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New York State Career Development and Occupational Studies Commencement Credential New York State Education Department P-12: Office of Special Education.

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Presentation on theme: "New York State Career Development and Occupational Studies Commencement Credential New York State Education Department P-12: Office of Special Education."— Presentation transcript:

1 New York State Career Development and Occupational Studies Commencement Credential New York State Education Department P-12: Office of Special Education October 2013 MODULE 3: CDOS LEARNING STANDARDS

2 Topics O CDOS Learning Standards 1. Career Development 2. Integrated Learning 3a. Universal Foundation Skills 3b. Career Majors (Optional for credential) O Instruction and Documentation of Attainment of CDOS Learning Standards O Additional Resources

3 3

4 CDOS Learning Standards 1. Career Development: knowledgeable about the world of work; explore career options; and relate personal skills, abilities and aptitudes to future career decisions 2. Integrated Learning: academic knowledge and skills applied in the workplace and other settings 3a. Universal Foundation Skills: foundation skills and competencies essential for success in the workplace 3b. Career Majors: career-specific technical knowledge/skills

5 CAREER DEVELOPMENT Self-knowledge Who am I? Career exploration Where am I going? Career Plan How do I get there? INTEGRATED LEARNING What am I learning? Why am I learning it? How can I use it? UNIVERSAL FOUNDATION SKILLS What do I need to know? What skills are important for me? knowledge application skills Questions students should be able to answer

6 1. Career Development

7 2. Integrated Learning O Application of academic knowledge and skills in the workplace and other settings. Students will:  research, interpret, analyze and evaluate information; and  use essential academic concepts, facts and procedures in work and personal settings.

8 Personal Qualities  Selects /Applies Technology  Maintains Equipment  Designs and Creates To Meet Needs Technology Thinking Skills  Can Think Creatively  Uses Decision Making Skills  Thinking Leads to Problem Solving  Knows How to Learn  Applies Knowledge to New Situations Systems  Improves & Designs Systems  Monitors & Corrects Performances  Understands How Systems Perform Related to Goals, Resources and Organizational Function Demonstrates:  Responsibility  Ability to Plan  Ability to Take Independent Action  Integrity/Honesty  Self-determination and ability to self-evaluate knowledge, skills and abilities Basic Skills  Can Read  Can Write  Perform Math Functions  Listens Effectively  Speaks Clearly Career Development and Occupational Studies Standard 3A Universal Foundation Skills Managing Resources Understands how to use:  Materials  Facilities  Time  Money  Human Resources  Networking  Acquires and Evaluates Information  Organizes/Maintains Information  Interprets/Communicates Information  Uses Computers to Enter, Modify, Retrieve and Store Data Managing Information  Teaches Others  Serves Clients  Exercises Leadership  Negotiates/Communicates  Works as a Member of a Team  Works with Diversity Interpersonal Skills

9 3b. Career Majors (Optional for this credential) O Grade 9-12 approved program in career and technical education (CTE) O CTE studies are organized in the following content areas: Agricultural Education; Business and Marketing Education; Family and Consumer Sciences Education; Health Occupations Education; Technology Education; and Trade and Technical Education.

10 1. Key Ideas ●Performance Indicators ▲Sample Tasks


12 Technical Assistance O Questions: email O P-12: Office of Special Education: Diploma and Nondiploma Exiting Credentials quire.html quire.html O Special Education Policy (518) 473-2878

13 Resources O June 2013 Special Education Field Advisory: NYS Career Development and Occupational Studies Commencement Credential OScredential-memo-613.htm OScredential-memo-613.htm O CDOS Learning Standards O Career Development and Occupational Studies (CDOS) Resource Guide guide.html guide.html

14 Resources (con’t) O NYS Career Plans O CareerZone: A comprehensive career exploration and planning system developed by the NYS Department of Labor O NYS Career and Technical Education Assistance Center: Common Core Learning Standards and Career Development and Occupational Studies Learning Standards Crosswalk 20Crosswalk%20ELA.pdf 20Crosswalk%20ELA.pdf

15 Resources (con’t) O Training Regional Special Education Technical Assistance Support Centers (RSE-TASC) ations.htm ations.htm O RSE-TASC Transition Specialists st.htm st.htm O The NYS Career and Technical Education Technical Assistance Center (CTE-TAC) http://www.nyctecenter.org

16 Webinar Modules O Module 1 – Overview O Module 2 – Career Plan and CareerZone O Module 3 – NYS CDOS Learning Standards O Module 4 – CTE Coursework and Work- based Learning O Module 5 – Employability Profile O Module 6 – National Work Readiness Credentials

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