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P RESENT T ENSES - P RACTICE Aim: to practice the structure and use of present tenses.

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Presentation on theme: "P RESENT T ENSES - P RACTICE Aim: to practice the structure and use of present tenses."— Presentation transcript:

1 P RESENT T ENSES - P RACTICE Aim: to practice the structure and use of present tenses

2 E X 5 P UT THE VERBS IN BRACKETS INTO THE P RESENT S IMPLE, P RESENT C ONTINUOUS OR P RESENT P ERFECT 1. have worked 2. teach 3. spend 4. have had 5. have just discovered 6. am studying 7. uses 8. am collecting 9. have examined 10. believe

3 U SE THE NOTES TO WRITE SENTENCES IN THE P RESENT S IMPLE, P RESENT C ONTINUOUS OR P RESENT P ERFECT 2. be I am a traveller and a scientist. I’ve been interested in Australia all my life. I’ve worked as a scientist since 1991. I work as at Lancaster University as an ethnographer. I’m working on a book about Australian food and drink. 4. write I have written more than twenty articles about Australian customs. I write books on Australia. I am writing a book on the life of Australian Aborigines. 5. live I live in Lancaster. I’ve lived in the UK for twenty years. I’m living among Australian Aborigines in order to do research for the book.

4 E X 7 MAKE QUESTIONS Have you ever travelled abroad? Have you ever lived abroad? How many countries have you been to? Do you like travelling? Are you planning a trip anywhere at the moment? How many languages do you speak? How many languages are you learning at the moment? Are you interested in any country/culture?

5 T HINK ABOUT YOUR FUTURE. W HAT MIGHT YOU TELL ME IF YOU MEET ME IN 10 YEARS ? Use these verbs: do live work finish plan

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