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Federal Acquisition Service U.S. General Services Administration Solutions for State and Local Governments Through GSA’s Cooperative Purchasing Program.

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Presentation on theme: "Federal Acquisition Service U.S. General Services Administration Solutions for State and Local Governments Through GSA’s Cooperative Purchasing Program."— Presentation transcript:

1 Federal Acquisition Service U.S. General Services Administration Solutions for State and Local Governments Through GSA’s Cooperative Purchasing Program Willie Mills – Schedule 70 U.S. General Services Administration. Federal Acquisition Service. Solutions for State and Local Governments Through GSA’s Cooperative Purchasing Program Willie Mills – Schedule 70 Carroll Slag – Schedule 84

2 Federal Acquisition Service Agenda The Basics on GSA Multiple Award Schedule (MAS) The Basics on Cooperative Purchasing Program Schedule Features and Benefits Recommended Ordering Procedures IT Schedule 70 Snapshot Schedule 84 Snapshot GSA Online Acquisition Tools and Assistance Other GSA State and Local Programs 2

3 Federal Acquisition Service 3 The Basics - What is the GSA Multiple Award Schedule (MAS)?  The Multiple Award Schedule (MAS) Program is also known as the Federal Supply Schedule Program or the GSA Schedules Program  GSA Awards contracts to multiple companies supplying comparable services and products  Provides competitive environment according to the FAR: orders placed under the MAS Program are considered to be issued using full and open competition (FAR 6.102 (d) (3)

4 Federal Acquisition Service The Basics - Special Item Numbers (SINs)  What is a SIN  Categorization method that groups similar products, services, and solutions together to aid in the acquisition process.  Cover the most common general purpose commercial IT hardware, software, services, and solutions. 4

5 Federal Acquisition Service 5 Example Schedule

6 Federal Acquisition Service Schedule Features and Benefits 6

7 Federal Acquisition Service Features and Benefits GSA Schedule Programs GSA Schedule Programs GSA Schedule Programs TimeSavings CostSavings Built-inValue Selection 7

8 Federal Acquisition Service Features and Benefits The GSA Schedule Programs offer… Cost Savings Time Savings Selection Built-In Value Pre-negotiated ceiling prices that can be further discounted through head-to-head competition and negotiations X Pre-vetted local and global contractors, including small and disadvantaged businesses XXX A suite of eTools to streamline processes, such as market research and competition XXX A nationwide network of responsive GSA representatives available for training and assistance XX The ability to establish term agreements, known as Blanket Purchase Agreements, for recurring needs XX 8

9 Federal Acquisition Service Cooperative Purchasing Basics 9

10 Federal Acquisition Service Federal Statutory Authority  Section 211 of the e-Gov Act of 2002 authorizes State & Local Governments to purchase Schedule 70: Information Technology products, software and services through the introduction of Cooperative Purchasing.  Public Law 110-248 of the Local Preparedness Acquisition Act, authorizes State & Local Governments to purchase: Alarm and signal systems, facility management systems, firefighting and rescue equipment, law enforcement and security equipment, marine craft and related equipment, special purpose clothing, and related services as contained in Federal supply classification code group 84 or any amended or subsequent version of that Federal supply classification group under Cooperative Purchasing. 10

11 Federal Acquisition Service Eligibility and Scope  Scope:  GSA Schedule 70 and Consolidated Schedule with IT Special Item Numbers (SINs): General Purpose Commercial Information Technology Equipment, Software and Services  GSA Schedule 84: Total solutions for law enforcement, security, facilities management, fire, rescue, clothing, marine craft and emergency/disaster response  Eligible Users:  The 50 states, all counties, municipalities, cities, towns and townships, Tribal Governments, Public Authorities (Public or Indian Housing agencies under the U.S. Housing Act of 1937), school districts, and colleges or any instrumentality there of. 11

12 Federal Acquisition Service State and Local Participation  Voluntary  No obligation by state and/or local governments to use the schedule.  Contractors decide whether to accept orders from state and local governments.  Always Open for Use  Meet GSA Eligible Users Criteria  Have State or Local Authority –Granted by State or Local Entity 12

13 Federal Acquisition Service Cooperative Purchasing Exceptions  The following is a list of clauses in the GSA Schedules Program which do not apply to the Cooperative Purchasing Program:  Federal Prompt Payment Act – The Applicable State’s Prompt Payment laws take precedence  Disputes – GSA is not a party to resolving disputes within the Cooperative Purchasing Program  Patent Indemnity Clause – Applies to Federal Ordering Activities only  Commercial Item Contract Terms and Conditions Unique to the Federal Government – Applies to Federal Ordering Activities only 13

14 Federal Acquisition Service Recommended Ordering Procedures 14

15 Federal Acquisition Service GSA Recommended Ordering Procedures (FAR 8.4)  At or below Micro-Purchase Threshold ($3K)  Transmit RFQ with SOW (for services)  Oral or written quotes and delivery instructions acceptable  Select a vendor and purchase  Vendors must accept government purchase cards 15

16 Federal Acquisition Service GSA Recommended Ordering Procedures (FAR 8.4) Cont.  Above the Micro-Purchase Threshold ($3K & Up):  Develop A Performance-Based Statement of Work (SOW) for Services  Include in the SOW evaluation criteria to determine “Best Value” offer  Must seek at least three vendors and Evaluate Proposals in Accordance with Evaluation Criteria  Select the vendor that offers the “Best Value”  Government purchase card acceptance is not mandatory but strongly recommended 16

17 Federal Acquisition Service Recommended Ordering Procedures Cont.  Additional State/Local requirements are permitted but must NOT conflict with GSA Schedule Terms and Conditions  State and local governments are encouraged to use GSA Schedule Ordering Procedures  Incorporate by referencing GSA Schedule terms and conditions  See Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) 8.4  Each task order is a new contract among government, industry, and municipal government 17

18 Federal Acquisition Service Recommended Ordering Procedures Cont.  Source of Funding can be of any type allowed by the ordering agency  Contract Funding  Grant Funding  Schedule Vendors are required to accept Credit Card for payments equal to or less than the micro- purchase threshold ($3K)  Maximum Ordering Provisions give guidance for seeking further price reduction 18

19 Federal Acquisition Service Example Cooperative Purchasing Process Acquisition Research With GSA’s online tools, GSA Advantage! and e-Library Sending a Request for Quote (RFQ) to a Selected Contractor Evaluating Proposals and Making a Selection Using the GSA Schedule Contract as a Model Customers negotiate their respective contracts with the selected Vendor with mutually agreed-on modifications Defining the Scope of Requirements Receiving Products or Services from the Contractor Paying the Contractor as per the contract agreement 19

20 Federal Acquisition Service GSA’s IT Schedule 70 Snapshot 20

21 Federal Acquisition Service IT Schedule 70 – Who Are We? 21 IT Schedule 70 grants government customers direct access to commercial experts who can thoroughly address the needs of the government IT community through Special Item Numbers (SINs). IT Schedule 70 OfferingsIT Schedule 70 Features  Software Licenses  IT Equipment (Sales or Lease)  IT Training Courses  IT Professional Services  E-Commerce Services  Wireless Services  Satellite Services (COMSATCOM)  Identity and Access Management Products and Services:  Digital Certificates  HSPD-12 Products and Services  ID/IQ contracting vehicle to procure IT commercial products & services  Ordering agency selects products and services based on “best value” to the end-user  Est. 80% of all contracts held by Small Businesses  More than 40% of all IT Schedule 70 Sales by Customer Agencies are with Small Business  Enable agencies to meet socioeconomic goals  Available to state/local under certain authorities 21

22 Federal Acquisition Service IT Schedule 70 Products and Services 22 Software: 132 32Term Software Licenses 132 33Perpetual Software Licenses Hardware: 132 3Leasing of Product 132 4Daily/Short Term Rental 132 8Purchase of Equipment 132 9Purchase of Used/Refurb. Equip.

23 Federal Acquisition Service IT Schedule 70 Products and Services Cont. 23 Services: 132 12Maintenance of Equip./Repair 132 34Maintenance of Software as a Service 132 50Training Courses 132 51IT Professional Services 132 52E-Commerce Services 132 53Wireless Services 132 54Commercial Satellite Communications (COMSATCOM) Transponded Capacity 132 55Commercial Satellite Communications (COMSATCOM) Subscription Services 132 60A Electronic Credentials, Not Identity Proofed 132 60B Electronic Credentials, Identity Proofed 132 60C Digital Certificates, including ACES 132 60D E-authentication Hardware Tokens 132 60E Remote Identity & Access Managed Service Offering 132 60F Identity & Access Management Professional Services 132 61 Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) Shared Service Provider (SSP) Prog. 132 62 HSPD-12 Product and Service Components

24 Federal Acquisition Service Security Solutions 24 Examples: (Not All Inclusive) 132-60C Digital Certificates132-60D E-authentication Hardware Token Encryption CertificatesHardware Token Signature Certificates 132-61 Public Key Infrastructure132-62 HSPD-12 Product and Service Component Smart Card Authentication CertificatesCard Reader – Biometric Digital Signature CertificatesFingerprint Capture Station Shared Services ProvidersCard Printer Station Facial Image Capturing Camera

25 Federal Acquisition Service Network Products & Services Solutions 25 Examples: (Not All Inclusive) 132-8 Purchase of Equipment Support Services 132-8 and 132-12 Web serversMaintenance Network servers Installation Cables Routers Gateways 132-51 IT Professional Services132-50 Training Courses ConsultantsInstructor-Lead training for: AnalystsNetwork Security Developers Tactical Network Management Technicians Wireless Networks Management Specialists

26 Federal Acquisition Service Network Products & Services Solutions Cont. 26 Examples: (Not All Inclusive) 132-53 Wireless Services 132 52 E-Commerce Services Voice Service Internet Access Services Data ServiceOther Data Transmission Services Cellular Broadband ServicesValue Added Network Services Blackberries Cell Phones

27 Federal Acquisition Service Future COMSATCOM Services Acquisition (FCSA) – Satellite Solutions 27 Examples: (Not All Inclusive) 132-54 Commercial Satellite Communications Transponded Capacity Owning/operating or reselling dedicated bandwidth and power on a communications satellite in any available COMSATCOM frequency band 132-55 Commercial Satellite Communications Subscription Services Pre-existing, pre-engineered Fixed Satellite Service and/or Mobile Satellite Service solutions, typically including shared or dedicated satellite resources, ancillary terrestrial components, and Contractor specified networks and equipment in any available COMSATCOM frequency band End-to-End Solutions are also available through New Custom SAT Solutions and Small Business Contracts

28 Federal Acquisition Service Commercial Software Solutions Cont. 28 Customer Requirement Acquisition Channel Customer Output GSA Schedule 70 The San Bernardino County (CA) seeks Geospatial Information System (GIS) tools that are compatible with products used by EPA, FEMA, and DOI GSA Schedule 70 Demographic Software GPS Equipment Web Map Service GSA SmartBUY CAD Software Geocoding Software Imagery Analysis Software San Bernardino County Comprehensive GIS Enterprise Solution

29 Federal Acquisition Service IT Schedule 70 Sales 29 Approximately 5,000 Contracts FY 10 Sales Total Sales: –$16.2 Billion Software: –$2.4 Billion Hardware: –$2.6 Billion Services: –$11.1 Billion State & Local Sales –$482 Million

30 Federal Acquisition Service IT Schedule 70 Cooperative Purchasing Sales Software Hardware Services 30 441 298 240 140 75 33 558 482

31 Federal Acquisition Service What’s New  Added SIN 132-100 Ancillary Supplies and/or Services to our solicitation  Established an IT Schedule 70 Helpline  Revamped our website: 31

32 Federal Acquisition Service GSA’s Schedule 84 Snapshot 32

33 Federal Acquisition Service Schedule 84 Total Sales Volume (in Billions) 33

34 Federal Acquisition Service GSA’s Schedule 84 Features Schedule 84 Cooperative Purchase Sales Volume (in Millions) 16.5 51.6 34

35 Federal Acquisition Service Schedule 84 – Attachment 1: Marine Craft  Boats, Engines, Trailers, Spare Parts & Accessories  Harbor/Waterfront Security Products & Services  Marine Craft Repair and Modifications to all type Marine Craft  Professional Consulting and Training Services for Marine Craft, Harbor, or Waterfront  Floating Marine Barriers, and Booms 35

36 Federal Acquisition Service Schedule 84 – Attachment 2: Firefighting  All types of Urban and Wildland Firefighting Equipment and Supplies  Flood Control Products, Medical Rescue Kits and Patient transport/immobilization devices  Fire Extinguishing/Suppressing Products  Breathing Air Equipment & Respiratory Protection Products  Hoses, Valves, Fittings, Nozzles, Couplings and Related Accessories  Aerial Search and Rescue and Aerial Firefighting Products 36

37 Federal Acquisition Service Schedule 84 – Attachment 3: Alarm & Signal Systems, Facility Management and Protective Service Occupations  Security Systems Integration and Design Services  Security Management and Support Services  Security System Life Cycle Support  Alarm and Signal Systems, Access Control Systems, Intrusion Detection Systems, Patient Wandering Detection, and Fire Alarm Systems  Facility Management Systems including building comfort systems and integrated security system and Professional Security/Facility Management Services 37

38 Federal Acquisition Service Schedule 84 – Attachment 3: Alarm & Signal Systems, Facility Management and Protective Service Occupations (Continued)  Protective Service Occupations including Guard Services, Alarm Monitors, Baggage Inspectors, Corrections Officers, Court Security Officers, Detection Dog Handlers, Detention Officers, Firefighters, Police Officers and Categories to support operation of on-site Security Functions, and other support and related categories. 38

39 Federal Acquisition Service Schedule 84 - Attachment 4: Special Purpose Clothing  Gloves, Protective Clothing, Hazmat Clothing, Rainwear, Footwear, Extreme Cold Weather Clothing, Fire Fighting Clothing, Wildland Fire Fighting Clothing, Flotation Devices, Security Clothing, High Visibility and Reflective Products, Medical/Hospital Clothing, Industrial Work Clothing, Concealment Clothing, Miscellaneous Undergarments for use with Special Purpose Clothing, and Cool/Hot Clothing Products. 39

40 Federal Acquisition Service Schedule 84 - Attachment 5: Law Enforcement Equipment and Services  Body Armor, Miscellaneous Personal Law Enforcement Equipment  Restraining Equipment, Canine Training and Handling Equipment, Search and Detection  Night Vision Equipment  Alcohol and Drug Detection Kits and Devices  Bomb Disposal and Hazardous Material Equipment  Radiation / Nuclear material Detection Equipment 40

41 Federal Acquisition Service 41 GSA Training Resources and Online Acquisition Tools

42 Federal Acquisition Service 42

43 Federal Acquisition Service  Provides information on GSA’s various offerings  A great tool for learning more about the Schedules program. 43

44 Federal Acquisition Service  Quick reference for all GSA State and Local Programs  Program brochure download links  Special Program links  Drill down for more information 44

45 Federal Acquisition Service  A great resource for market research  Information on the Terms and Conditions of the Schedule 70 Contract  Listing of Schedule 70 SINs 45

46 Federal Acquisition Service  The Federal Government’s premier online shopping superstore  Access to millions of commercial products and services  Convenient search feature by keyword, part number, manufacturer, contractor, or contract # 46

47 Federal Acquisition Service  Facilitates the request for submission of quotes or proposals for commercial products, services, and solutions offered through GSA Federal Supply Schedules  Customer prepares RFQ or RFI Online  Helps Customer to find viable sources of supply  Prepares RFQs/Define Parameters  Allows the buyer to procure big-ticket items 47

48 Federal Acquisition Service 48 Center for Acquisition Excellence 

49 Federal Acquisition Service Registration  Current State and Local registration for Advantage and eBuy must be done through Advantage  For immediate registration, users must have, (where xx is state code)  Users without approved domain names will have to go through alternate process with the GSA Advantage helpdesk. 49

50 Federal Acquisition Service Alternate Registration Process  A request must be submitting in writing on official letterhead of your particular state or local government organization. The name of the state or local organization must be on the letterhead.  The letter must be dated and signed by an approving official who will serve as the point of contact (POC) for any and all individuals who may request a GSA Advantage account in the future using that second level domain.  Name, phone, email, and title of the POC.  Provide the second level domain requested.  A short paragraph explaining your organizational mission and authority.  You may submit the request with attached letterhead document via email to or mail to:  GSA Federal Acquisition Service  Contract Services Management Division (QI0A)  Attention: GSA Advantage  2200 Crystal Drive, Suite 8014  Arlington, VA 22202  Please note that GSA will review each request and determine if that domain will be approved for ordering on GSA Advantage. You will be notified of the decision via email. 50

51 Federal Acquisition Service GSA Assistance  Center for Acquisition Excellence  –Online Cooperative Purchasing course –Online Using GSA Schedules course  Cooperative Purchasing Fact Sheet, Brochure and Presentation   Local Customer Service Directors (CSD)   Customer Assistance Visits (CAV) 51

52 Federal Acquisition Service State and Local Access to GSA Sources of Supply  Schedules Programs  1122  Cooperative Purchasing  Disaster Recovery Purchasing Program  Federal Grantee Access to Schedules in Response to Public Health Emergencies (PHEs)  Non-Schedules Programs  Wildland Programs  Computers for Learning  Personal Property 52

53 Federal Acquisition Service Helpful Links Cooperative Purchasing (70 & 84) GSA State and Local Programs Disaster Recovery Program 1122 Program Center for IT Schedule Programs Schedule 84 Overview GSA GSA Advantage! ® GSA Schedules e-Library Center For Acquisition Excellence 53

54 Federal Acquisition Service To contact a local GSA representative near you for further training and assistance, please visit: 54

55 Federal Acquisition Service Questions? 55

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