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Scottish Universities Physics Alliance SUPA Graduate School Avril Manners Director, SUPA Graduate School

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Presentation on theme: "Scottish Universities Physics Alliance SUPA Graduate School Avril Manners Director, SUPA Graduate School"— Presentation transcript:

1 Scottish Universities Physics Alliance SUPA Graduate School Avril Manners Director, SUPA Graduate School

2 Scottish Universities Physics Alliance Graduate School Strategy To continue to seek and develop new possibilities for expanding the Graduate School, improving its quality and promoting it internationally. To explore mutually beneficial relationships with the graduate schools of other pools. To consider how best to lever the advanced undergraduate physics programmes in Scotland to benefit both postgraduate and undergraduate training. To develop a proposal for a framework to operate a multi- institution MSc programme. To develop more targeted transferable skills training for postgraduates, where possible leading to recognised credits/certification, eg for teaching via the Higher Education Academy. To organise annual discussion fora for students at each SUPA institution to ensure the Graduate School understands student needs.

3 Scottish Universities Physics Alliance Progress against Plan (last AC) Quality Lecturer Handbook with Academic Procedures Student Fora Future-proof the VC rooms Relationships Cross-pool Entrepreneurship Training Shared IT and MSc model MSc in Nuclear Technology Industrial demand Nuclear skills gap / Life extension of facilities CPD

4 Scottish Universities Physics Alliance PhD Students 2011/12

5 Scottish Universities Physics Alliance PhD Students by University

6 Scottish Universities Physics Alliance PhD Students by Theme

7 Scottish Universities Physics Alliance PhD 1 st Years by University

8 Scottish Universities Physics Alliance PhD 1 st Years by Theme

9 Scottish Universities Physics Alliance Induction and Courses

10 Scottish Universities Physics Alliance Enrolments Semester I

11 Scottish Universities Physics Alliance Enrolments Semester II

12 Scottish Universities Physics Alliance SUPA Prize Studentships Year2009201020112012 Number of completed applications 151208320329 Conversion rate 44%74%76%88%

13 Scottish Universities Physics Alliance Graduate School Partnerships Scottish CM-DTC – £6M 5 year project – 50 studentships INSPIRE – KE/PaLS/GS – £1.6M 3 year project – 14 industrial studentships IDC in Optics and Photonics – £5M 5 year project – 50 studentships CDTs –Application of Next Generation Accelerators –Magnetic Resonance DTP (BBSRC) –EastBio Other Pools University of Aberdeen RCUK Catalyst award in Public Engagement

14 Scottish Universities Physics Alliance MSc / CPD in Nuclear Technology

15 Scottish Universities Physics Alliance Proceeding with caution

16 Scottish Universities Physics Alliance Post Doctoral and Early Career Researcher Exchanges Put out a call via the SUPA mailing list 12 applications (7PostDocs and 5PhDs) Reviewed by the GSMC 7 awards (6PostDocs and 1PhD) £23940 of £25000 committed to date 2 joint awards – 1 SINAPSE +1 ERP Exchange projects – String Theory, MIT; Biomedicine Acoustic tweezing, Pennsylvania State University; Critical timing fault isolation, DCG Systems California; PET, Cyclotron Research Centre, Liege Belgium; Silica/tantala coatings, Stanford; submm galaxies, Harvard-­ ‐ Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics; ZEPLIN instrumentation, Sanford Underground Laboratory

17 Scottish Universities Physics Alliance Meetings, Summer Schools and Distinguished Visitors SUSSP67: Quantum Information & Coherence, SUSSP68: Laser-Plasma Interactions and Applications, SUSSP69: LHC Physics Intro Biology SS, Solar Energy SS, ADA, Entrepreneurship and Careers ATLAS UK Review Meeting, GW Bursts, Young PP Theorists Forum Brian Wilson, Ontario Cancer Institute; Dieter Mueller, Ruhr-University Bochum; Ilya Sheikin, CNRS; Joan Centrella, University of Maryland; William Briscoe, George Washington University

18 Scottish Universities Physics Alliance IT Infrastructure

19 Scottish Universities Physics Alliance Video Conferencing

20 Scottish Universities Physics Alliance Expansion of the Graduate School Extend the SUPA GS into technical training encompassing other STEM areas Enhance the quality and efficiency of generic skills training and employability –GTA Training, Problem Solving, Innovation Academy, Public Engagement, Industrial Engagement Expand the Prize Studentship Competition Extend DTCs (Autumn 2012 / Spring 2013) –CM-DTC, IDC-Optics and Photonics –PaLS / Biophotonics, Quantum Optics

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