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The Honey Bee By Angelina, Ava, Danica and Janiyah.

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2 The Honey Bee By Angelina, Ava, Danica and Janiyah

3 The Life Cycle Of A Honey Bee Click here to see the life cycle of a honey bee! 3. Pupa4. Adult1. Egg 2. The 3 larva stages Life cycle of a honey bee

4 The Egg Stage The egg has a small opening at the back of the egg. Eggs are laid where there is food.

5 While it is a larva it eats 10,000 meals. 3 2 1

6 The pupa stage is mushy and gooey.

7 Adult bees are either workers (The only bees that go out of the hive), queens ( The bee that lays the eggs), or drones (The male bee that stays in the hive).

8 Honey bees live in tropical climates and forested areas. They also live in woodlands, orchards and meadows. Honey bees build nests inside of trees.

9 For honey bees to produce honey, they collect pollen and nectar from many kinds of flowers. Honey bees collect nectar and change it to honey.

10 Enemies Some honey bee enemies are bears and skunks.

11 A honey bee has 5 eyes to see better than a human. It’s yellow and black stripes help it to blend in with the flowers. A honey bee has no neck. The honey bees’ sticky tongue help it to collect pollen and nectar. The stinger helps defend the bee.

12 Thanks For Watching!

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