IN CENELEC INTERNATIONAL STANDARDS (full consensus) EUROPEAN STANDARD (EN) (full consensus) TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS (full consensus not yet reached) TECHNICAL REPORTS (informative document) TECHNICAL REPORTS (informative document) IEC – Publicely Available Specification (PSA) normative & consensuel document from a consortium Harmonization Document (HD)* (EN without obligation to transpose it in members countries) Industry Technical Agreement & Technology Trend Assessment: (outside of IEC structure – pre-standard Workshop Agreement (CWA) – (interface for fast moving topics) GUIDES (deals with non-normative matters related to international standardization GUIDES (informative documents related to the CENELEC "internal system"
9-11/9/2009 5) USE OF ELECTROTECHNICAL STANDARDS IN OIL & GAS SECTOR ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS In the Company specifications, the OGP benchmark initiative shows that on an average of 57 specs are electrical on an total of 460 (12,4%). It shows also that electrical is the sector with the 2 nd highest numbers of specs. USE OF IEC STANDARDS BY OIL AND NATURAL GAS INDUSTRY In the updated OGP catalog of International standards used in the Industry, we may see that 421 IEC standards are mentionned and amongst them the following: TC20 Electric cables 47TC86 Fibre optics 22 TC65 Industrial-process measurement and control 44TC17 Switchgear and control gear 22 TC31 Electrical apparatus for explosive atmospheres 27TC22 Power electronics 19
9-11/9/2009 5-1) IEC/TC18 Title : Electrical installations of ships and mobile and fixed offshore units (Established in 1927) Eighteen (20) Participating Members (including Russian federation); Eleven (10) Observing Members Scope : This TC prepare standards for electrical installations and equipments of ships and of mobile and fixed offshore units including good practice. The standards concern: 1.Factors promoting the safety of the units 2.Factors promoting safety of life. The standards form: 1.A code of practical interpretation and amplification of the requirements of the International Convention of life at sea 2.A guide for future regulations by administrations 3.A statement of practice for builders and others The standards, between purchaser and supplier: 1. foster Interchangeability of parts 2. ease the procurement of following equipments: cables for transport of energy, signals and data
9-11/9/2009 IEC/TC18 In addition to the requirements of SOLAS in respect of some mobile units, at the request of the offshore industries of many countries, work commenced many years ago on a system standard for offshore units. The work taking into consideration the Trends in technology and trade for Offshore Units is now proceeding at a fast pace. Concerning the Ecological environment,, the ultimate disposal of the installation on board the ship or offshore unit is beyond the scope of the committee TC18. However, the committees is conscious of the need to protect the environment and thus strive to ensure that the materials employed in the installations are ecologically friendly and cause the minimum of pollution possible.
9-11/9/2009 IEC/TC18 TC18 is developing a seven part standard IEC 61892 Mobile and fixed offshore units-Electrical installations IEC 61892-1 : 2001Part 1: General requirements and conditions. IEC 61892-2: 2005Part 2: System design IEC 61892-3: 2007 Part 3: Equipment IEC 61892-4 : 2007Part 4: Cables IEC 61892-5 : 2000 Part 5: Mobile Units IEC 61892-6 : 2007 Part 6: Installation IEC 61892-7 : 2007 Part 7: Hazardous areas
9-11/9/2009 5-2) IEC/TC18/MT IN TC18 were created the so-called « Maintenance teams » The 7 present MTs are in charge of the maintenance of the IEC documents including the Rearrangement into a more simple form of the IEC 60092-series ( Electrical installations in ships) MT1 Maintenance of Part 1 Section 1 of the general standard IEC 60092-1. MT2 Maintenance of Part 1 Section 2 of the general standard of IEC 60092-1. MT3 Maintenance of IEC 60092-502/-506 MT18 Maintenance of IEC 61892-1/61892-3/-61892-5/-61892-6/-61892-7 MT21 Maintenance IEC 60533 MT22 Maintenance of IEC 60092-507 MT24 Maintenance of IEC 60092-501/60092-503.
9-11/9/2009 5-3) IEC SC18A Terms of reference of SC18A Within the scope of TC18, to prepare standards for electric cables and their installation. SC18A Priorities 1.SC18A is developing for ships a new standard (Guidance on the selection of cables for telecommunications and data transfer including radio-frequency cables) including fibre optic cables 2.for offshore platformsSC18A is merging IEC 60092-351 (Electrical installation in ships. Insulating materials for shipboard & offshore units – power, control, instrumentation, telecom & data cables) and IEC 60092-359 ( Electrical installation in ships. Sheathing materials for shipboard power & telecommunication including Mud resistant material for sheathing) Other interesring standard worked in SC18A is: IEC 60092-370 Electrical installation in ships & of mobile & fixed offshore units. Guidance on selection of cables
9-11/9/2009 5-4) IEC/TC18/SC18A/MT Here also in SC18A were created the so- called « Maintenance teams » MT 1 Maintenance of IEC 60092-350, -351, -352 and -359 MT 2 Maintenance of IEC 60092-353, -354, -373, - 374, -375, -376, -377 and -390 §§§§§§§§§§§§§ ACCORDING TO THE IEC STRATEGIC POLICY STATEMENT SMB/3248/R, A NEw ENTITY EXISTS: TC 18 - ELECTRICAL INSTALLATIONS OF SHIPS AND OF MOBILE AND FIXED OFFSHORE UNITS and SC18A CABLES AND CABLE INSTALLATIONS
9-11/9/200919 NEFTEGAZSTANDART CONFERENCE (KAZAN) As reminder Our Industry is guided by this motto: DO IT ONCE, DO IT RIGHT and DO IT INTERNATIONALLY The Goal of our Industry is to get: Global Standards Used Locally Worldwide
9-11/9/200920 NEFTEGAZSTANDART CONFERENCE (KAZAN) THANKS FOR YOUR ATTENTION ALAIN LOPPINET CEN TC12 +33 (0)6 20 99 25 11 Total Technology Specialists
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