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Senior Year & Beyond 2013-2014. High School Counselors  Crisis Counseling  Group Counseling  Career Counseling  Academic Counseling  Individual Counseling.

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Presentation on theme: "Senior Year & Beyond 2013-2014. High School Counselors  Crisis Counseling  Group Counseling  Career Counseling  Academic Counseling  Individual Counseling."— Presentation transcript:

1 Senior Year & Beyond 2013-2014

2 High School Counselors  Crisis Counseling  Group Counseling  Career Counseling  Academic Counseling  Individual Counseling  Planning your Future

3 Agenda   Where do I start?   How do I decide what to do after high school?   How do I decide on a college?   What should I be doing now?   When and how do I apply to college?   How do I get into college?   How do I pay for college?

4 Recommended College Prep Courses   EnglishFour years of English   MathematicsFour years of mathematics, including rigorous courses in Algebra I, Geometry, and Algebra II   Natural SciencesThree years of science, including rigorous courses in Biology, Chemistry, and Physics   Social StudiesThree years of social studies   Additional CoursesSome colleges and universities require other classes as prerequisites for admission, such as two or more years of the same foreign language or courses in the visual arts, music, theater, drama, dance, computer science, etc.*Specific high school course requirements vary from institution to institution. Be sure to check with the schools you're interested in to see what they recommend or require.

5 Dual Enrollment MCC, U of M Flint, Kettering, & Baker 1. Meet with high school counselor 2. Apply to the college as a dual enrolled student 3. Turn in Dual Enrollment form to counselor 4. Take (returned form) to college 5. Register for class at the college

6 ACT Retake You can take the ACT no more than 12 times total Many students take the test twice, once as a junior and again as a senior. You can take the ACT no more than 12 times total Many students take the test twice, once as a junior and again as a senior. How will I do on a retest? How will I do on a retest? Of the students who took the ACT more than once: Of the students who took the ACT more than once: 57% increased their Composite score 57% increased their Composite score 21% had no change in their Composite score 21% had no change in their Composite score 22% decreased their Composite score 22% decreased their Composite score

7 ACT Test Dates 2013-2014 Test DateRegistration Deadline June 8, 2013 (SCHS)May 3, 2013 September 21, 2013August 23, 2013 October 26, 2013 (SCHS)September 27, 2013 December 14, 2013 (SCHS)November 8, 2013 February 8, 2014January 10, 2014 April 12, 2014March 7, 2014 June 14, 2014 (SCHS)May 9, 2014

8 Act Registration Student must register online Student creates account Student registers for selected test date and submits payment Student must upload a picture and print admission ticket

9 Senior Year   Get organized – start a folder save EVERYTHING   College Visits   Counselor meeting   Letters of Recommendation   College Applications   Scholarships   Financial Aid   Utilize Career Cruising

10 Choosing a College Right Course Right Course of Study Right Price Right Price RightAtmosphere

11 Campus Visitation Procedure Obtain College Visitation Form from the Guidance Office Obtain College Visitation Form from the Guidance Office Parent calls in EXP absence Parent calls in EXP absence Student obtains signature at college visit Student obtains signature at college visit Attendance office receives form and changes EXP absence to SR Attendance office receives form and changes EXP absence to SR

12 Campus Visits 101 Schedule an appointment with an admissions counselor and/or financial aid administrator at college you are considering Schedule an appointment with an admissions counselor and/or financial aid administrator at college you are considering Take a campus tour Take a campus tour Research the college before you go, so you know the questions to ask Research the college before you go, so you know the questions to ask

13 Campus Visits 101 continued Attend a class and eat in the dining hall Attend a class and eat in the dining hall Check out the range of services and facilities in the bookstore and student center Check out the range of services and facilities in the bookstore and student center Ask students what they like about campus and what they don’t like. Ask students what they like about campus and what they don’t like. Check out whatever is important to you: athletic facilities, fine arts facilities, career counseling office, student newspaper office, etc. Check out whatever is important to you: athletic facilities, fine arts facilities, career counseling office, student newspaper office, etc.

14 College Visits ITT Tech ITT TechAdrian MSU MSUAiAdvantage Grand Valley State University Grand Valley State UniversityAlbion College Kettering University Kettering UniversityAlma College U of D Mercy U of D MercyAquinas College Baker College Baker CollegeCornerstone Northern Michigan University Northern Michigan UniversityEastern Michigan University Ferris State University Ferris State UniversityHope College Central Michigan University Central Michigan UniversityIndiana Tech Western Michigan University Western Michigan UniversityLake Superior State University Spring Arbor University Spring Arbor UniversityMott Community College Wayne State University Wayne State UniversityNorthwood University Hope College Hope CollegeOakland University Saginaw Valley State UniversityUniversity of Michigan Flint University of Michigan Ann Arbor

15 What do I need to get accepted into a college?

16 College Admission Criteria   Academic Performance ( Cumulative/Core)   Class Rank   Strength of Curriculum   Recent trends in academic performance   ACT Score   Recommendations   Leadership, talents, conduct, and diversity of experience   Personal Essays   Interviews

17 Averages for Admission UNIVERSITY GPA ACT Michigan State3.4-3.923-28 Central Michigan3.322 Saginaw Valley3.322 U of M Flint3.422 U of M Ann Arbor3.828-32

18 Application Process MAIL   Complete application   Attach check/money order, letters of recommendation, essay, etc.   Turn in to high school counselor   Counselor completes his/her portion, attaches transcript and mails to college/university ONLINE  Complete application via website (credit card)  Print counselor page and hand in to high school guidance counselor  Counselor completes his/her portion, attaches transcript and mails to college/university  Request a transcript (

19 Request a Transcript

20 FINANCIAL AID FAFSA Free Application for Federal Student Aid online access Financial Aid Night – January 2014

21 Financial Aid Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA)   Need-based money provided for post- secondary education   Grants (do not have to repay)   Student Loans (must repay)   (MUST fill out the FAFSA to qualify for low interest student loans)   Reapply every year

22 Filling out the FAFSA Online Application   Parents and student apply for pin number – electronic signature (website -   FAFSA ON THE WEB WORKSHEET - optional   Complete online application between January 1 st – March 30 th

23 State of Michigan Scholarships and Grants   Children of Veterans Tuition Grant   GEAR UP Michigan Scholarship   Michigan Competitive Scholarship   Michigan Merit Award   Michigan Tuition Grant   Tuition Incentive Program   Robert C. Byrd Honors Scholarship

24 SCHOLARSHIPS   Apply early!   See high school website (   Local (Guidance Office)   Academic (high GPA and ACT)   Athletic   Private, Groups, Organizations

25 Scholarship Website Searches              

26 Swartz Creek High School Guidance Counselors Cheryl Reger A-G(810) 591-1870 Daniel Nolen H-N(810) 591-1869 Michelle HorningO-Z(810) 591-1868

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