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Giovanni Sosa, Ph.D. Chaffey College RP Conference 2013.

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1 Giovanni Sosa, Ph.D. Chaffey College RP Conference 2013

2 The Standards (pg.1) Instructional programs, student support services, and library and learning support services facilitate the achievement of the institution's stated student learning outcomes

3 Improving Institutional Effectiveness (IB) The institution demonstrates a conscious effort to produce and support student learning, measures that learning, assesses how well learning is occurring, and makes changes to improve student learning…

4 Improving Institutional Effectiveness (IB) …[it] demonstrates its effectiveness by providing 1) evidence of the achievement of student learning outcomes…

5 SLO Assessment is a continual process! Criteria Means of Assessment Summary of Evidence Learning Outcomes Statement Use of Results

6  Adopted Institutional SLOs ◦ Communication ◦ Critical Thinking & Information Competency ◦ Community/Global Awareness & Responsibility ◦ Personal, Academic, and & Career Development html

7 Facione (1990)  46 experts were convened to discuss role of CT in educational assessment and instruction  Identified Core CT skills and Sub-Skills

8 1) Interpretation – To comprehend/express meaning of wide variety of experiences 2) Analysis – Identify inferential relationships among statements/concepts 3) Evaluation – Assess the credibility of statements; assess logical strength of inferential statements/concepts 4) Inference – Form hypotheses

9 5) Explanation – To state results of one’s reasoning; 6) Self-Regulation – Self-reflection of one’s views to question or confirm reasoning

10  MSLQ (Pintrich, McKeachie, & Lin, 1987) ◦ Developed in process of studying how to make students more efficient learners  What does the CT assessment specifically measure?

11  CT assessment found to be statistically associated to course performance (r =.15) Success Not Successful Total High CT5742100 Low CT4257100 Total100 200

12  Pertains to issues of cultural diversity, human rights, and prejudice reduction – both within national borders and across national borders  Knowledge that individual possesses of other cultures (Cognitive)  The extent to which individual empathizes with values of other cultures (Affective)  Willingness to take stand on cultural issues (Participatory)

13  Inspired by Global Perspective Institute (Braskamp et al., 2011) ◦ Holistic Human Development:  Cognitive domain (“Whatdo I know?”)  Intrapersonal domain (“”Who am I?”)  Interpersonal domain (“How do I relate to others?”)  What does our Global Awareness assessment specifically measure?

14  1907 Total Responses  78 Courses  33 Departments ◦ Chemistry (N = 199) ◦ English (N = 195) ◦ Theatre (N =159) ◦ Cinema (N = 154) ◦ CIS (N = 137) ◦ Economics (N = 102)  Voluntary Participation

15 Sample N = 1,907 District N = 56,216 Transferable to UC/CSU69.8%54.8% Transferable to CSU13.2%14.5% Not Transferable16.9%30.7% Comparison with District Data (SP12) Transfer Status

16 Sample N = 1,907 District N = 52,216 Face-to-face 96.5%94.0% Hybrid 3.5%2.2% Online0.0%3.8% Comparison with District Data (SP12) Distance Learning

17 Sample N = 1,907 District N = 52,216 Basic Skills 1.8%16.0% Not Basic Skills 98.2%84.0% Comparison with District Data (SP12) Basic Skills

18 Sample N = 1,791 District N = 18,434 Cum GPA 2.922.52 Units Attempted 42.7834.42 Units Completed 40.8031.32 Comparison with District Data (SP12) Performance Indicators

19 Sample N = 1,791 District N = 51,526 Success Rate84.470.53 Withdrawal Rate3.311.1 Comparison with District Data (SP12) Performance Indicators Sample N = 1,673 District N = 43,767 GPA Converted Grade2.882.61


21 CT LevelRangePercentile Low0 – 19≤24 th Percentile Medium20 – 2825-74 th Percentile High29 - 35≥75 th Percentile

22 Variables Examined: ◦ First Generation Status ◦ Gender ◦ Age Range ◦ Parents’ Education ◦ Ethnicity ◦ UC/CSU Transfer vs. Non-Transferable

23 Variables Examined: ◦ Success Rate ◦ Withdrawal Rate ◦ GPA Converted Grades ◦ Units Attempted ◦ Units Completed ◦ Cum. GPA ◦ Assessment Tests (Reading Comp/Sentence Skills/ Math)

24 CT Level Number of Students Mean Units Attempted Low44644.29 Medium96241.26 High49644.79 *d =.11 - Medium level vs. Low level d =.13 – Medium level vs. High level

25 CT Level Number of Students Mean Units Earned Low44642.76 Medium96239.06 High49642.66 *d =.13 for comparisons of Medium level with either Low or High

26 CT Level Number of Students Mean Cum. GPA Low4462.98 Medium9622.87 High4962.94 *d =.13 - Medium level vs. Low level d =.09 - Medium level vs. Low level


28 GA LevelRangePercentile Low0 – 25≤24 th Percentile Medium26 – 2825-74 th Percentile High29 - 30≥75 th Percentile

29 Variables Examined: ◦ First Generation Status ◦ Gender ◦ Age Range ◦ Parents’ Education ◦ Ethnicity ◦ UC/CSU Transfer vs. Non-Transferable

30 GA Level 19 or Younger 20 to 2425 or Older Total Low14920996454 Medium249384204837 High133265215613 Total5318585151904 *r =.14

31 Variables Examined: ◦ Success Rate ◦ Withdrawal Rate ◦ GPA Converted Grades ◦ Units Attempted ◦ Units Completed ◦ Cum. GPA ◦ Assessment Tests (Reading Comp/Sentence Skills/ Math)

32 GA Level Number of Students Mean Units Attempted Low45439.34 Medium83741.85 High61346.92 *d =.09 – Low vs. Medium d =.27 – Low vs. High d =.17 – Medium vs. High

33 GA Level Number of Students Mean Units Earned Low45437.37 Medium83739.76 High61344.95 *d =.09 – Low vs. Medium d =.28 – Low vs. High d =.19 – Medium vs. High

34 GA Level Number of Students Mean Sentence Skills Low38481.73 Medium69883.98 High49786.40 *d =.11 – Low vs. Medium d =.24 – Low vs. High d =.13 – Medium vs. High

35 Low GAHigh GATotal High CT120217334 Low CT11766186 Total237283520 r =.15

36  Enhancing institutional effectiveness ◦ Self-reflective dialogue  Utilized assessments serve as reliable tools for measuring CT and GA ◦ But may not adequately measure all aspects of corresponding competency  More assessment of foundation/online courses  Implications of units attempted/earned & GPA

37  Random sampling for Spring 2013  Inclusion of two additional core competencies for Spring 2013  Division-wide assessment during Fall 2012  Application to specific course level assessment  First Annual Student Services Poster Session

38 Braskamp, L. A., D. C. Braskamp, K. C. Merrill, & M. E. Engberg (2011). Global Perspective Inventory. Global Perspective Institute, Inc., Clark, V. (2004). Students’ global awareness and attitudes to internationalism in a world of cultural convergence. Journal of Research in International Education, 3, 51-70. Facione, P. A. (1990). Critical thinking: A statement of expert consensus for purposes of educational assessment and instruction. American Philosophical Association (pgs. 13 -19). Newark, DE. Pintrich, P. R., Smith, D. A. F., Garcia, T., & McKeachie, W. J. (1991). A Manual for the use of the Motivated Strategies for Learning Questionnaire (MSLQ). National Center for Research to Improve Postsecondary Teaching and Learning. Washington, DC.

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