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Eigenvectors of random graphs: nodal domains James R. Lee University of Washington Yael Dekel and Nati Linial Hebrew University TexPoint fonts used in.

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1 eigenvectors of random graphs: nodal domains James R. Lee University of Washington Yael Dekel and Nati Linial Hebrew University TexPoint fonts used in EMF. Read the TexPoint manual before you delete this box.: A A A A A A

2 preliminaries Random graphs edges present with probability prandom d-regular graph Adjacency matrix Eigenvectors A (non-zero) function f : V  R is an eigenvector of G if there exists an (eigenvalue) for which for every x 2 V, where  (x) is the set of neighbors of x.

3 eigenvaules of random graphs/discrete matrices - Let’s arrange the eigenvalues of matrices so that Much is known about the large eigenvalues of random graphs, e.g. G(n,½) Wigner semi-circle law Füredi-Komlos more recently, the small (magnitude) eigenvalues of random non-symmetric discrete matrices Rudelson 06, Tao-Vu 06, Rudelson-Vershynin 07 (Littlewood-Offord estimates) T RACE M ETHOD Litvak-Pajor-Rudelson-Tomczak-Jaegermann 05 for singular values of rectangular matrices … but significantly less is understood about the eigenvectors.

4 spectral analysis In many areas such as machine learning and computer vision, eigenvectors of graphs are the primary tools for tasks like partitioning and clustering. [Shi and Malik (image segmentation); Coifman et. al (PDE, machine learning); Pothen, Simon and Lou (matrix sparsification)] Heuristics for random instances of NP-hard problems, e.g. - Refuting random 3-SAT above the threshold - Planted cliques, bisections, assignments, colorings

5 are eigenvectors uniform on the sphere? If we scale the (non-first) eigenvectors of G(n,½) so they lie on S n-1, do they behave like random vectors on the sphere? ? For example, do we (almost surely) have… or X open problem: Discrete version of “quantum chaos” (?)

6 are eigenvectors uniform on the sphere? Nodal domains If f : V  R is an eigenvector of a graph G, then f partitions G into maximal connected components on which f has constant sign (say, positive vs. non-positive). Graph with positive and non-positive nodes marked. So this graph/eigenvector pair has 6 domains. Our question: What is the nodal domain structure of the eigenvectors of G(n,p)? If we scale the (non-first) eigenvectors of G(n,½) so they lie on S n-1, do they behave like random vectors on the sphere? Observation: If we choose a random vector on S n-1 and a random graph, then almost surely the number of domains is precisely 2.

7 nodal domains - If f k is the k th eigenvector of G, then a discrete version [Davies-Leydold-Stadler] of Courant’s nodal domain theorem (from Riemannian geometry) says that f k has at most k nodal domains. observations: - If G has 2N nodal domains, then it has an independent set of size N, hence N = O(log n)/p. theorem: Almost surely, every eigenvector of G(n,p) has 2 primary nodal domains, along with (possibly) O( 1 /p) exceptional vertices. Experiments suggest that there are at most 2 nodal domains even for:

8 nodal domains theorem: Almost surely, every eigenvector of G(n,p) has 2 primary nodal domains, along with (possibly) O( 1 /p) exceptional vertices. Experiments suggest that there are at most 2 nodal domains even for: probability of exceptional vertex number of nodes can be a delicate issue: In the combinatorial Laplacian of G(n,½), exceptional vertices can occur (it’s always the vertex of max degree in the largest eigenvalue)

9 nodal domains theorem: main lemma (2-norm can’t vanish on large subsets): Almost surely, for every (non-first) eigenvector f of G(n,p) and every subset of vertices S With | S | ¸ ( 1 -  )n, we have || f | S || 2 ¸  p (  ) where  p (  ) ! 1 as  ! 0 and  p (  ) > 0 for  < 0.01. (The point is that  p (  ) is independent of n.) follows from… x Almost surely, every eigenvector of G(n,p) has 2 primary nodal domains, along with (possibly) O( 1 /p) exceptional vertices.

10 the main lemma and LPRT main lemma: Almost surely, for every (non-first) eigenvector f of G(n,p) and every subset of vertices S With | S | ¸ ( 1 -  )n, we have || f | S || 2 ¸  p (  ) where  p (  ) ! 1 as  ! 0 and  p (  ) > 0 for  < 0.01. (The point is that  p (  ) is independent of n.) Consider p = ½ and | S | =0.99n. S z VnSVnS

11 the main lemma and LPRT main lemma: Almost surely, for every (non-first) eigenvector f of G(n,p) and every subset of vertices S With | S | ¸ ( 1 -  )n, we have || f | S || 2 ¸  p (  ) where  p (  ) ! 1 as  ! 0 and  p (  ) > 0 for  < 0.01. (The point is that  p (  ) is independent of n.) Consider p = ½ and | S | =0.99n. S z VnSVnS B is i.i.d. The above inequality yields but this almost surely impossible (even taking a union bound over all S’s)

12 lower bounding singular values Want to show that for a ( 1 +  ) n £ n random sign matrix B, Want to argue that is often large for i.i.d. signs {  1, …,  n } The vectors and have very different behaviors. As   0, need a very good understanding of “bad” vectors. For eps> 1, this is easy (Payley-Zygmund, Chernoff, union bound over a net) For 0<eps< 1, this requires also a quantitative CLT (for the “spread” vectors) [LPRT] For eps=0, requires a deeper understanding of the additive structure of the coordinates Tao-Vu 06 showed that this is related to the additive structure of the coordinates, e.g. whether (rescaled) coordinates lie in arithmetic progression. (See Rudelson-Vershynin for state of the art)

13 only the beginning… - Tightening nodal domain structure (e.g. no exceptional vertices), e.g. prove: - We’re missing something big (as experiments show) The case of G n,d : E.g. is the adjacency matrix of a random 3-regular graph almost surely non-singular? d=3d=4 d=5

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