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Cation Exchange And It’s Role On Soil Behavior
Presented by Sh.Maghami Instructor : Dr.Nikoodel Autumn ,1391
Contents Chapter 1) Introduction Chapter 2) Clay Structure
Deffinitions Why do soils have CEC Basics of Clay content & CEC Chapter 2) Clay Structure How do clays Have a CEC Isomorphous substitution Foundations and differences of Clays structures Some properties of clay minerals Chapter 3) Surface Properties Surface Properties Relations Chapter 4) Engineering Properties The physical properties affected by surface phenomenones
Cation What expect you to know Cation Exchange How the soil properties
could related to each other Cation Exchange & Cation Echange Capacity (CEC) How CEC effect on soil properties ? What properties affected ? CEC Agents and what Is their relationship to soil Cation What is the relation of surface properties of the soil Describing the clay structures and the differences between those .
Introduction Chapter 1 Definitions Why do soils have CEC
2 3 4 Introduction Definitions Cation Exchange Cation Exchange Capacity Why do soils have CEC
Cation Exchange Cation Exchange Capacity (CEC)
Chapter 1 2 3 4 Definitions Soil colloids will attract and hold positively charged ions to their surface Replacement of one ion for another from solution For every cation that is adsorbed, one goes back into soil solution Cation Exchange In soil science the maximum quantity of total cations , of any class, that a soil is capable of holding, at a given pH value, available for exchange with the soil solution (meq+/100g) Cation Exchange Capacity (CEC)
Chapter 1 2 3 4 Why do soils have CEC ? The cation exchange capacity (CEC) of the soil is determined by the amount of clay and/or humus that is present . Sandy soils with very little OM Clay soils with high levels of OM (negative soil particles attract the positive cations) Clay & Humus : Cation warehouse or reservoir of the soil Low CEC much greater capacity to hold cations . Sand Clay No charge Negative charge. Does not retain cations Attracts and retains cations Si2O4 SiAlO4-
Clay Structure How do clays Have a CEC Isomorphous substitution
1 Chapter 2 3 4 Clay Structure How do clays Have a CEC Isomorphous substitution Foundations and differences of Clays structures 1:1 Clays 2:1 Clays Some properties of clay minerals
1 Chapter 2 3 4 Why do clays have a CEC? If the mineral was pure silica and oxygen (Quartz), the particle would not have any charge. Figure 1 ) SiO 2 Structure
Isomorphous substitution
1 Chapter 2 3 4 Isomorphous substitution However, clay minerals could contain aluminum as well as silica. They have a net negative charge because of : the substitution of silica (Si4+) by aluminum (Al3+) in the clay. This replacement of silica by aluminum in the clay mineral’s structure is called “isomorphous substitution”, and the result is clays with negative surface charge Figure 2) Tetrahedron - SiO4 Octahedron - Al(OH)6
How clays are forming basically ?
1 Chapter 2 3 4 How clays are forming basically ? Sharing of O or OH groups Sheets and unit layers (a) Tetrahedral sheet (b) Octahedral sheet Si Al Figure 3) Sheets Formation
How clays are forming basically ?
1 Chapter 2 3 4 How clays are forming basically ? Exposed Oxygen Si Al Shared Oxygen Hydrogen Balance Oxygen Charge Figure 4) Clays unit structure
A) 1:1 Type Minerals Clay Types Mostly Kaolinite Si Al 7Ao
Chapter 2 3 4 Clay Types A) 1:1 Type Minerals Mostly Kaolinite Si Al 7Ao Hydrogen bonding between layers. This gives 1:1 type minerals a very rigid structure . Figure 5) 1:1 clays Well crystallized Low cation adsorption Little isomorphous substitution Larger particle size ( m m) Fixed lattice type No interlayer activity No shrink-swell Only external surface
B) 2:1 Type Minerals 1. Expanding lattice Clay Types Smectite group
Chapter 2 3 4 Clay Types B) 2:1 Type Minerals 1. Expanding lattice Smectite group Mostly Montmorillonite Si Al Ca H2O 18Ao Mg Freely expanding Water in interlayer Large shrink-swell Small size Poorly crystallized Large internal surface Isomorphous substitution Large cation adsorption Adsorbed cations in interlayer Figure 6) 2:1 expanding clays
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
1 Chapter 2 3 4 Clay Types 2. Non-expanding lattice Fine-grained micas or illite Si Al 10Ao Si Some distribution of Al for Si in the tetrahedral layers leads to permanent net negative charge K K K K K K K Si Al+3 and K+ substitute for Si+4 (tetrahedral sheet) weathering at edges = release of K+ very limited expansion medium cation adsorption limited internal surface properties between kaolinite and vermiculite Al charges from broken edges and hydroxyls are variable and pH-dependent charges from isomorphous substitution are permanent and do not vary with pH Si Figure 7) 2:1 non expanding clays
Vermiculite : Chlorites : Clay Types similar to Smectite
1 Chapter 2 3 4 Clay Types Chlorites : Mg replace K+ of illite Similar to illite Vermiculite : similar to Smectite more structured => limited expansion Rather large cation adsorption Figure 8) Clays comparison
Table 1) Summary of Properties :
Chapter 2 3 4 Table 1) Summary of Properties : Size (um) Surface Area (m2/g) External Internal Interlayer Spacing (nm) Cation Sorption Kaolinite 10-50 - 0.7 5-15 Smectite <1.0 70-150 85-110 Vermiculite 50-100 Illite 5-100 1.0 15-40 Humus coatings Major Clay particles properties differences
+ 4 Na+ + 4 H+ What happens in soil R-H+ R-H+ R-H+ R-H+ R-Na+ R-Na+
1 Chapter 2 3 4 What happens in soil R-H+ R-H+ + 4 Na+ R-H+ R-H+ R-Na+ +4Na+ R-Na+ + 4 H+ R-Na+ R-Na+ Figure 9) what happens in soil
CEC , Shrinkage & Swelling
1 Chapter 2 3 4 Conclusion From the previous discussion , it is obvious that the amount and type of clay in the soil determines cation exchange capacity. Non Clays In addition, the type of clay also affects cation exchange capacity. There are three types of aluminosilicate clays in temperate region soils: Kaolinite Illite CEC , Shrinkage & Swelling Amount and kind of clay. From the previous discussion , it is obvious that the amount of clay in the soil determines cation exchange capacity. In addition, the type of clay also affects cation exchange capacity. There are three types of aluminosilicate clays in temperate region soils: Kaolinite, illite and montmorillonite groups. Due to differences in their crystalline structure and composition the kaolinitic group has low cation exchange capacity, illite as intermediate and the montmorillonite group has the greatest cation exchange capacity. Each soil, because of its parent material or the mode of formation, will be dominated by one type of clay or perhaps a mixture. The montmorillonite type also has the characteristic of a high degree of shrinkage and swelling upon drying and wetting. This is a distinct disadvantage in urban soils where construction is a major activity. It also reduces slope stability. Montmorillonite Figure 10) CEC comparison
1) Ion’s hydrated radius
Chapter 2 3 4 How tight an ion is held . 1) Ion’s hydrated radius • Smaller radius = tighter hold 2) Magnitude of ion’s charge • Higher charge = tighter hold Al3+ > Ca2+ > Mg2+ > K+, NH4 + > Na+ > Li+ How likely an ion species is to be adsorbed is determined by its concentration in the soil solution Higher concentration = more adsorption High concentration of one ion species relative to another ion species can supersede the effect of radius and charge Activity
Surface Properties Chapter 3 Surface Properties Relations 1 2
4 Surface Properties Surface Properties Relations
Surface Properties Relations
1 2 Chapter 3 4 Surface Properties Relations There are some important correlations between some surface properties of soil ,that have to be obvious . This Properties are : Clay Fractures Content Clay Mineral Type Specific Surface Area Cation Exchange Capacity
Reason of differences Montmorillonite Area : 6 m2 Area : 18 m2 1 m
Chapter 3 4 Reason of differences Montmorillonite Area : 6 m2 Area : 18 m2 1 m Figure 11)
Surface Area to relate closely to Cation Exchange Capacity of soils.
1 2 Chapter 3 4 CEC & SSA Relationship Many researchers (e.g., Farrar and Coleman 1967; De Kimpe et al. 1979; Cihacek and Bremner 1979; Newman 1983; Tiller and Smith 1990) have found : Surface Area to relate closely to Cation Exchange Capacity of soils. The surface activity of a clayey soil can be described in part by its CEC or by its Specific Surface Area (Locat et al. 1984). Gill and Reaves (1957) presented SSA versus CEC with a correlation coefficient of r2 = 0.95, which is similar to Mortland’s (1954) and Reeve’s et al. (1954) findings. Farrar and Coleman (1967) presented results for 19 British Clays, which show a relatively linear correlation between CEC and SSA. All of these equations can be found in Table 2 .
Table 2) Equations between CEC and SSA
1 2 Chapter 3 4 Table 2) Equations between CEC and SSA CEC=0.15SA-1.99 Southestern US Clay Gill and Reaves (1957) CEC=0.28SA+2 British Clay Soils Farrar and Coleman (1967) CEC=0.12SA+3.23 Israel soils Banin and Amiel (1970) CEC=0.14SA+3.6 Osaka Bay Clay Tanaka (1999) Correlation Equations for Relationships Between CEC and Surface Area .
1 2 Chapter 3 4 Figure 12) SSA versus CEC Correlation Between CEC and SSA for Osaka Bay Clay. (after Tanaka 1999) Correlation Between CEC and SSA for Clay Soils of Israel. (after Banin and Amiel 1970)
Relationship Between Cation Exchange Capacity and Clay Fraction.
1 2 Chapter 3 4 Figure 13) CF versus CEC Relationship between Surface Area and Clay Fraction for Sensitive Canadian Clays. (after Locat et al. 1984) Relationship Between Cation Exchange Capacity and Clay Fraction. (after Davidson et al. 1952) Relationship between Surface Area and Clay Fraction for Sensitive Canadian Clays. (after Locat et al. 1984)
Total surface area of different clays
1 2 Chapter 3 4 Total surface area of different clays According to this chart it is expected to cation exchange capacity have an increasing trend from montmorillonit to kaolinite . M2/g Figure 16) Surface area of clays
Figure 14) Cation activity chart
2 Chapter 3 4 Figure 14) Cation activity chart Cation Activity Chart (after Kolbuszewski et al. 1965)
Engineering Properties
Chapter 4 1 2 3 Chapter 4 Engineering Properties How the surface properties affect on soil physical properties
1 2 Chapter 3 4 Introduction Many properties of the fine-grained soils are attributed to cation exchange, which is a surface phenomenon . By replacing the existing cations in the exchange complex, several improvements can be effected in the soil properties. These beneficial changes are in the form of reduction in plasticity, increase in the strength, and reduction in the compressibility. Figure 11) Lime Stabilization The addition of lime to a soil supplies an excess of calcium ions, and cation exchange can take place with divalent calcium, Ca+2 replacing all other monovalent cations. The base exchange phenomenon has been used by several investigators to explain the effects of chemical stabilization. (K. Mathew 1997)
Soil Engineering Properties
1 2 3 Chapter 4 Diagram Following previous session ,some soil engineering properties changes that found to be related ,directly or not ,with Cation Exchange process are discussed 1: Atterberg Limits 2: Dispersion 3: Hydraulic conductivity Soil Engineering Properties 4: Swelling Potential 5: Compressibility 6: Consoildation
1 2 3 Chapter 4 1 : Atterberg Limits Sridharan et al. (1975) tested seven natural soils containing montmorillonite as the dominant clay mineral and showed the relationship between the Atterberg limits and Clay Fraction (CF), SSA and CEC. The Liquid Limit versus CEC shows somewhat of a linear trend, as indicated in Figure 19. LL% CEC Figure 15) CEC versus LL% (Sridharan et al.1975)
Relationship Between Cation Exchange Capacity and Liquid Limit.
1 2 3 Chapter 4 Figure 16) LL versus CEC Relationship Between Cation Exchange Capacity and Liquid Limit. (after Davidson et al. 1952)
This Slide Removed For More Reviews…
1 2 3 Chapter 4 Figure 17) PL versus CEC This Slide Removed For More Reviews…
Relationship Between Cation Exchange Capacity and Plasticity Index
1 2 3 Chapter 4 Figure 18) IP versus CEC Relationship Between Cation Exchange Capacity and Plasticity Index (after Davidson et al. 1952)
Relationship Between Cation Exchange Capacity and Shrinkage Limit.
1 2 3 Chapter 4 Figure 19) SL versus CEC Relationship Between Cation Exchange Capacity and Shrinkage Limit. (after Davidson et al. 1952)
Montmorillonitic soils = high water adsorption = high shrinkage
1 2 3 Chapter 4 Shrinkage Limit The shrinkage of clay soils is often said to depend not only on the amount of clay, but also on its nature (Greene-Kelly 1974). Montmorillonitic soils = high water adsorption = high shrinkage (Smith 1959) Clay % SL optimum clay content (Sridharan 1998). 30 and 50 %.
Table 3) Equations between PL , LL & SA
1 2 3 Chapter 4 Table 3) Equations between PL , LL & SA The Plastic and Liquid limit has been highly correlated with CEC and Specific Surface Area (Smith et al. 1985; Gill and Reaves 1957; Farrar and Coleman 1967; Odell et al. 1960), as seen in Table 3 . CEC=0.55LL-12.2 British Clay Soils Farrar and Coleman (1967) CEC=1.74LL-38.15 Clays from Israel Smith et al. (1985) CEC=3.57PL-61.3 PL=0.43SAext African/Georgia/Missoury Hammel et al. (1983) PL=0.064SA+16.60 Correlation Equations for Relationships Between PL ,LL ,and SA
Sodic soils are typically highly dispersive.
1 2 3 Chapter 4 2: Dispersion Surface area may also play a significant role in controlling the behavior of dispersive clays through surface charge properties (e.g., Heinzen et al. 1977; Harmse et al. 1988; Sridharan et al. 1992; Bell et al. 1994). Sodic soils are typically highly dispersive. Sodic soils have a high concentration of exchangeable Na+ ,therefore much of the negative charge on the clay is neutralized by Na+, creating a thick layer of positive charge that may prevent clay particles from flocculating.
3: Hydraulic conductivity
1 2 3 Chapter 4 3: Hydraulic conductivity A laboratory study of the hydraulic conductivity (HC) of a marine clay with monovalent, divalent and trivalent cations revealed large differences in HC . RAO et all 1995 suggests that HC is significantly affected by the valency and size of the adsorbed cations . An increase in the valency of the adsorbed cations Higher HC For a constant valency An increase in the hydrated radius of the adsorbed cations Lower HC As per Ahmed et al (1969) and Quirk and Schofield (1955) HC is related to exchangeable cations in the following order Ca = Mg > K > Na
As the surface area increases, the swelling potential increases
1 2 3 Chapter 4 4: Swelling Potential The more montmorillonite in the mixture, the more internal surface and the surface area. As the surface area increases, the swelling potential increases De Bruyn et al. (1957) presented results and a classification of various soils using Specific Surface Area and moisture contents. His criteria state that soils with : TSSA < 70 m2/g & w % < 3% non-expansive (good) . TSSA > 300 m2/g & w % > 10% expansive (bad) .
Figure 21) Swelling versus SSA
3 Chapter 4 Figure 21) Swelling versus SSA Swelling Specific Surface Area (De Bruyn et al ,1957)
1 2 3 Chapter 4 5: Compressibility It has been established that the thickness of the double layer is sensitive to changes in cations present on the surface (Van Olphen 1963). The divalent and trivalent cations in the adsorbed complex of clayey soil are known to reduce the thickness of the diffuse double layer by one-half and one-third. respectively (Mitchell 1976) An increase in valency leads to a reduction in compressibility , and at a constant valency an increase in the hydrated radii of the adsorbed cations resulted in an increase in compressibility. Further, it has been found that preconsolidation pressure increases with valency of the cations.(K. Mathew 1997).
1 2 3 Chapter 4 Figure 22)Cc versus SSA (De Bruyn et al ,1957)
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Engineering Geology Department , Tarbiat Modares University ,Tehran Iran .
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