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Augusto Girelli, Lorenzo Postal, Matheus Presotto Comin.

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Presentation on theme: "Augusto Girelli, Lorenzo Postal, Matheus Presotto Comin."— Presentation transcript:

1 Augusto Girelli, Lorenzo Postal, Matheus Presotto Comin.

2  Location: Mount Everest is the highest mountain on Earth. It is located in the Himalayas, on the border between the Republic of China (Tibet) and Nepal.  Height: 8848.43 m  Name Everest: The name of the hill is a tribute to George Everest (surveyor of India), the first man to set its altitude and position. This occurred in 1841. The mountain was named at first as Peak XV.

3 Arrival at the peak: The first two people to arrive at the peak were Edmund Hillary and Tenzing Norgay, on May 29, 1953. Climbers: Everest is the mountain climbers think is the most challenging, because it represents a great difficulty. Several climbers have died trying to reach the summit of the mountain. 1996: During the 1996 climbing season, 19 people died while trying to reach the summit.

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10 The End

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